Saturday, May 29, 2010

The YouCut Vote Results Shot Down Again This Week By The Liberal Majority

The issue that won the public YouCut vote was to suspend the raises for federal employees.  This move would have saved the taxpayers $30 billion but as you can see by the video below and from my headline - the Liberals wanted nothing to do with this.

Here is the link for the next YouCut vote.

Montebello High School Wrongly Accused In Appalling American Flag Display

There is an email going around that shows the Montebello High School participating in a flag demonstration that I personally find appalling.  On March 27, 2006 a school from the city of Whittier was protesting immigration problems when they came upon Montebello High School hoping to recruit more protesters for their cause.  School officials were told the protesters were on the way so they locked down the school.  According to the Montebello High School website and this letter from Robert G Henke - Assistant Superintendent none of the Montebello students were involved in the protest.
A student from the Whittier area took down the American flag, the State of California flag, ran the Mexican flag up the empty pole, turned the American flag upside down and flew it below the Mexican one.

I believe in the right to protest, freedom of speech and I get why they did it but I don't have to like it!

Remembering Our Troops

I know this video is from a Veteran's Day ceremony but it works for every day of the year!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Did North Korea Torpedo the BP Oil Rig???

This theory is one that is gaining some attention amongst the blogosphere, European news sources and , in one case, the MSM here in America. Hmmm... It could make sense given the fact that the first thing Comrade Obama did on hearing of the diaster was to order SWAT teams to the area. Read more here...

To BHO - If You Don't Like Arizona's Law - Wait For The Massachusetts Law

Hey there big O - I guess with all of your vacations and keeping that laser like focus of yours on the oil spill in the gulf you probably haven't been following what is developing in the little state of Mass.  Let me fill you in.  After a recent poll showing that 84% of the liberal leaning voters support tough immigration laws the state senate just passed a bill that will do the following:

Bank Of America Program To Target Illegal Immigrant Customer Base

In 2007 Bank of America started a program to get people without social security numbers high interest rate credit cards.  Wells Fargo Bank had been giving illegals home mortgages for some time and Bank of America felt that they needed to get in on the action.

Ex CIA Operative Explains Government

This is a video of Robert D. Steele explaining how things in the government really work.  It looks like this video is condensed - I will see if I can track down the entire thing.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Latest Liberal Attempt To Buy The November Elections

The latest Lefty attempt at buying the November elections is in the form of another bullsh!t stimulus bill.  This bill is being disguised as a another jobs/close the tax loop holes bill.  What this piece of crap really is is another tax increase on the private business sector to hide some of the cost of Obamacare, buy off minority farmers and low income youth.

Additional Troops At Border Will Not Enforce Immigration Laws

You read the title correctly - the 1200 additional troops going to the border are not going to be used to enforce this country's immigration laws.  Why not you ask?  The answer to that would be because the Mexican government urged Washington not to.  Isn't it good to know that even though 70% of the country believes Arizona is correct with what they are trying to do our president is letting Mexico set our immigration policy.

Government Using The Census To Improve Unemployment Figures

I believe I posted something about this in an earlier rant but in this article it would appear that the crooked census bureau has a few whistle blowers.  Did you know that according to the labor department you are no longer considered an unemployment statistic if you work one hour per month?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

This picture was supposedly taken at a funeral for a fallen US soldier and whether that is true or not is not relevant for my point.  If you look closely at the picture you see an American flag the size of a house, 3 military personnel saluting, 1 civilian with his hand over his heart and the commander in chief doing a cup check.  This man has bowed to every country leader he has met - probably has bowed to his undocumented gardener but chooses to hold his boys when he should be showing respect for this country and the people in it!

Do You Think BHO And AIG Are In It Together?

These are the evil people the "Chosen One" is protecting us from.  At least he is being civil and tranparent about inviting them to the White House.  I have no doubts that AIG helped to wrtite the reform legislation.  What a fine and upstanding leader this country has!

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

In a shocking move - the DOJ dropped its investigation into AIGIf the DOJ kept up with its investigation do you think they would have been obligated to inform the public with what most of us already know - the federal government had a huge role in the financial collapse? 
With the passing of the BS Financial Reform legislation why should the DOJ keep up its investigation.  The reform legislation makes sure that the banks will always be bailed out-  end of story.  Hmmmmm - AIG backed the reform legislation - do you think they knew the DOJ would drop the inquiry?

GOP Candidate Djou Wins In Hawaii Special Election

I wonder if the "Chosen One" will see any significance in this election result?  It is the first time in 20 years the GOP has held a seat in Congress, is supposedly the birth place of BHO and BHO got 72% of the vote from that district in the 2008 election.
Personally, I don't see any significance there.

