Saturday, July 31, 2010

Republican Offers Amendment To Roll Back Spending To 2008 Levels

Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) offered an amendment to the Transportation appropriations bill to roll back spending to 2008 levels.  Listen to him tell you how well it was received.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Clintons Are Still Screwing The Taxpayers

Creating a no-fly zone over her wedding - mind you this is the daughter of a president from a decade ago.I know - I know - Hillary still collects a paycheck for apologizing to the world on America's behalf.

I Thought This Video Was Well Put Together

14 Weeks from Republican Governors Association on Vimeo.

Oh This Bill Is A Gem - "Mandatory Service" The Slavery Bill

This is bill - HR 5741 - this bill (introduced by the criminal Charlie Rangel) makes everyone serve 2 years in a form of mandatory national service. 
Everyone between the ages of and women.  The bill is not very long so if you read the bill you will see that once again the very Liberal Congress is trying to give the president waaaaaaaaay too much power. 
To sum the thing up - what he does with us is up to his discretion.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Latest YouCut Vote In The House

Watch the clip to find out what the Republicans forced an up or down vote on and then see how your Rep voted on it.  Check here to see how your Rep. voted

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

$95 Million Wasted On Breast Feeding Program

Spawned by a Michelle Obama thought the government has spent $95 million dollars to create jobs such as lactation consultants and breast feeding peer counselors.  Hey - I thought everyone knew the benefits of breast feeding but do we really need lactation counselors earning $50k - $60k a year with benefits to do whatever it is they would do?  Did I mention that these jobs are government UNION jobs?

Cloture Fails On DISCLOSE Act 57-41

For the first time since "The Annointed One" took the office it would appear - for the time - Freedom on Speech has won.
Finally Brown and Snowe did what was right for the nation!

Monday, July 26, 2010

DISCLOSE Act Senate Vote Tomorrow - 07/27/2010

The US Senate will be voting tomorrow on whether to take up the DISCLOSE Act.  I could go on and blabber about why this Feingold sponsored bill  is not Constitutional but why should I when I can give you a link explaining the reasons why this is un-Constitutional.
I decided to add a link to a story about the NRA selling out to get exemption from this legislation.
The NRA is supposed to protect the rights of all Americans by upholding the Constitution - not to bend to the government to cover their own asses.  If I were a member of the NRA I can guaran - damn - tee you I would cancel my membership.

Major Cuts In Britain's National Health Care To Save Money

The Obama administration wants us to be just like Europe so why waste time?  When it comes to rationing health care why should we wait?  I say we do it now! 
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it - George Santayana

White House Gives Out The Obamanomics Numbers

For those of you that are new to the political game - when you want hear the real news - you listen to the news that is released on a Friday.  The bigger the holdiay weekend the worse the news.  You may be asking yourself - why is that? Well, the government knows that people want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the long week and we tend to watch less news on the weekends. 
With that being said, the White House revealed their economic numbers on Friday and the numbers are not rosey.
Welcome to Hope and Change!

More Obama Vacations On Our Dime

Some of the Obamas are going to spend 5 glorious days in Spain.  Keep in mind that this trip is before a Florida trip to be followed by a 10 day trip to Martha's Vineyard.  You may have noticed I said that this trip had some of the Obamas going - this is a special mother - daughter vacation.  Just Michelle and her daughter and enough people that they have 30 rooms reserved - oh yes, you read that correctly - 30 rooms! 
At least when Bush went on vacation it was to his ranch and Camp David - the Obamas won't pass up a taxpayer trip to any point on the globe.

Kerry Can't Wait To Get Away From The Tax Questions

Lies, Lies and more Lies - Kerry registered the yacht in Rhode Island (where he does not have to pay taxes on it) and it may be technically owned by a corporation (listen to him say - it depends on who owns it) so his ultra rich ass won't be connected to this.  He is a snake and the morons in Mass. keep electing this guy to the Senate because he is such a good representation of them.  Where are all of the Liberals - shouldn't they be crying to have him redistribute his wealth???!!!

