Tuesday, August 31, 2010

ACORN Using A Different Name - Still Stinks The Same

It is business as usual for the "disbanded" ACORN organization but now it is under a different name.  The same people are doing the same work and using the same tax numbers.  You didn't think Captain Kick-ass would want his favorite organization to be out of business before the all important mid-term elections?  There are elections to fix people! 
They just follow the head organizer's lead - re-organizing to get much needed tax money.

Surprise - Federal Government In Private Sector Again

Using tactics that are really growing old - Dodd and Frank put a provision in the financial reform bill that requires a private sector CEO to make public the difference between his salary and that of his employees.  Once again this is the private sector - do I believe that anyone is worth the money these CEOs are making?  No - I do not - but that is for the board of directors and the share holders to deal with.  It is not for the federal government or me to get involved in.  If a government employee had a salary that high, being paid for by taxpayers, I would be outraged.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Representative Gabrielle Giffords Questions General Petraeus

I recently received an email that stated Representative Giffords asked General Petraeus many strange questions about the military's carbon footprint. That email is simply not true.  In our never ending search for the truth here is the true story and video below.

Eric Cantor On Obamacare Repeal Legislation

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson Violated Rules - Steered Scholarships To Relatives

She says that she did not personally benefit from any of the scholarships she awarded nor was she aware of the rules that state the scholarships can't go to a relative and have to go to someone in her district.  She recognized some of the names but didn't realize they were relatives - I mean come on people - how many people would know the names of their grandchildren or great nephews?
I wonder if Pelosi is still policing the most ethical Congress evah!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Is The Wave Of Conservatism Getting Close To Tsunami Proportions?

In this American Thinker article Bruce Walker seems to think it is.  He lays out his thoughts on what is possible in the 2010 and 2012 elections.  None of us can rest - get the word out to those that are less informed. 

How The Federal Government Abuses The Commerce Clause

This 10 minute video is worth watching - if for no other reason than to watch the university egghead tell the camera how the government can do whatever they want.

The Professional Left

Enjoy this, it is very interesting.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Porker Of The Month

I don't care what party you belong to - wrong is wrong and corrupt is corrupt.

The Government's New Right to Track Your Every Move With GPS

It would appear that we just keep inching (hell - we are leaping) towards the totalitarian state that George Orwell imagined.  This new rule applies in California and 8 other Western states.  What is the rule - you ask?  The government now has the right to come onto your property and install a GPS device on your car without a warrant.  When asked why the government should be allowed to do this the judge said that because a delivery driver or paperboy can walk across a person's driveway the government can come onto your property.  When asked who was exempt from having this happen to them......in a surprising answer - rich people that can afford to put up a gate or fence to keep people out of their yard.

Howard Dean On Democratic Chances In Fall

I try to listen to the Liberal/Progressive side of the fence but I guess my brain is not wired for stupid.  I just don't get them.

LA Unveils $578M School

LA is opening a K-12 school that is said to hold 4200 students at a cost of roughly $138k per student. 
This from a state that is handing out IOUs for payments.  I know this may outrage many of the taxpayers around the country that are waiting to hear we will be bailing this pathetic state out of its fiscal ineptness but think of the children - the 50% that graduate will tell you how much they love the building.  They will have to tell you in Spanish but it is all about the children - isn't it?

White House Knew Drilling Moratorium Would Cost 23,000 Jobs

What does it say about an administration that would place a federal moratorium on off shore oil drilling knowing it would kill 23,000 jobs during a recession?  That would be our government - being led by Captain Kick-Ass.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mobile Full Body Scanners Hit the Streets!

Just keep telling yourself "It's for our own good."

Monday, August 23, 2010

Obama's Endgame

Friday, August 20, 2010

Endangered Dems Stay Quiet On Key Votes

It is old practice to only highlight your votes if they are popular within your district but it would seem logical to me that if you voted on a piece of legislation that is so good for the country why don't you stand behind it?

This Is Not A Bridge Over The Rio Grande

The International Boundary and Water Commission says that this is not a bridge.  This is not a slam on our border patrol but it is a slam on the federal government - border security is a joke!