Feingold Going Against Party On Financial Reform

After reading the linked article about Feingold I can only gather from it that he is on Feingold's re-election staff.  If we think about this for just a little bit.....aside from Harry Reid the most important senator for the left is Feingold.  He is a master at voting against the party when he knows the vote is in the bag so in an election year when his popularity is at a low - why not let him go against the party to look good in your state. 
Remember everyone - he voted for stimulus and obamacare.  Without further ado here is that far left Progressive looking out for the little guy.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Police Escort SEIU Union Thugs To Private Home To Protest

Here is what things are coming to in this country.  We have a D.C. police department giving an escort to some union thugs so they can protest the private residence of a bank president.  If you read the article you will see that the police that escorted them there did not have the authority to make them leave even though they were breaking other words they just sat and watched.
I wonder if I would have been given a police escort for sticking my foot up someone's a$$ at the protest?

Chicago Mayor Threatens Reporter With Bayonet

Mayor Daley is all about gun control - to prove his point he uses a gun with a bayonet on it.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Obama On Immigration In 2008 - Before He Needed Their Votes

Obama Has A Marxist Moment

Hey! BHO - stick to the telepromter.  Just a little tip from me to you.

One Of The Reasons Newt Gingrich Is Unfit To Be President

Government To Bail Out Chicago Bank With Ties To Obama

That's right people.......we taxpayers get to bail out some of BHOs buddies.  Ahhhhhhh Chicago politics in the White House.......come on you don't think he has forgotten his boys in Chicago?

No You Won't Keep Your Doctor And Yes Your Wait Will Increase

Read this article and tell me if you still buy BHOs crap about his health care solution?  I added the video below in case you have forgotten that you can tell he is lying because his lips are moving.

Financial Reform Bill Loaded With Non-Reform Amendments

There is a practice in Washington that just chaps my a$$ and it is the attachment of amendments to a bill that have nothing to do with the bill they are amending.  The financial reform bill is no different - it has 326 amendments ranging from finishing the border fence to dealing with crap in Congo.  They wonder why the country's approval rating of Congress is as low as it is?

Incumbents Are Not Safe Anymore

At some point Washington had better start taking notice of what we the people are saying because the voters are starting to slowly weed the old guard incumbents out.  When the unlikely happened in New Jersey and Virginia they shrugged it off.  When the impossible happened in Massachusetts they still chose to ignore it.  In the last few weeks they have seen Bennett go down and yesterday Spector bit the dust. 
Yes Washington - the taxpaying voters are starting to be heard!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Sign From God To BHO?

On May 16th the White House was swarmed by thousands of bees.  Good thing BHO is a Muslim - he might have seen it as a sign or something.

BHO Signed The Press Freedom Act

BHO signed the Press Freedom Act and then refused to answer any questions.
Has "The Chosen One" become disenchanted with his minions?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

If You Went By TV Ads Alone - This Guy Would Have My Vote

Don't know anything about this guy but he has a great campaign add.

Latest WHO Reports Links Cell Phone Usage to Brain Cancer

Teddy Roosevelt On Immigration

'In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language.. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.'

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

My Moron Of The Week

Here is a clip from the Michael Savage radio show.  How is it that people like this are allowed to own a phone?  Oh yeah......she must have gotten some of that Obama money!

Charlie Daniels - A Man Of Wisdom

When I have control of the radio dial in my truck it has rarely, if ever, found its way onto a country station but there are country singers that everyone seems to know.  I have always known Charlie Daniels as the guy that sang the cool song about 'How The Devil Went Down To Georgia'.  When that song came out (I believe in the 70's) it was cool because in one of the versions he called the devil a my young warped mind that made him cool.

Awesome Pictures Of The World's Greatest Military

The title says it all!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Let Me Make This Perfectly Clear - Everybody Is To Blame But ME

In a surprising turn of events an angry president made it perfectly clear that his administration has done everything correctly in reference to the response time to, the overseeing of the clean up and the regulation of the oil business in general.  The biggest bombshell dropped by "The Chosen One" is that this oil spill is all Bush's fault!!
In what this blogger would call a brilliant political move, the current administration has taken credit for the Coast Guard doing their job.  I will not take anything away from the job the Coast Guard does but "The One" is going to take credit for them being at the oil rig explosion shortly after it happened when that is what they do......with or without the blessing of the Messiah in the big white house.

Friday, May 14, 2010

YouCut - Where Your Vote Counts On Legislation

On paper this is a great idea and you may want to put this page in your favorites.   If you watch the video and scroll down afterward you will see the items you can vote on as being the problems you want addressed.  At the very bottom you will be able to submit your ideas to control government spending.
We can only hope this is a legitimate offering.

The Top 10 Dumbest Defenses of Elena Kagan

Jason Mattera is a young conservative that is quickly developing a following in the circle of people I hang out with.  Here is an article he wrote about The Top 10 Dumbest Defenses of Elena Kagan.
It would be funnier if it wasn't true.

It Wasn't Really A Promise - It Was A Preference

When White House Budget Director Peter Orszog was questioned at a sponsored Manhatten breakfast about the real probablility of taxes being raised on the middle class he told the press that BHO didn't promise not to do it but that he preferred not to do it.
Funny - no matter how many times I listen I can't hear him say "prefer".

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Boycott the Boycotters??