Most Small Business Sector Facing Higher Taxes Under Obama Plan

The statistics below are taken straight from the linked article:
Under their plan, the 33 percent rate will rise to 36 percent, and the 35 percent rate will rise to 39.6 percent automatically in January. These rates affect families and small business owners earning at least $200,000 per year.
A majority of small business profits will face a tax rate hike under the Obama-Pelosi-Reid plan.
34 percent of sole proprietor profits will face a tax rate hike under the Obama-Pelosi-Reid tax hike plan.
55 percent of S-corporation and partnership profits will face a tax rate hike under the Obama-Pelosi-Reid tax hike plan.
Can you imagine what would happen if he wasn't for small business growth?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

They Say Cap And Tax Is Dead - Don't You Believe It!

The word coming from Washington is that Cap and Tax is dead but don't believe them.  "The Annointed One" needs the money too much to bury this thing. 
How can Captain kick-ass save all of us in the middle and lower class if he doesn't have everyone's money?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

CAWG Porker Of The Month (July 2010)

Government Intervention Threatens Recovery

The expansion of small business is the way out of this economic crisis but with all of the federal legislation trying to retard the growth of the little guy - it just continues to get worse.  It is almost comical how everyone gets it but the government and the socialists.

Paul Ryan - A Plan For Posterity

This is a 23 minute speech given to the US Chamber of Commerce.  Is our future worth 23 minutes of your time?

Friday, July 23, 2010

DeMint Trying To End The Death Tax For Good

He plans on forcing the vote on this..........guess which party is going to shoot this one down?

Rep. Charles Rangel To Go To Trial

It is about time this crook is at least charged with something.  Pelosi protected this ass for as long as she could - probably hoping the 80 year old would expire before she had to move on the charges.  After dragging this out of over 2 years the committee had to move to keep Pelosi's government the most ethical evah.

Here Is How Congress Spent Our Billion Dollars In The Last Year

To give you an example - $600k on bottled water.  Check out this link.

John Kerry Dodges Six-Figure State Tax Bill On New Yacht

I have never liked this pompous jackass so you can bet your bottom dollar you will be getting updates on this gem whenever they become available.  It would appear that the Massachusetts resident Senator has dodged a 6.5% state sales tax on his new 76 foot multi-million dollar yacht.  You may be asking how Senator Kerry - who loves to vote for tax increases for you and me - ducked out on such a large tax bill?  I am sure this must be a coincidence but he listed the yacht hailing port as Newport, Rhode Island which is a state that repealed its boat sales and use tax back in 1993.
Hmmmmmmmm - sounds a little fishy to me.  Do you think he is a little down on his luck (he's only a millionaire)?  He could probably ask his billionaire wife - Teresa Heinz - for a loan.

Is It Time To End Diversity Programs?

Virginia Sen. Jim Webb called for ending government-run diversity programs in Friday's Wall Street Journal.  Take a look at the link and see his reasoning for going against the same voter base that got him elected in 2006.

Some Insurers Stop Writing New Coverage For Kids

In what is being called an unintended consequences of the health care takeover some health insurance companies have stopped writing new coverage plans for children.  They are worried that parents will wait until their children get sick before buying any coverage and the new law does nothing to prevent that from happening.  People can piss and moan about how much insurance companies make but the last time I looked the government takes way more of my money from me than all of my insurance premiums and deductables put together.

Jindal's MessageTo Obama - Let Us Go Back To Work

I don't know how the rest of you feel - but I like this guy!

Priorities - Priorities - Priorities

Hmmmmmm - we could lay off firefighters or we could spend $850k on a water sculpture.  Decisions - decisions - oh hell, we have too many firefighters anyway.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Obama To Reduce Payments To Dead People By $50 Billion

In "The Annointed One's" attempt to clean up federal government waste - he just signed a piece of legislation that will cut the payments to dead people, inmates and other undeserved people $50 billion by the year 2012.  Last year the federal government made $110 billion in fraudulent payments.  Wow! Cutting the fraudulent payments almost in half over the next 2 years -damn good thing captain kick-ass is on the job!!

