Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Taxpayer Money Used To Make Obamacare Commercial

Andy Griffith was a loved American icon and it is disappointing to see him pimp himself out for a piece of government propaganda like this.  This is made by the government in hopes Andy can drum up support for Obamacare.  If you have not had the pleasure to see the commercial go ahead and watch it - taxpayers paid $700k for it.


  1. It doesn't surprise me a bit that that old liberal would do this. Behind his folksey, "Aw Shucks" on-screen persona, Sheriff Andy is well known as being a flaming liberal and a real prick to boot. You know, kinda like Russ Feingold!

  2. I guess when you don't have to worry where your next penny is coming from they don't care about issues that will cost ordinary people money. They're to busy making money to notice how much we're losin! I hate when they use actors or singers or well known people to sucker people into things because we have gullible people that will fall for anything. Research, research, research! With slight of hands and blinded eyes,
    Oh what evil can be devised! Poetry In Motion