With more than a bit of irony, some are calling for a boycott of the boycott . Oh well, turnabout IS fair play! More power to 'em, I say.....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Elena Kagan Front Runner For Supreme Court Justice

Why would anyone question "The One" when it comes to nominating a person to a federal position?  Nobody can pick qualified tax cheats or people with conflicting interests like good old BHO but this nomination should make you sit up and go hmmmmmmm.  The question you must ask yourself is why would you nominate someone that has never been a judge at any level?  In fact, until recently she had never argued a case in court.  Are we to believe that there are no qualified judges in this country?  If that is the case what chance in hell does a person have to a fair trial?

Senate Unanimously Passes FED Audit Bill

Those Ron Paul fans that may be thinking he finally got his way on one of his biggest missions in life are going to be sorely disappointed.  If you go to his website you can read where he says this bill should not be called an audit but a disclosure statement.
The bill introduced by Senator Bernard Sanders was originally supposed to allow Congress to audit the FED on a regular basis but BHO's administration and the liberals put a quick end to that.  They got Sanders to widdle his bill down to a one time examination of its massive emergency lending programs.

Census Shocker! Census Worker Rapes Physically Disabled Woman

Hard to believe a government program would be used as a way to get into homes for sex or money.  Dan Miller is a government employee so if you go by past government worker crimes he will probably be suspended with pay for several years, be aquitted and return to work as a congressman.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Medal Of Honor Winner Changes American Flag Law

Great soldier's story
 Published: Sunday, December 13, 2009

Head east from Carthage on Mississippi 16 toward Philadelphia. After a few
miles a sign says you're in Edinburg. It s a good thing the sign's there, because
there's no other way to tell.

On June 15, 1919, Van T. Barfoot was born in Edinburg -- probably didn't
make much news back then.

Twenty-five years later, on May 23, 1944, near Carano, Italy, Van T. Barfoot,
who had enlisted in the Army in 1940, set out to flank German machine gun
from which fire was coming down on his fellow soldiers. He advanced
through a minefield, took out three enemy machine gun positions and returned
with 17 prisoners of war.

If that wasn't enough for a day's work, he later took on and destroyed three
German tanks sent to retake the machine gun positions.

That probably didn't make much news either, given the scope of the war, but it
did earn Van T. Barfoot, who retired as a colonel after also serving in Korea and
Vietnam, a Congressional Medal of Honor.
What did make news last week was a neighborhood association's quibble with
how the 90-year-old veteran chose to fly the American flag outside his suburban
Virginia home. Seems the rules said a flag could be flown on a house-mounted
bracket, but,  for decorum, items such as Barfoot's 21-foot flagpole were

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Big Business Looking To Drop Health Care Benefits

Do you remember when BHO preached to us that we would be able to keep our health coverage, our doctors and our lives would go on unchanged?  Well now the reality of hope and change is starting to hit home for the liberals and everything is going according to plan.
The only problem with the plan is that it was not supposed to surface until after the mid-term elections.

Commercial Running In Arizona

This commercial shows a few of the facts about Arizona's immigration problem that the "The One" and his party don't want to admit to.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Live Oak High School Students Sent Home For Wearing American Flag Shirts

4 Live Oak High School teens were sent home on May 5th for wearing t-shirts depicting the American flag.
There are a few things that are misunderstood about the "Mexican Holiday Cinco de Mayo".  
The first one being that May 5th is Mexico's Independence Day - which is actually September 15th.  On May 5th, 1862 Mexico defeated France in the Battle of Puebla.  This was obviously an important victory but it is not a national holiday in Mexico.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It Is Not Just Sunny In Wisconsin Because Obey Is Retiring

House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey is rumored to be announcing his retirement today at 1pm.  Obey was elected in 1969 and his retirement is a long time coming.  This announcement is a big blow to his pal Pelosi but with his normal stranglehold of his district in question this year I have no doubts he wants to go out on his terms.
Hey my feeling is however he goes......even if it is kicking and screaming only improves this country.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Florida Senator Viewing Porn In The Senate Chamber

Proof positive that you need to be careful where and when you open your email attachments.......especially when you're a Florida senator sitting in the senate chamber.

Monday, May 3, 2010

95 Year Old Harold Estes Wrote A Letter To The President

Dear President Obama, 

My name is Harold Estes, approaching 95 on December 13 of this year.
People meeting me for the first time don't believe my age because I remain
wrinkle free and pretty much mentally alert.

The Government Is Finally Being Transparent

"The One" has chosen to be secretive about all things pertaining to American citizens - in fact - the White House has its law department looking into ways to get around the Freedom of Information Act but he decides to be transparent about our nuclear arsenal to the rest of the world.
I need somebody to tell me just one positive thing he has done since he got into office.

The Presidential Pickle In the Wrong Jar?

It would appear that the scuttlebutt that surfaced during his 2008 campaign for president has resurfaced.  It is rumored that Michelle Obama exiled Vera Baker from her husband's campaign when she felt they were getting a little too close for her liking.  If the rumor is true he can truly be considered the last Kennedy. 

This Is How Senator Feingold Votes

The voters of Wisconsin have a real chance to get rid of this hypocritical liar and to send a message on a  federal level that - We The People - do not want their progressive government.