Without anything pressing to defend in the US - the American Civil Liberties Union is fighting so that the prisoners in South Carolina have more reading material than the Bible.
Does anyone other than the ACLU see this as a good idea?
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Dem Rep Wasserman Schultz Says Republicans Think Illegal Immigration Is - Well - Illegal!
Debra Wasserman Schultz like can't believe like the Republicans like want illegal immigration to be illegal! OMG!
She also believes that if it was up to the Republicans we would all be driving foreign vehicles and they would have allowed the American auto industry to fail. If illegals are so intrical and necessary to our economy - shouldn't we be driving foreign cars? I mean illegals ARE foreigners. Oh - did I mention that she owns a Nissan? You know - made by foreigners.
Let me see.......she is proud of her Jewish heritage and is happy to support a pro-Israel president. You read that correctly a pro-Israel president. Did you see that Israel borders speech given by Captain Kick-ass?
If we could get her and Biden together at a press conference I think they could set the Democratic party back at least 10 years.
She also believes that if it was up to the Republicans we would all be driving foreign vehicles and they would have allowed the American auto industry to fail. If illegals are so intrical and necessary to our economy - shouldn't we be driving foreign cars? I mean illegals ARE foreigners. Oh - did I mention that she owns a Nissan? You know - made by foreigners.
Let me see.......she is proud of her Jewish heritage and is happy to support a pro-Israel president. You read that correctly a pro-Israel president. Did you see that Israel borders speech given by Captain Kick-ass?
If we could get her and Biden together at a press conference I think they could set the Democratic party back at least 10 years.
Number Of Government Owned Limosines Has Soared Under Obama's Administration
I believe it is the Liberals that keep telling me that it is the evil corporations that flaunt their wealth. That may have been true until the age of Obama government. The number of government owned limos has increased by 73%.
Welcome to the new age government where the first lady wears $2000 dresses and damn near everyone rides around in a limo. I would trust that at a minimum all the limos are elongated Chevy Volts.
Welcome to the new age government where the first lady wears $2000 dresses and damn near everyone rides around in a limo. I would trust that at a minimum all the limos are elongated Chevy Volts.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Is America Really Broke? We Can't Be We Have The Super Rich
In this video Bill Whittle walks us through how we can pay for one year of Obama's budget plan.
Did You Hear That Chrysler Paid The Taxpayers Back? They Did? Really?
Do you remember this GM lie?
Well, here is the Chrysler lie. I am borrowing text from the linked article because I don't believe I can put it any better.
The Obama Energy Department is loaning (Fiat) a foreign car company $3.5 billion so that it can pay the US Treasury Department $7.6 billion even though American taxpayers spent $13 billion to save an American car company that is currently only worth $5 billion.
Oh, and Obama plans to make this “success” a centerpiece of his 2012 campaign.
Well, here is the Chrysler lie. I am borrowing text from the linked article because I don't believe I can put it any better.
The Obama Energy Department is loaning (Fiat) a foreign car company $3.5 billion so that it can pay the US Treasury Department $7.6 billion even though American taxpayers spent $13 billion to save an American car company that is currently only worth $5 billion.
Oh, and Obama plans to make this “success” a centerpiece of his 2012 campaign.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
California Ordered By Supreme Court To Release 46,000 Prisoners
For the well being of the prisoners the Supreme Court ruled that the California penal system - 32,000 prisoners over capacity - is to release 46,000 prisoners. Does anyone really have to ask themselves - what could possibly go wrong?
If I may make a suggestion - I say put them all in Pelosi's district. With God giving her her guidance I'm sure she has a solution for being flooded by 46k felons.
If I may make a suggestion - I say put them all in Pelosi's district. With God giving her her guidance I'm sure she has a solution for being flooded by 46k felons.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
AARP Receives Obamacare Waiver
Oh look who supported Obamacare and now has a waiver from having to participate in it. I ask you AARP if Obamacare was good enough for Andy Griffith - why is it now not good enough for you?
What it really comes down to is that AARP supported the passing of Obamacare in hopes that it would eliminate their competition in supplemental Medicare insurance - Medicare Advantage.
This waiver (as is the case with all of them) is nothing more than a political payoff and you AARP have no more integrity than the slimy US government!
What it really comes down to is that AARP supported the passing of Obamacare in hopes that it would eliminate their competition in supplemental Medicare insurance - Medicare Advantage.
This waiver (as is the case with all of them) is nothing more than a political payoff and you AARP have no more integrity than the slimy US government!
Gene - I Was With You 'Almost' The Whole Way
This was Israeil born Gene Simmons' comments on Obama wanting to go back to 1967 borders for Israel.
Gene you are the first person to tell the world how intelligent you are but by your continued thinking that Obama is a good guy - means to me that you are still waiting in line for the Kool-aid.
