Monday, May 2, 2011

Paul Ryan Sets The Record Straight

Please send this to all those that still don't get what needs to be done and what this man is planning to do - if the morons would just get out of the way.

1 comment:

  1. This was a good video and so were all the ones on Ron Paul. I believe he is a good candidate that sticks to his principles and I support his principles. I do believe we should stick to our constitution and his view on war is exactly how I feel. We should not be at war unless we are threatened. Their way of life is theirs. If they don't like it then they should do something about it. That's why a lot of the people in foreign countries hate us because we are trying to force our way of life on them. We should lead by example and when they see how good we can be they might try to be more like us on their own.
    We should get out of their countries and protect our own. Stop all foreign aid because it doesn't get used for what we send it for anyway. The governments get richer and the people stay poor, so what does that tell you? If we need to help them, we could let them know that we are here to help them only if they ask for it and then it should not be money but food, help building with technologies, or things like neighbors helping neighbors. Show people and work side by side and that is the way to show hope and love and their faith in us to do good will show them we really mean well.
    I believe Paul Ryan is good and really loves this country and wants to see our problem solved but people are sceptical because we have been lied to so much and so many crooked people have been getting into politics that we are becoming a hateful nation. This needs to stop!
    Ron Paul seems to be the one I would support because his beliefs seem to mirror mine.
    Good videos-thank you for the post.