Obama Lied About Healthcare - According To The Department Of Labor

Those of us that new Obama and his Liberal minions were full of crap when praising Obamacare and its deficit reducing ability are now being vindicated.  Who would have thought it would be The Department of Labor that would do it?
In fact - the Dems are so worried about the healthcare law being their achilles heel that they put out a slide show on how to handle the healthcare debate.  The powerpoint comes from the Herndon Alliance, which “partners” with ObamaCare supporters like the AFL-CIO, SEIU, MoveOn, etc.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kill Your TV

I was recently sent an interesting article on the toll television is taking on us.  When we watch television we go into a hypnotic state (almost comatose) and fail to use the left side of our brain.  The left side is the centre of logical human communication and analysis.  Is it really that hard to believe that television/video games are the cause for the lack of attention spans in today's youths?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Obamas set off on yet another vacation!

I mean , it has almost been two weeks But hey! He earned it , right???

AP Poll Has Obama's Approval Rating On Economy At 41%

Is the golden shine on Captain Kick-ass starting to dull?  If you look at the latest poll numbers from the AP - I would say that it has.  The question I have is........are enough people going to wake up before the November elections?

The Feds Threatening Charges Against Arizona's Sheriff Joe

All signs point to a witch hunt being orchestrated by AG Eric Holder against America's toughest sheriff.  It would seem that sheriff Joe has the Feds a little uptight because he is doing his job and performing immigration sweeps - even though the Feds have expressed their displeasure with the deportation all of those potential voters.  Maybe if sheriff Joe checks for papers on a few 90 year old caucasion women the Feds will ease up on the racial profiling accusations.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

How Does That Old Saying Go? Oh Yeah - It Is All About The Kids

Liberals and unions just keep saying it is all about the kids - someday you may believe it yourself.

US Park Police Try To Stop High School Students From Singing National Anthem

A highschool conservative youth group wanted to sing the National Anthem at the Lincoln Memorial when park police tried to shut them up.  The kids were told to stop singing because what they were singing was not content-neutral.  The National Anthem is not content-neutral?
Watch the response the youth group had for the park police.

In A Surprise Announcement - Obama Supports Mosque At Ground Zero

I would venture to say that there are many people out there that do not realize that Muslims like to build a mosque at the site of a great victory.  I don't have to say anything more than that.  Here is the official text of the Captain Kick-ass speech.

House Of Representative DSA Members - Democratic Socialists of America

You read the titile correctly we have 70 members of House of Representatives that are card carrying members of the DSA.  The link provided gives you their blueprint for a socialistic world.  A world where money means nothing and we can all sit around a fire - holding hands and sing green ecological tunes all day.  If you are wondering if your representative is on the list click here and find out:

Friday, August 13, 2010

You Will Never Guess Why Maxine Waters Is A Criminal

Are you ready for this one..........wait for it...........It's Bush's fault!  A little advice for all the Liberals out there - everyone is tired of the blame game.  You are a crook - admit it - take your medicine.

Liberals Boycotting Target Stores

I remember a time when you could do what you wanted with your own money.  Target donated $150k to a conservative candidate that supports lower taxes but does not support gay rights.  This has caused a backlash throughout the country.  The Liberals will stop the boycotts if Target gives the same amount of money to candidates that they support..........extortion is ok because in the big Liberal picture the end justifies the means.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Paul Ryan - The Reagan Of Our Time?

If you haven't noticed the attacks on Paul Ryan have been increasing as we get closer to the November elections.  If you don't know about Rep. Ryan's Roadmap for America I would suggest you read this article in The Wall Street Journal.  One must always remember that the Left will attack those they fear the most.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Santelli Saying What Has Already Been Posted - But He Is Fun To Listen To

Santelli on the Financial Reform Legislation and how government is the problem.

CNN Misreports Jobs Lost In July

I can tell you why it was not as bad as CNN thought - you were off by 71,000.

Senate Confirms Kagan For Supreme Court

Elena Kagan is the newest member of the highest court in the land.  She was appointed by the fewest votes ever for a Democratic nominee - beating out Obama's last appointee.  She has no experience as a judge and views the Constitution as something that changes with the times.  She believes that the Supreme Court should look at court decisions from other countries for guidance.  I have to give kudos to Obama and his future regime but I must also warn that if Obama - Kagan's puppet master - ever pulls his hand out of her a$$ the puppet will crumple.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The EPA Is On The Verge Of Declaring That Naturally Occurring Dust Is A Pollutant

What country am I in?  If the EPA declares the dust is a pollutant thing - farmer's will be penalized for their livestock kicking up dust, raising dust by plowing their fields or for driving down a dirt or gravel lane. It is not just the farmer that is subject to this over regulation you would not be able to drive down a gravel road either.  Big government is out of control and is in need of being put back in its place by the American voters!

