Monday, January 31, 2011

Science Czar Holdren Says We Just Need To Be Educated About Climate Change

All we need to believe in the global warming hoax is be educated.  If only we could be lucky enough to have Mr. Holdren do the educating - he could hammer home his ideas of forced abortions, public sterilization by using the food and/or water supply and his hopes for a planetary regime taking over the economy.

Barack Obama In The State of the Union

White House Quietly Exempts Pampered Politicos

In keeping with his promise of the most transparent government in history - Captain Kickass waited until after the State of Union speech to release the total of Obamacare waivers is up to up to 733 waivers.
Wow!  For something that is so good for the people of this country there sure seem to be a lot of people exempt from this steaming pile of crap.
Anything less than total repeal is a crime!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Richard Epstein On His Former University of Chicago Colleague

You can read the transcipt of this interview by Nick Gillespie or you can watch the video.  In my humble opinion Richard Epstein is an excellent interview.

Wayne Superintendent's $1M Retirement Package Creates Storm

From the it's all about the kids file - here we have another example of taxpayer abuse.  Should the taxpayers of Indiana be more pissed at the school board for allowing this outrageous retirement package than at the recipient?
Under our present government regime - this man's retirement package should be redistributed to the less fortunate thus his retirement package should be a good thing for the nation's poor.

Government Got Involved In Credit Cards - Now Interest Is At Record Rates

The government couldn't keep their flippin hands out of credit card regulation and what do all of us get in return?  Credit card interest rates are at record levels.
Who could have forseen a horrible result to government involvement in anything? 

Monday, January 24, 2011

NY Magazine: Obama Never Had Any Contact With Half a Dozen Top Cabinet Members in First Two Years

The cabinet members are in place because they had to be vetted by Congress - the people he listens to (czars) did not.  I'm not sure is anyone really knows the number of czars but I have no doubt it is a small army on the taxpayer dime.

Three SEIU Locals--Including Chicago Chapter--Waived From Obamacare Requirement

What is the cost to be the 220th, 221st and 222nd organization to receive a waiver from Obamacare?  The answer is $27 million.

City Takes Aim At Rich, Famous Like Alec Baldwin, Derek Jeter, Who May Be Fibbing On Where They Live

This is another example of why Liberals are not smart.  What happens when you over tax the rich?  They leave the state and you no longer get any revenue from them.  Isn't it a smarter answer to tax the rich a reasonable amount so that they stay in the state and pay into the government black hole year after year? 
Now in the case of bleeding heart Liberal Alec Baldwin - I say that he should pony up!  He believes in the redistribution of wealth - just not his wealth.  He doesn't seem to get too much sympathy from the comments at the bottom of the article.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Commercial Rejected From Airing During SuperBowl

This commercial did not meet the FOX network criteria.  They have a right to run the ads they want - how do you feel about the commercial?  Should they run it?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Most Doubt Political Rhetoric a Major Factor in Ariz. Shootings

Only 53% believe political rhetoric had no factor in the shooting - does that mean 47% are morons?

City Puts A Stop To Homeless Outreach

Bobby and Amanda Herring have been feeding the homeless in downtown Houston for more than a year but according to authorities there will be no more feeding the homeless without proper permits.  What does it take for the permit? - Having a certified kitchen and a certified food manager.
Let me ask this question to the city of Houston - in your attempt to protect the homeless - who suffers by shutting the Herring's true charity work down?  You or the homeless?

Mexican Gunman Fires Across Border Toward U.S. Highway Workers

Our border security issues continue to pile up.  It was just reported that in the border town of Quitman, Texas some highway workers were shot at - from Mexico - with high powered rifles.  What is the US response to this? 
It would appear that the same offense (that is an act of war between North and South Korea) is really no big deal along the US - Mexican border.  Why would the federal government want to secure the border when they have freedom of speech and political rhetoric to limit?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Harry Reid - People Love Government

Wanna bet?  Shows just how out of touch this man is.

The Constitution And Civil Rights

With the recent (controversial) reading of the Constitution before the 112th Congress - the buzz was around what was excluded from the reading
Here is a little history lesson on the Constitution and civil rights.

What Obama Thinks of America

As if this really needed to be posted - because I think we all have had enough time to see what he really thinks about our country but the best way to tell is by listening to what he tells others.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot And In Critical Condition

The shooting of Gabrielle Giffords is nothing more than a cowardice act by an insignificant little man
Now let the Tea party bashing begin.

Harry Reid: The Tea Party Will Disappear As Soon As The Economy Recovers

Dungy Harry may be correct in this statement.  If the Obamacare death panels can kill off most of the elder members of the Tea Party - it could kill the movement.

Pelosi - Gives Her Reason For The Dems Mid-term Election Loss

Hey everyone!  Guess who the blame goes to?

Obama 'Attacks' Volkmann on 'The Tonight Show'

Those that know me know that I am a monster mma fan so it adds to the entertainment value of these 2 clips for me.  I am now a fan of Volkmann.
The secret service did not think the original clip was all that funny - they contacted Volkmann about his comments because in this day and age a person can't say anything bad about the socialist regime.

The Passing Of The Gavel

From the Jimmy Kimmel show - I believe most of the country would have liked to have seen this exchange.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Penn and Teller Explain Obama Economics

I think Penn and Teller hit the nail right on the head in this easy to understand video.

House GOP Plans Two Pronged Attack

When the GOP takes control of the House on Wednesday they claim the fight to repeal Obamacare begins.  The first order of business is to repeal it then they are saying they are going to rip the law apart piece by piece.  My personal feeling on it is that no matter how they get rid of it - it needs to be done immediately so that real reform can be done.
Stop the waste and fraud in a horribly run Medicare system would be a good start.

14 States May Target Birthright Citizenship

If the federal government will not enforce the immigration laws of this country then it would appear that the states will.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Obamacare Getting Its Death Panels After All

As every good mystery starts - it happened at night, in a back room under the cloak of does our government do most of its work.
Take a look at this clip - oh and I love how the Liberal (go figure) doesn't have her facts straight (go figure) when trying to defend Liberal policy. 
In case you don't believe our government would just give grandma a pill to keep her comfortable while she dies - I've attached Obama saying just that very thing.

Saturday, January 1, 2011