Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Focusing On Jobs With A Laser-Like Focus - I Give You The Obama Administration

Boeing would like to open a new manufacturing plant in South Carolina to build their new Boeing 787 airplane but the NLRB (Obama's union buddies) are doing everything they can to stop it. 
Question:  Why would they want to stop a company from creating 1,000 jobs? 
Answer:  South Carolina is a right to work state and the plant would be non-union.
Now if you you don't know this story - Boeing is not moving their Washington plant nor are they eliminating any jobs from there - so why is the NLRB (which is supposedly there to promote new business in this country) trying to stop the new plant?  Where is the greatest president (whose laser-like focus is on job creation) this country has ever had and what is his position on this matter? 
Those are damn good questions?

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