Monday, January 31, 2011

White House Quietly Exempts Pampered Politicos

In keeping with his promise of the most transparent government in history - Captain Kickass waited until after the State of Union speech to release the total of Obamacare waivers is up to up to 733 waivers.
Wow!  For something that is so good for the people of this country there sure seem to be a lot of people exempt from this steaming pile of crap.
Anything less than total repeal is a crime!


  1. I watched his speech on the State of The Union and saw how transparent he truly was. I listened when he said one thing and meant another. Now, I'm by no means a genius but I do have good eyesight and he's beganing to fade he's so transparent! He's ghostly in his demeanor like he was put on this earth by the devil to delve up destruction at breakneck speed! What's the hurry have a deadline?

  2. Captain Kickass came to town a riding on a pony,
    Many people liked him a lot until they smelled a phony.
    Now he's trying to seem to change, by moving to the middle.
    He wants us to believe he's done a lot but really he's done so liddle. (Yankee Doodle tune)
    Poetry In Motion