Race seems to be the prefered talking point as of late.

Are the true colors starting to shine through or is this all a re-hash to try to bully? I think it is the later. Election time is near and when I look at a candidate and how they might represent me, I look for a good five word vision statement like this one.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

But Can He Beat "The One"??

Meet Mr. Herman Cain. Can he really win in 2012? Some say yes...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Alvin Greene - America's Candidate

This is Alvin Greene - he is running under the Democratic ticket in South Carolina - is he clueless or shrewd?

CAWG Porker Of The Month (June 2010)

I don't care if they are Republican or Democrat - waste and stupidity is waste and stupidity.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

BS Removal Kit

Now Obama Says Obamacare Is A Tax

Now that there are more than 20 states in the lawsuit against the federal government because of the mandated Obamacare it would appear that captain kick-ass has made a change.  He woke up and heard his boys say "you know messiah - they may have a case on the un-constitutionality of Obamacare" to which he replies "Hey boys - I'll change the game and the rules again!"
I have used the clip below at least one other time - maybe more - but I will not let you forget about this liar!

The IRS Vast New Powers Under Obamacare

Here is an excerpt from the linked article:
Well, well. Republicans argued during the health debate that the IRS would have to hire hundreds of new agents and staff to enforce ObamaCare. They were brushed off by Democrats and the press corps as if they believed the President was born on the moon. The IRS says it hasn't figured out how much extra money and manpower it will need but admits that both numbers are greater than zero.
Starting in 2013 small businesses will have to report the value of goods they buy from a single vendor that total more than $600 annually—including office supplies and the like.  The Liberal senators from Alaska, Nebraska, New Hampshire and Indiana do not like how the IRS will be micr-managing small business owners and would like to see these future procedures relaxed.
Guess what 4 Liberal senators voted for this piece of crap legislation?

CBO Warns Federal Deficit Could Reach 185% Of GDP By 2035

The males in my family die around the age of 75 - with that being said by the year 2035 I will still have a few years left in me and therefore need to care for a little while longer.  We need the people in this country to become more self sufficient and stop relying on the government for handouts.  The people of Wisconsin have a representative with a road map to accomplish just such a thing. 

A Little Piece On The Obama Summer Of Recovery

This is a comical piece on the hypocrisy of the Liberal media and the current administration.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Obama's Dog Flew Out To Maine On A Separate Jet

Yeah - you read the title correctly - Bo took a small jet to the vacation destination ahead of "captain kick-ass" and the rest of the family.

Who Gets To Pay For Financial Reform?

When legislation is passed that requires big business to spend more money - who do those costs get passed on to?  Common people - think about it!  It is the people that the federal government claims to be protecting.  We will make up that revenue in higher checking account, banking and debit card fees.  I don't know about all of you but I can't afford to have the federal government help me anymore.

Watch This Clip And You Tell Me If She Is Right For The Supreme Court

It is very apparent by her statements and actions that she is nothing more than an Obama pawn that would get a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land.  Maybe she should go back to Harvaaaaard and brainwash some more of America's youth. 

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Process Called Earmarking

I agree that the money should not go to the president to spend as he deems appropriate - but damn - nobody in government can grasp the concept of fiscal responsibility.

Specter'sVote On Kagan Being Bought?

I have no idea how Arlen Specter could have credibility with anyone so the details coming out that the White House may be offering up a job to the turncoat are a little shady in my book.  It seems Specter wants a little job security - he already knows he is out of the Senate in January - so he is asking the White House for what is essentially political welfare. 
In case you were not aware - originally Specter was not supportive of Kagan for the Supreme Court  but after asking for a job he has turned coat once again.  The Left believes that the end justifies the means.

Wisconsin Republican Senate Hopefuls Say Drill In Alaska

I could not agree more with the Senate hopefuls - if we know there is oil in a place that we can get to without too much trouble then drill baby drill.  The incumbent - Russell Feingold says no the area is too sensitive to take the chance of a spill.
Hey Russell - the problem with the spill in the Gulf is that you and the rest of your bleeding heart Liberal base have made the oil companies drill so damn far out from shore that any problems are compounded or catastrophic. 
You are the problem Russell and you need to go away!!  Hey - Wisconsin - even if you have to vote for a rock - get him out of office in November.

