Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Government's New Right to Track Your Every Move With GPS

It would appear that we just keep inching (hell - we are leaping) towards the totalitarian state that George Orwell imagined.  This new rule applies in California and 8 other Western states.  What is the rule - you ask?  The government now has the right to come onto your property and install a GPS device on your car without a warrant.  When asked why the government should be allowed to do this the judge said that because a delivery driver or paperboy can walk across a person's driveway the government can come onto your property.  When asked who was exempt from having this happen to a surprising answer - rich people that can afford to put up a gate or fence to keep people out of their yard.


  1. FYI - folks it is way past 1984. Lets review:
    Government tells you what plant you can grow, tells you what property you can use, tells you what privacy means, tells you what health care plan you must have, tells you what people can do in your business, hell they even tell us what light bulb we must use, tells you if you can even speak about it. AND, and this is big, you pay for it all. I too will be jailed for illegal incandescent light bulbs with intent to deliver. Dig deep people do your part.

  2. Shhhhhhhhhhh - I have been hording light bulbs. Until those bastards change the sockets on all lamps and fixtures - I will be the one in the best light!

  3. Yes but the delivery driver and paper boy aren't crossing our driveways to put a GPS device on our cars either! Go figure! PIM
