Monday, January 24, 2011

City Takes Aim At Rich, Famous Like Alec Baldwin, Derek Jeter, Who May Be Fibbing On Where They Live

This is another example of why Liberals are not smart.  What happens when you over tax the rich?  They leave the state and you no longer get any revenue from them.  Isn't it a smarter answer to tax the rich a reasonable amount so that they stay in the state and pay into the government black hole year after year? 
Now in the case of bleeding heart Liberal Alec Baldwin - I say that he should pony up!  He believes in the redistribution of wealth - just not his wealth.  He doesn't seem to get too much sympathy from the comments at the bottom of the article.


  1. The Liberals all think it's a good idea to share the wealth as long as it's not theirs. Well,they should put their money where their mouth is and maybe it'll keep it sealed shut for awhile! I don't mind helping people when they need help but I'll do the choosing. I don't think it's right to give money to those who are to lazy to help themselves or need it for drugs, cigs or alcohol. If you can't afford it, you don't do it! I'd like to do some distributing of my own. I'd like to take some of the people out of the government roles and operate with less. You know the saying, to many cooks spoil .........! To many Chiefs in one teepee....teepee fall over and expose everything. I guess that's one way to get transparency!

  2. I say to all the people that believe in redistribution, what are you waiting for? The best way to prove something and make it believable is by way of example. Why do they all still have lots of money? I don't, so I guess they'll have to take a lot more!