Michelle Obama - Modern-day Marie Antoinette

I realize that the princess is paying for her personal expenses but we taxpayers get to foot the bill on travel expenses and security detail.
Actions speak louder than words and the Obamas show that it is only the peasants that need to tighten the proverbial belt.  Check out the links below for the cost of her trip.

Portland Lemonade Stand Needs $120 License To Operate

Don't believe that government sticks its nose into our business too much?  How about a 7 year old girl
needing a $120 permit to have a lemonade stand - do you think that is over the line of intrusion?
In today's America where the youth feel they are entitled to everything and our government encourages that sort of ignorant thought - there is a girl wanting to make some money by working for it - and the government shuts her down. 
Government is awesome!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Taxpayer Money Used To Make Obamacare Commercial

Andy Griffith was a loved American icon and it is disappointing to see him pimp himself out for a piece of government propaganda like this.  This is made by the government in hopes Andy can drum up support for Obamacare.  If you have not had the pleasure to see the commercial go ahead and watch it - taxpayers paid $700k for it.

U.S. To Train 3,000 Offshore IT Workers

$22 million, federally-backed program aims to help outsourcers in South Asia become more fluent in areas like Java programming—and the English language.
Captain Kick-ass is concerned about keeping jobs here?  Hmmmmm - he has a funny way of showing it.

The Feds Admit They Store The Body Scan Images

Remember when they first started installing these imaging machines and they said the images were not stored anywhere?  Well - in a shocking admission - it turns out they are storing the images - doesn't that make TSA a porn institution?I have said it many times - they won't have to worry about me going through the scanner the next time I fly - I will strip naked and walk around it.

Dennis Miller - Someone Finally Saying It Out Loud

Dennis had this to say on the potential mosque in New York and on the immigration issue.

The Broken Window Fallacy

A little insight into Liberal thinking and how it is wrong.

John Stossel - Gun Laws That Kill

To disarm the people is the best and most effective way to enslave them - George Mason June 14, 1788
This is a good clip on the debate between gun ownership and gun control.
I will end this piece with the bumper sticker at the end of the clip - politicians prefer unarmed peasants.
Protect our second amendment rights!

New Energy Bill - New Name To It - It Still Stinks

Well my friends - they have cut the bulk of the bill down, renamed it and as is the case with everything government does it still stinks  Get on the horn to your Senator to squash this crap now.
With the passing of this legislation they are going to make everyone install (at your expense) an electric car charging station in your garage if you do any sort of remodeling on your property. This is whether you have an electric car, might get one or never have plans to get one - doesn't matter. The government will be tracking everyone's individual carbon footprint.  The government is getting Fannie ready to give you energy star loans if you need them......just what we taxpayers need more Fannie help!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Missouri Votes Against Provision of Obamacare

In what is being considered a mostly symbolic vote (because federal law trumps state law) Missouri voters overwhelmingly voted against the provision that requires people to have health insurance or from penalizing them for not having it.
It would appear that the "Show me State" doesn't want Obamacare.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Guess What? They Don't Read The Bills They Pass

Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) - admitted that he did not read the Finance Reform Bill and now he will do everything in his power to correct the crap that he helped get into law.
A big no - no that is now law is that the SEC no longer has to conform to the Freedom of Information Act.  What this means for us is that we will no longer know about things like the ponzi scheme pulled off by Bernie Madoff.  The FOIA makes the SEC look bad and that they are not doing their job.  Thanks to this new law - the SEC has no accountability to the American people.
Thank you Congress and Captain Kick-ass!

Representative Thinking LIke Pete Stark's Is The Problem

This is the thinking that is destroying this country!  These are the people that we need to vote out of office.

Palin On The Status Of The One's Cojones

It is about time someone on the right said what everyone knows to be true!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Chelsea Clinton Weds At Exclusive Estate

Who Cares?  Oh I take that back - I want the Clintons audited because I have no doubt Slick Willy and the Wicked Witch of the East found a way to stick the taxpayers with the bill!!!