Gene you are the first person to tell the world how intelligent you are but by your continued thinking that Obama is a good guy - means to me that you are still waiting in line for the Kool-aid.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
20% Of The New Obamacare Waivers Go To Pelosi's District
Let me take you back to her famous speech where she told the American people "we have to pass the bill to find out what is in it."
Well, apparently doesn't like what is in it because 38 of the 200 latest waivers went to businesses in her district. If we looked at the waivers given out so far (which is over 1,000) almost all of them have gone to unions and particular congressional districts.
Can you say political payoffs? San Francisco should be proud - Pelosi screwed the entire nation for you!
Well, apparently doesn't like what is in it because 38 of the 200 latest waivers went to businesses in her district. If we looked at the waivers given out so far (which is over 1,000) almost all of them have gone to unions and particular congressional districts.
Can you say political payoffs? San Francisco should be proud - Pelosi screwed the entire nation for you!
Did You Really Question Why Kagan Was Appointed To The Supreme Court?
Did anyone out there really wonder why someone with absolutely no judicial experience was getting a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land? If you were - lucky for you the evidence is coming in. According to documents obtained by Judicial Watch Kagan has been working on the defense of the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) since the beginning.
Do you see a problem with her being impartial when it goes before the Supreme Court?
Do you see a problem with her being impartial when it goes before the Supreme Court?
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Another Example Of Government Being Dangerously Wrong!
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
To sum it up in today's terminology - this is what protects us from illegal searches and seizures but not in Indiana!
This is a classic example of what happens when the Constitution is pissed on - in the name of progressivism. To make sure that violence is not escalated - in the state of Indiana - you are to just let any law enforcement into your home for any reason.
Would this mean you can't stop anyone from coming into your home? or just law enforcement? The Indiana supreme court says they don't want violence to escalate so if some dirt bag breaks into to your home to seize some of your property I guess you are just supposed to let him do it - instead of putting 6 shots center mass.
Think You Want Newt As Our Next President?
This guy has a load of baggage from his past that he needs a moving truck to carry around but here is one of the skeletons that you may not remember. This is from 2008 where he did his best to spread the climate change BS.
Friday, May 13, 2011
The Master Puppeteer?

Left-wing billionaire George Soros one of the current leading architects of the NWO in the world today. Make no mistake about it. So, is it any wonder that he controls most of our mass-media??
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Obama Situation Room Photos Staged?
I have had better luck finding more truthful articles about what is happening in the US from outside news sources than the crap we can read here. If you read the referenced article - it would appear that the White House released photos we have seen on the OBL killing has been staged for our viewing pleasure. I guess the real question is who's news do you believe?
Friday, May 6, 2011
Largest Bailout By Taxpayers Evah!
Who among us doesn't believe we have put enough money into the bottomless failures known as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? The government expects their rescue to cost taxpayers about $259 billion.
Where is the Liberal outrage over the "Big O's" pay czar giving his blessing to the CEO's of these 2 loser companies? Just watch the short video below.
Where is the Liberal outrage over the "Big O's" pay czar giving his blessing to the CEO's of these 2 loser companies? Just watch the short video below.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Is OBL Killing Obama's 9-11/Oklahoma City Bombing?
Here is what we know: The president's policies stink and his popularity drops with every legitimate poll - he needs a shot in the arm to prove he is the leader the mainstream media wants us to believe that he is. What better way to boost himself than doing something nobody else has been able to do? Get Osama Bin Laden.
I don't know or care is you are a conspiracy nut and believe that OBL died in 2001 of renal failure but let us ask our government a few questions (assuming he was still alive) about what happened and what is the fallout from the killing of OBL.
Focusing On Jobs With A Laser-Like Focus - I Give You The Obama Administration
Boeing would like to open a new manufacturing plant in South Carolina to build their new Boeing 787 airplane but the NLRB (Obama's union buddies) are doing everything they can to stop it.
Question: Why would they want to stop a company from creating 1,000 jobs?
Answer: South Carolina is a right to work state and the plant would be non-union.
Now if you you don't know this story - Boeing is not moving their Washington plant nor are they eliminating any jobs from there - so why is the NLRB (which is supposedly there to promote new business in this country) trying to stop the new plant? Where is the greatest president (whose laser-like focus is on job creation) this country has ever had and what is his position on this matter?
Those are damn good questions?
Question: Why would they want to stop a company from creating 1,000 jobs?
Answer: South Carolina is a right to work state and the plant would be non-union.
Now if you you don't know this story - Boeing is not moving their Washington plant nor are they eliminating any jobs from there - so why is the NLRB (which is supposedly there to promote new business in this country) trying to stop the new plant? Where is the greatest president (whose laser-like focus is on job creation) this country has ever had and what is his position on this matter?
Those are damn good questions?
Monday, May 2, 2011
Paul Ryan Sets The Record Straight
Please send this to all those that still don't get what needs to be done and what this man is planning to do - if the morons would just get out of the way.
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