Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's All About The Kids - Really?

I would have a little respect for the government unions if they would just tell the public it is about power and money.


  1. Wow, they stood and applauded the ones that are on the receiving end of the 100's of millions of dollars that is extracted from their pay (and ultimately their communities). They also seem to not realize that he said they are represented by bullies. Public employee unions must end asap.

  2. And to think I was just like one of those! How stupid I was! Lord,thank you for helping me to see the light. Now, if only you would like to help the millions of others to see the big flash I would be forever grateful! It would be part of Amazing Grace (I once was blind, but now I see.)Do any of you believe in Divine Intervention? Well we need to start praying that it will happen because we are in such a bad state that it is going to take someone really big and powerful and good to help us out of this situation! And notice I added good because I'm sick of all the bull@#&% that's going around. I'm tired of waiting for all the little kids to grow up and do their jobs or get the *ell out of town for good! It's time to clean up the mess and I don't care which side made it...just clean it up! PoetryInMotion
