Monday, February 28, 2011
Unions Vs. Right To Work
Robert Barro - an economics professor at Harvard - writes a good article running in the Wall Street Journal today. If the state of WI can get past this first hurdle the next piece of legislation should be right to work.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
The Effects Of Teachers Unions On American Education
Andrew J Coulson wrote a paper on The Effects Of Teachers Unions On American Education that ran in the CATO Institute Winter Journal 2010.
I can simpathize with those that don't want to read a 16 page paper with a ton of statistics in it - so if you go to page 12 you can see the summary of his findings. I do suggest you at least glance at the paper to see the staggering amount of money the NEA & AFT have spent on maintaining their political power.
I can simpathize with those that don't want to read a 16 page paper with a ton of statistics in it - so if you go to page 12 you can see the summary of his findings. I do suggest you at least glance at the paper to see the staggering amount of money the NEA & AFT have spent on maintaining their political power.
Rockford IL Capitalizing On WI Democrat Derelicts
I have been to Rockford (unfortunately many times) and wouldn't care if I never make it back but you have to give them props for this ad. Maybe the city is better if you can do the town on the taxpayer's dime.
What Did The Poster Child For Big Government - FDR - Think Of Public Sector Unions
Warning to all big government Liberals out there - if you read this letter from FDR to Mr. Steward you may have to take down that shrine to FDR.
112 - Letter on the Resolution of Federation of Federal Employees Against Strikes in Federal Service
112 - Letter on the Resolution of Federation of Federal Employees Against Strikes in Federal Service
What Protects A Worker's Rights? The Unions?
No - the unions do not protect the worker's rights. All you have to do is watch the previously posted video to find out that the unions are all about political power. Who is entrusted with protecting the rights of the working class? It would be the Department of Labor.
The Department of Labor was created in 1913 by the father of socialism in this country - Woodrow Wilson. So - what have we learned here today? All you union backers have to do is put your trust in the federal government and they will take care of you.
Oh - that's as long as they are done ensuring that the illegals in this country are getting paid a fair wage.
The Department of Labor was created in 1913 by the father of socialism in this country - Woodrow Wilson. So - what have we learned here today? All you union backers have to do is put your trust in the federal government and they will take care of you.
Oh - that's as long as they are done ensuring that the illegals in this country are getting paid a fair wage.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Chicago Based Boeing Wins Government Contract
Boeing - a Chicago based company - won a $35 billion government contract to build re-fueling airplane tankers. I guess the Chicago voters knew that electing Rahm would pay off for at least 2 years but who could have expected such a quick return on their investment?
Guess Who Profits From Obama's Energy Policies
Who profits from the big O's new clean energy policies? None other than billionaire George Soros. I know you are thinking the same thing I am - we are told that his economic interests are not helped by those Liberal politicians that he backs but as the old saying goes........follow the money. The puppet master has started an investment fund that surprisingly will profit from the big O's green policies.
Let us take a look at the woman picked to run this new investment fund - Cathy Zoi.
Hmmmmmm - why does that name sound so familiar? She started out as CEO of Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection and then - oh yeah - she was the Acting Under Secretary for Energy and Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. She came under fire because her job was to help subsidize green technologies for the Obama administration and she just happens to be married to a Serious Windows executive. Guess what company received stimulus money because of their wonderful "green technology"? Now she heads up an investment fund that will be profiting from green technology - I wonder if Soros can make any money off the wind Captain Kick-Ass keeps blowing up the taxpayer's ass?
Let us take a look at the woman picked to run this new investment fund - Cathy Zoi.
Hmmmmmm - why does that name sound so familiar? She started out as CEO of Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection and then - oh yeah - she was the Acting Under Secretary for Energy and Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. She came under fire because her job was to help subsidize green technologies for the Obama administration and she just happens to be married to a Serious Windows executive. Guess what company received stimulus money because of their wonderful "green technology"? Now she heads up an investment fund that will be profiting from green technology - I wonder if Soros can make any money off the wind Captain Kick-Ass keeps blowing up the taxpayer's ass?
WI Assembly Passes Budget Repair Bill
After 59 hours of debate the WI Assembly passed the budget repair bill to the dismay of the Democrats. The bill now goes to the Senate where the 14 derelicts are still MIA.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
WI Protesters Shut Down Fox News Interview
Here is an example of Liberal free speech. Fox News attempted to interview MI's Brett Healy about the fraudulent doctor's excuses being handed out to government union employees but the Liberal protesters would have none of that nonsense.
Apparently - you only have the right to the freedom of speech if the union gives it to you.
Apparently - you only have the right to the freedom of speech if the union gives it to you.
It's All About The Kids - Really?
I would have a little respect for the government unions if they would just tell the public it is about power and money.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
This IS where we are really at. What are we doing about it?
Last I checked the House cut about 60 billion. Weak at best. We all know that will not get through the other bunch of clowns, nor the chief clown. It is time to start recovering from what has been left to boil over. Vox says it how it is.
Monday, February 21, 2011
WI $137 Million Deficit Real Or Just A Union Buster

