Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Here Are My Morons Of The Week

Do any of you remember a time when it was a good thing to have an imagination? Parents took responsibility for the way their kids turned out?
Here is a story from Brooklyn, NY that has a playground designed with an open air area called jail. A group of people got together to whine, moan and complain that their 6 year olds would be influenced to go to jail if it stayed on the playground. Oh yeah - it got removed. I would like to follow her 6 year old's life to find out if removing the word jail from the playground will keep her kid out the real big house.
Here is a story from Chicago, Il about a group trying to influence McDonalds into retiring Ronald McDonald because he and he alone is responsible for fat kids. Guess what parents........unless your youngster is running the streets of Chicago and hitting Mickey D's without your knowledge.............you are the person taking your fat a$$ kids there. I never had Ronald McDonald come to my house while growing up and put a gun to any one's head to get me to go there.
My God! Where am I?

Will The Government Make You Buy A GM Vehicle?

If the Supreme Court sides with the federal government in saying it is Constitutional for them to mandate buying a product or service (health care) it sets a very dangerous precedent. What stops them from telling us that if we want a car it has to be from Government Motors?

You Didn't Think They Gave Up On This - Did You?

With the success of the health care takeover, the socialists are revitalized and are looking at getting control of 58% of the American economy (they stand at 48% now). Remember, it is no longer called Cap and Trade - those bills are dead - welcome to the new climate bill!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's Pathetic - Russians Can See This But Americans Can't

I read this article some time ago but it was emailed to me again so I thought I would post it for anyone that hasn't taken the time to read it. This article was written in April 2009 and posted on a Russian blog site.
Makes you ill to know that reality is clear to the people outside of this country.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Well If Fidel Castro Says Obamacare Is Good - I'm Sold

Fidel Castro says that the passing of Obamacare is great for his presidency. Unfortunately all of us without our heads up our own a$$ know that this is not the case. Fidel brags that Cuba has had socialized medicine for 50 years........but where did he go for his last procedure? Spain.
Now there is a vote of confidence for your socialized medical program!

Yeah!! More Power For The SEIU

Going against bi-partisan opposition "The One" appointed a union lawyer to the National Labor Relations Board.
This move should help to speed the time it will take for the small business owner to go the way of the dodo bird.

20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Your Freedoms

Just 20?

AP Shocker - New Health Care Law To Hurt Retiree Drug Plans

In what could be called crack reporting if the media outlet of the "The Chosen One" had bothered to tell the public about this before Obamacare became law - they show one way the law is going screw the elderly.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The FED will be able to spot a crisis before it happens?

This is a good read and speaks to the problem we will forever face unless we take action.
Confidence game

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

At Least They Waited One Day

The whole Obamacare takeover is designed to kill the private insurance industry by 2014 and get us to single payer but hey what the hell might just as well jam it through - why wait?

Guess Who Is Exempt From Obamacare?

Does this surprise anyone? When the question - If it is so good why won't congress be on it? - was raised to Senator Feingold he told everyone that it would be offered to them. As we all know not one of them will be mandated to be on it.

What Did Stupak Get For His Vote?

In case you were wondering what Stupak got for his grand stand holdout - here it is. He rightfully deserves the country's rage but not for the apparent double cross of the American people (those holding out the hope that he would vote against the bill) but for voting yes for the piece of sh!t legislation. Stupak has no interest in the pro-life movement. He supports the pro-life movement when it suits his political aspirations.
If you look at his voting history he is not pro-life.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Who Voted Yes To Obamacare

Here is the link to see how your representatives voted on the Obamacare reconciliation bill. Click here - click on by state/territory - go to your state and see how your rep voted.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

ACORN On The Brink Of Bankruptcy

I have a much better idea for this crooked organization - change your organization's name and resubmit your new organization for federal funding.
You know "The One" will give his blessing for that.

The Sheriff With Balls

Maricopa County Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio has authorized his 14th immigration sweep. Of course, he is being blasted by his critics for targeting Hispanics..........THOSE ARE THE ILLEGALS!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

You Will Not Get Away With Selling Your Vote!

Just make sure you follow through with this Senator Coburn.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Immigration Plan

This must be a good idea......"The One" gives it his thumbs up!!
I guess why shouldn't they continue to jam more sh!t down our throats - we continue to allow them to do this. Does anyone besides me feel like Linda Lovelace?

Walgreens Stores In Washington Not Taking Any More Medicaid Patients

Here it goes people....... first the Mayo Clinic in Arizona no longer taking Medicare patients now Walgreen stores not taking new Medicaid prescription patients. Have no fear you bleeding heart Liberals.....after the government takes over health care, student loans, the auto industry, the banking industry and the insurance industry - they will force the drug stores to sell you your drugs for 1/2 price so they can destroy that part of the private sector too.

Yes - They Should Be Fired!!

