Monday, February 21, 2011

WI $137 Million Deficit Real Or Just A Union Buster

I stumbled on this story because of all the press from Rachel Maddow's claim that WI will have a surplus this year.  So I go back to the headline is the deficit real or just an excuse for Walker to bust the unions?  According to Politifact the WI $137million deficit is real and it is not being caused by Walker's corporate tax cuts.
I don't watch Maddow, Olberman, Hannity or Beck - all of these people are for entertainment purposes.  They can give a person a topic but it is my belief that the individual needs to do his/her own research to achieve the truth.

1 comment:

  1. After working for a union shop for almost 44 years I came to see the ups and downs of belonging to a union. I really believe that a lot of our jobs left because of unions. Some companys paid their employees a very high salary but every time contracts were up they always went for more money. Before people had to pay toward their insurance it was one of the benefits paid by the company and there were other benefits too. People would grumble because they didn't think they got a big enough raise, enough added to their pension, etc. They didn't stop to think how fortunate they were to have what they did. It was better than what they have now! Nothing, because our company was sold and plant closed. I believe when people create jobs they want to make some money too. After all, they are the ones that are spending their money to start up and run the business with all its headaches. I used to think unions were good but I was brainwashed just like all the others are now. If you're a good worker it will show and if your not then the company should have a right to get rid of you without going through the protection process the unions have you pay for! The people that cost the company money because they are constantly screwing up, coming in late or not at all a lot, or come to work and do drugs should in my opinion be fired by the company when they see fit! That's my opinion, what's yours? Come on people I know you read these so leave some opinions here. They don't have to rhyme, just take some time. Tell me how you feel, because this shi* is real! PoetryInMotion.