Just What Does That Government Mandated Energy Star Rating Mean?

Go figure - a government program that is a waste and absolutley useless.  Watch this and find out just what that energy star rating means.  If you don't want to take the time to watch - I'll let you in on it - Nothing!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

You Cut - Waste Of Taxpayer Money For Summer Of Recovery Signs

I know the Liberals would argue this but anybody with a brain and common sense can't argue the waste of money on this one.

North Korea's Socialized Health Care System

I am not the type to use 3rd world medicine as a scare tactic - I am here to inform and give examples - so here is an example of North Korea's health care.  Click on this key comment to see the article:  North Koreans are numbed to what was wrong with the health system, because "things keep progressively getting worse, or even staying the same but at that low level," she told reporters in Seoul on Thursday.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Dems Are Following The Trial Lawyers To Vancouver

What do the Liberals - in trouble and needing money - do when they need some cash from the trial lawyers?  Why they run to Canada to have a fund-raiser at a trial lawyers convention.  You know the public doesn't like you when you have to leave the country to get some cash.
By the way - Harry "The Tool" Reid benefitted the most from the cash haul.

Illinois Looking At Taxing The Obese

It was wonderful when we all lived in a free society and had the freedom to choose what we wanted to eat and drink.  The problem is - this is a new America.  The government has a way with the poor your goods to the point that you can't afford them.  So savor that Dew my friends because the government is looking to take care of you.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Case For Tax Cuts By JFK

JFK, in a speech from 12/14/1962, seemed to understand the government's role when it comes to stimulating the private sector.  Maybe I should send this clip to the White House and let "The Annointed One" in on a teachable moment

Education Debacle Of The Decade

The Department of Education commissioned Wolf to conduct a series of detailed studies on the results of the Washington DC Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP).  I am not going to spew this story verbatim so this story really is a must read.  Now I hear all of the talk about how important education is but do you REALLY believe the Liberals - the party in control - care about education?
The Department of Education needs to eliminated because it is nothing more than a slush fund for the teacher's union.  It does next to nothing to benefit the education of this nation's children.

Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) did the most comprehensive report to date on the drain of U.S. taxpayer money spent on illegal immigrants.  The following quote from Dan Stein (president of FAIR) sums the whole thing up:  “The report examines virtually every federal, state and local government program to determine the impact of illegal immigration on the bottom line. That bottom line $113 billion a year, and growing makes our nation’s failure to control illegal immigration one of the largest preventable burdens borne by American taxpayers.”

Economics 101 - Minimum Wage

The job killing impact of minimum wage.

Brown And Snowe To Vote Yes On Financial Reform Bill

For me, at least, it is shocking that the GOP Liberals would back this!  Everyone in this country should be keeping track of how their incumbent is voting - then vote them out in November!

Philadelphia Black Panther Leader

This video should help you remember the Philadelphia voter intimidation in the 2008 presidential election.  This should also help you remember that the Department of Justice dropped all charges against this guy.  Where are the comments denouncing this guy from Jesse Jackson and Sharpton?

Obama On Amnesty - Circa 2004

For those that allowed themselves to be fooled by the hope and change crap........Obama's views on amnesty in 2004.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

APA...Faith in God now a Mental Disorder???

" Woe unto them that speak good of evil, and evil of good, which put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for sour. "

-Isaiah 5:20 (1599 Geneva Bible)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Finally Some Good News From A Kennedy

It looks like a Supreme Court Justice can hold a grudge.  Let me take you back to a state of the union address where a young president decided to blast the Supreme Court's decision - on campaign contributions - in front of the entire nation.
In what could be a little retribution for the court - Justice Kennedy has let family and friends know that he is not retiring until 2013.
Bummer there BHO - you will only get to appoint 1 Liberal puppet justice to the court.  Kennedy, like a hopeful nation, is betting you only have one term in office.

