Sunday, October 16, 2011

Even Though Nothing More Needs To Be Said.....

This is a picture from all of our friends from the grassroots movement known as Occupy Wall Street.
Even though I respect this person's right to protest and to be heard........I would also reserve my right to knock this piece of sh!t right the f^ck out for doing this to the flag!

Finally Someone Explains The OWS Whackjob Hand Signals

Why would the petuli smelling Liberal whack job protesters give us the insight into there gangland hand signals?  Don't they believe that the people that would like to see all of them put away in a maximum security prison or detention camp may infiltrate their camp using their own hand signals backed by the Koch brother's money to bring them down?
This is just careless inside information being given out.......this guy may lose his petuli privileges.

Did Obama Know About Fast And Furious Before Holder?

Too bad the media still protects this horrible excuse for a president........otherwise can you say impeach baby!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Solyndra - No Regrets

Why would the greatest president evah have any regrets on throwing away $500 million on Solyndra?  He blew a trillion dollars with the stimulus - $500 million is nothing!

Michelle Obama's $500K Plane Ride To Africa

The Obama women made the $500K trip to Africa this summer and even more interesting than the monumental amount of money the taxpayers footed for this latest trip is that the Obama girls were listed as senior staff.
The documents made public by Judicial Watch do not include the total of all costs for the First Lady's trip, such as expenses for security, transportation on the ground and so forth
Judicial Watch had to sue to get this information - could it be that the Obamas are ashamed of the wasted taxpayer money or just pissed about that whole Freedom of Information Act?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Obama Claims He Is The Underdog

Obama admits the economy sucks but in his defense it has been the Republicans that are stopping progress.
Apparently, the smartest president this country has ever been blessed with, has once again forgotten that the Democrats controlled all of government for his first 2 years.  The economy was not important to him at that time.  So those years don't count.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Obama's Jobs Bill - Still No Co-Sponsor

You would think with the political might of Captain Kickass - there would be Dems running towards this jobs bill........but that is not the case.  The Dems are running away from this stimulus package......excuse me?  I can't say the word stimulus he really going to have the word stimulus removed from the dictionary?
This bill is such a political anchor that even Harry Reid says that they won't look at this thing until after they introduce some legislation to slap China on the wrist for taking American jobs.  (This will only benefit states that have Democrats up for re-election)
Come on guys! just pass the jobs bill!