Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Nuge On The Piers Morgan Show

Is it wrong to have a man crush?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with him 100 percent! The people that don't get it will get it if they can't defend themselves! I don't know if it's just me, but the left wingers I'm thinking are they all crawling out from the bowels of he$$! Do these people really hate America that much that they want to see her fail? Day after day we hear nothing good come from anything they do! I'm so sick of their dirty political games I wish we could starting with the Democratic Party just eliminate it. Then we'll just keep watching to see who will be next! You run on your record and what you believe in. Either the people are with you or against you. No platforms, no bribes, nothing illegal or your kicked out of office with no pension or pay of any kind! I bet a lot of them would straighten up their act fast!
