Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Obama's White House has exactly two options.

No repeal today, but check this out: Obama thinks he is a king.


  1. Ahhhhh - I know he is the most intelligent president we have ever had (I keep being reminded of this by the media) but his knowledge of history seems to be a little suspect. Does he not remember what happened the last time this country was ruled by a king?

  2. It seems the Founders designed to create limited Federal government whose power, including commerce power was to to remain small also. So what happened? Thank you to the Mind for your contribution on this. I am on page 30 and am going to read it all. PoetryInMotion

  3. Obama seems to dislike the Judicial branch, remember he dissed the supreme court justices, and he is disobeying both the drilling ruling and the health care ruling. What have we done, and when I say "we" I mean those of you who voted for this mess.
