Thursday, August 26, 2010

Is The Wave Of Conservatism Getting Close To Tsunami Proportions?

In this American Thinker article Bruce Walker seems to think it is.  He lays out his thoughts on what is possible in the 2010 and 2012 elections.  None of us can rest - get the word out to those that are less informed. 


  1. This is no time to start high-fiving each other. There are still like 70 days to go and the media drumbeat will still become more and more shrill. While there are definite signs for optimism, and there is still time to blow it!

  2. With the current lot not reading or writing any of the bills they are voting YEA on. Not to mention the spending like it is over binge. It is hard to believe that we would still feel that we would not be able to restore the checks and balance. I for one have faith in the silent that they know what is expected of them in times like these. We MUST take it back. Then we must press for the restoration of our great nation and cork the hole in the wallet and trim the payroll.

  3. The nays have it! I agree with you.
    Cork your wallet or the money will flow,
    From your wallet to theirs, the money will go.
    Just can't see what they're doing to us?
    Then wait til your pockets are empty
    And don't make a fuss!