NASA Next Great Mission - Improve Muslim Relations

"The Annointed One" has NASA on the greatest mission yet - improve relations with the predominantly Muslim nations in the world. When the new director of NASA took over he was instructed to do 3 things.
1.  He wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math.
2.  He wanted me to expand our international relationships.
3.  He wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering.
If I could make a suggestion to "The Annointed One" - start worrying about this country.  The kids in this country are dumber than ever and the public education system stinks.
How I long for the day when we have a president that cares about this country.

For Our Troops - Past and Present

You may have been/may be against sending our brave young men and women into any conflict but this clip speaks volumes.  Take a look:

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Deemed as Passed Budget - $1.12 Trillion

Here we go again, these legislators have got to go! You will see yours on the list, that is who you must vote against. Also write to them and tell them why.  Efforts to deem a budget passed.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

And You Wonder Why The Liberals Get Votes?

From the Jay Leno Show........proving todays younger - entitiled - generation are a bunch of morons.

Friday, July 2, 2010

A Possible 1,800 Veterans Infected With Hepatitis And HIV From VA Hospital

Ah Yes -  government run health care.  In this St. Louis VA dental clinic some 1,800 veterans may have been infected with hepatitis or HIV because sterilization procedures were not followed and corners were cut.
In June, a VA hospital in San Diego sent out certified letters to 3,400 veterans that they may have been infected from colonoscopy procedures that used and reused items during the tests.

The Myth About DDT - Busted

I recently had a conversation about the myth surrounding the so-called horrible chemical DDT.  I had remembered reading something about how more people die because it is banned than did from its use.  My memory is not that good anymore so here is a short clip on the wonder chemical DDT.

The Liberal Double Standard - The Late Robert Byrd Former Member Of The KKK

In the clip below we see slick Willy defending Byrd's association with the KKK in his eulogy of the old racist.  Apparently - as long as you are a Liberal you get a pass on joining the KKK in 1942 and a pass on filibustering the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  He was just trying to get votes.
Let us fast foward to 2010 when (I agree it was a dumb thing to say) Rand Paul was crucified for this comment.
I must remind you that media Liberal bias is a myth.

Uncle Ted Weighs In On The Recent Decision Of The Supreme Court

Ted Nugent gives his opinion on the close 5 to 4 decision of the Supreme Court in the Illinois McDonald case.  The decision upholds the people's right to own a weapon in the city of Chicago.
I added the video below so you can hear it from the man himself on our right to bear arms.

White House Releases Staff Salaries - $38,796,207

As one blogger put it - how many people believe that Rahm E. only makes $172k?  This should probably be on the NYT best seller list for fiction - here is the fiction from the WH.

From The WTF File - Pelosi Says Unemployment Benefits Create Jobs

How does this woman keep getting re-elected?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Another BP Spill

Obama Defending Stimulus In Racine Wisconsin

BHO talked about how building a couple of roads that link up can create a whole industrial park.  The roads are great but there aren't any businesses to put in to the industrial park you tool!
The Annointed One said that with the stimulus money unemployment is at 9.6% (when he said it would not go above 8%) but at least it is not 12, 13 or 15%.
Hell - why stop there BHO?  Did you know that if not for the stimulus money the moon - just like a slingshot - would have shot off into the sun causing catastrophic tidal patterns that would have sent the BP oil slick all the way into the midwestern states. 
We won't even bring up what would have happened with the menstrual cycles of all women.  All hail BHO's stimulus - can't wait for the next one!

Reid Pushing To Nationalize Police - Fire - First Responder Unions

The Liberals/Progressives have shown that they believe the US Constitution belongs on the floor at the door for dog potty training purposes and here we have another example.
In another attempt to shore up union votes Harry - the standing zombie - Reid is trying to nationalize the emergency responder unions with the Public Safety Employer - Employee Cooperation Act (H.R.413).  This would take the power of negotiations away from state and local governments and the taxpayers.
Another power grab by the federal government under the disguise of national security.