Monday, January 24, 2011

Three SEIU Locals--Including Chicago Chapter--Waived From Obamacare Requirement

What is the cost to be the 220th, 221st and 222nd organization to receive a waiver from Obamacare?  The answer is $27 million.


  1. That is what you get when Congress gives its power to the Executive branch. Who will write the rules now is where the problem is. Time for repeal, Restore the power of legislation to the correct branch already. No more 2000 page open ended "let a czar fill in the actual rules" crap.

  2. I concur - I would be a happy camper if the bills voted on were small enough that our representatives and I had time to read them. I would be happier if they started removing a lot of the crap they passed and quit passing anything new......everytime they pass something it costs us money and/or freedoms.
