Saturday, May 15, 2010

Let Me Make This Perfectly Clear - Everybody Is To Blame But ME

In a surprising turn of events an angry president made it perfectly clear that his administration has done everything correctly in reference to the response time to, the overseeing of the clean up and the regulation of the oil business in general.  The biggest bombshell dropped by "The Chosen One" is that this oil spill is all Bush's fault!!
In what this blogger would call a brilliant political move, the current administration has taken credit for the Coast Guard doing their job.  I will not take anything away from the job the Coast Guard does but "The One" is going to take credit for them being at the oil rig explosion shortly after it happened when that is what they do......with or without the blessing of the Messiah in the big white house.

Let us take a closer look at that crack Department of the Interior chief of staff Tom Strickland who felt this was such a crisis that he didn't cut his white water rafting vacation short to address it.
Maybe he should have had someone check out the federal Minerals Management Service and taken a look at what they have allowed since January 2009.  This really is hard to believe but "The Chosen One's" very own newspaper broke this story.
I will sum up the article for you:  since January 2009 without the required permits they have approved 3 huge lease sales, 103 seismic blasting projects and 346 drilling plans.
My question to you Mr. President - Who is in bed with big oil?

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