Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why government agencies need to be watched and limited.

What did we do without the EPA all those years? Seems to me that all this will do is increase the price of milk.


  1. Do the people that dream this stuff up really go to college? I've never heard anything so ridiculous in all my life! It just keeps getting better and better. I've come to the conclusion that politics in any way or form is a derision of our total way of life! Gee, milk has oil in it so I wonder if it's been safe to drink all these years? Well I guess if we can put corn in the tank we can put milk in the engine!

  2. The price of milk is going to go up.
    And why is this I ask?
    Because it now has oil added and cleanup
    is quite a task!
    So now the added revenue will bring
    us another tax.
    Then the farmers are going to turn around and
    up the price of flax! PoetryInMotion

  3. I just went and bought a quart of 10W30 to put on my cereal. You know - it coats the throat a little better than milk and holds my cereal together better.

  4. Well, at least you won't have to worry about rusty pipes! But if they find out that 10W30 works good for something other than intended that price will go up too! Shhh, our secret.