I don't watch Maddow, Olberman, Hannity or Beck - all of these people are for entertainment purposes. They can give a person a topic but it is my belief that the individual needs to do his/her own research to achieve the truth.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Don't be a Google-head

Do you use Google as your preferred search engine? You might want to read this and use something else. There a lot of other providers out there.
House Votes To De-fund Obama's Czars
Obviously, the big O will never go for this but the House made a bold statement by voting to de-fund his beloved czars. The whole czar experiment bypasses the vetting process by the Senate and czar creation should have been stopped by the morons in the 111th Congress.
Hey - trimming the fat starts at the top.
Hey - trimming the fat starts at the top.
Just Listen To The Man
I haven't figured out why so many people have trouble understanding the message he conveys. Just stop flapping your Liberal gums and listen to the man.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Proof From WI That The Nasty People Are On The Right
Here is a compilation video showing just which side of the political line the violence comes from.
Geithner Admits To The Unsustainable Spending In Obama's Budget
Geithner - a confirmed tax cheat - admits in this clip that the spending in the big O's budget is not sustainable. It would appear from his comments that even though their budget proposal admittedly sucks it was the best they could do. I'm guessing the only reason Captain Kick-ass's camp submitted a budget is because it is law. He picks this law to obey and follow?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Disney "Curse"??

For those who study the prevalence of Mind Control in our society today, Disney is no stranger to accusations of this sort. Here is the latest victim to sell their soul.... Only to find out it's not worth it!
ABC's Jake Tapper - Finally The Liberal Media Asking A Legitimate Question
Jay Carney - the new WH press secretary - seemed to have a little trouble with the friendly media. This is the side on Captain Kick-ass's good list. I can't wait to hear him when he gets hammered by the conservative media. Is there any conservative media?

Monday, February 14, 2011
Orrin Hatch Is Prepared To Be The Most Hated Person In Washington
No sir - you do not need to be the most hated person in Washington - you need to be the most hated person in your primary in 2012.
Mr Hatch admitted he made a mistake when voted for TARP but the nice part about that is that the voters in Utah can rectify that mistake in 2012.
People of Utah - don't be as blind as your neighbors in Nevada. Vote in someone good for the country!
Mr Hatch admitted he made a mistake when voted for TARP but the nice part about that is that the voters in Utah can rectify that mistake in 2012.
People of Utah - don't be as blind as your neighbors in Nevada. Vote in someone good for the country!
Michelle Obama On How To Trick Your Kids Into Exercise
I can remember a time when parents would just tell you to go outside and do something - they didn't need to lie. What the hell has happened to this country? Oh yeah - government involvement. You know I should start a blog to remind myself of the dangers of too much government.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Justice Scalia Gives The 112th Congress Some Advice

The Cost Of The EPA's Actions
Rep. John Shimkus giving cost statistics to EPA administrator Lisa Jackson if they continue to pursue regulating carbon output.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Finally a 9 year old will understand a 2000 page Federal law
The worlds longest comic book will try to explain the unconstitutional Obamacare law, written by what sounds like the MIT dude that came up with the law. Perhaps congress will adopt this medium for our laws in the future. There is nothing I understand better than a Comic Book especially when the bad guys get theirs.
More Obama Lies - Busted!
The President thinks we are not paying attention or that we are stupid Americans when he said he did not raise taxes.
Michael Moore sues Weinstein brothers over 'Fahrenheit 9/11' profits

I think we all know the true reason don't we?
Saturday, February 5, 2011
CNBC Reporter Attacks Hosts for Trying to Spin Jobs Numbers
I have enjoyed other clips featuring Rick Santelli and this is no exception. Keep telling it like it is Rick!
WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets
It would appear that the self proclaimed king of America is doing his best to divide and conquer. In yet another move - that only the most intelligent president this country has ever had - Captain Kick-ass is going to hand over the UK's nuclear secrets over to the Russians. Why would he do something like that? So that he can sign an Arm's Treaty that is overwhelmingly on sided in the Russian's favor.
If Captain Kick-ass wants to eliminate all of our allies - that's fine - but then we need a president with stones to keep an alliance of one safe and the dominant world power.
If Captain Kick-ass wants to eliminate all of our allies - that's fine - but then we need a president with stones to keep an alliance of one safe and the dominant world power.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Obama's White House has exactly two options.
No repeal today, but check this out:
Obama thinks he is a king.
Why government agencies need to be watched and limited.
What did we do without the EPA all those years? Seems to me that all this will do is increase the price of milk.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Bill Would Require All S.D. Citizens To Buy A Gun
I have to start this out by saying that I have always loved the state of South Dakota from my years of hunting out there and this new bill only increases my affection. Lawmakers introduced a bill that would require all residents of South Dakota (over the age of 21 and not a felon) to buy a gun.
They know that this bill will be defeated but they introduced it to show how government trying to force everyone to buy a gun is as unconstitutional as the healthcare law.
They know that this bill will be defeated but they introduced it to show how government trying to force everyone to buy a gun is as unconstitutional as the healthcare law.
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