More than 100,000 federal employees owe back taxes. They are being paid with taxpayer money so there should not be any leniency for tax cheats. Fire their a$$es!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Idaho Is The First State To Pass Anti-Obamacare Legislation

There are 37 other states that have legislation in progress to join Idaho. It may be futile but it looks like the states are trying to show the Feds that they have the balls to oppose them.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Keep calling and emailing your reps, I do.

Health care and studen loans and gun control all in one tasty shell
I threw in gun control

Sorry Russel we do not buy it.

Look, Russel would like to control earmark spending. It seems he wants us to see him as a hawk on wasting money. So sorry Russel we see your actions and they do not match the words. Hope your "no" vote on the socialists health care bill will trump your stimulus vote. Oh that is right you voted "yes" . BuBye.
Russel appears to wants to stop wasting taxpayer money. 
I do understand that if his amendment passes it is a good thing. Sometimes these guys put forth something they know will not fly to get to say they tried and somehow make us feel that maybe they aint all that bad. Please.

The future is brighter with Barney Frank at the helm.

I was always led to believe that the brightest of us made it to the top positions. Or at least were consulted when there was a situation. Now I see that the bumbling idiots have the top spots and they don't need any help. Fraud and lies will set us back for many years.
Really? Do the right thing already.

Is the air fit to breathe?

Well it is much better than in the 70's for some key pollutants. Take a look at the emissions increase with the population increase. This is one reason they switched from complaints about air pollution to the greenhouse nonsense. Not a peep from the media.
EPA report released

Paul Ryan On Health Care

We hear you Paul but unfortunately most of Congress does not.

"Most bad government has grown out of too much government." Thomas Jefferson.

The Fed Involved In Bank Collapse

After watching the clip you can understand why the Fed made sure the emails and documents involving the whole AIG cover up have been sealed until 2018.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mr. Rogers Neighborhood

This is an older clip from the beginning of the Obamacare take over attempt but I like it and I feel all of you should take a 3.5 minute trip through Mr. Rogers' neighborhood.

GOOOOH Gaining Steam

I have several supporters of the GOOOH organization on my email list and I felt the need to post this video clip of GOOOH founder Tim Cox from an interview with FOX & Friends.
Take a look at the video and see if this is a movement you can get behind.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

National I.D. Cards On The Way

WOW! What in the hell country am I in? Why don't they just tattoo a number on us and lead us straight to the gas chamber? I am not up on my bible readings but doesn't this sound a little like what is in the Book of Revelations or right out of the Nazi hand book?
Let's take a look at what a government issued national I.D. card could mean for all of us.
The card would have to be carried at all times in case you are stopped by the gestapo and checked.
The card could be mandatory for travel.
The card could be mandatory for gun ownership.
The card could carry information on your political party affiliation.
The card could carry information on whether you are union or not.
The card could carry a chip for GPS use. Meaning they can track you anywhere.
The card could be mandatory for buying food.
This government takeover of our lives in getting to be out of control. I used to believe the federal government should deliver my mail and defend this country from our enemies.......but the post office is failing and the federal government continues to use national safety as an excuse to take away our freedoms and rights. With every passing day it is more apparent that the federal government is our enemy.

This Is Pretty Good

Watch and laugh.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Take A Look At This If You Want To Get Your Ire Up.

This is a good clip on the congressional earmarks. The video will show what success Arizona congressman Jeff Flake has had at stopping earmarks and the repercussions for trying.
This video should make you sick and piss you off. That is my job.......I'm good at it.

Should Recreational Fishing Industry Be Worried?

We have seen "The One" try to do things that come close to blowing the mind of anyone with common sense and it looks as if we have another potential - would he really try that? - moment.
It appears that ESPN feels that there is enough merit in this to write an article on it. "The One" has proven he is a crazy enough bastard to try something like this.

Pelosi Obviously Does Not Use A Teleprompter

This is a 5 second clip so you will be able to watch it over and over.
What exactly is the criteria for being the Speaker of the House? Stupidity - check. Too much plastic surgery? - check. The ability to make the public nauseous when she speaks? - check. I guess she is qualified.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

"The One's" New Adversary

Broke! Fixing America's Fiscal Crisis

"The One's" 10 Million Acre Land Grab

This country has a prime time president that loves to get in front of the cameras to tell us how much he wants to do for this country. Let's check his progress.
At this time the government has control over 30% of the nations economy.
If he gets Obamacare through it will be 48%.
If he gets Cap and Tax it will be 56%.
4 million people have lost a job in this country since "The One" took office.
He has said he is open to drilling for our own oil, natural gas and for advancing nuclear energy. How is he moving this plan forward? He is planning on doing what Jimmy Carter and slick Willy Clinton did while they were in office........buy up 10 million acres in 9 states so the land can be federally protected from anyone - oh I don't know - let's say drilling for anything.
This is just another example of a back room idea for taking away more power from the states and the people.
Oh yeah.......big shocker here - DeMint's amendment to stop the land grab was defeated down party lines. Can you believe the Liberals are all for expanding the government's land ownership?

For Your Safety And The Safety Of Our Planet

Thank the Lord we have big government to protect us from ourselves. I will keep this short so you can read the articles I have linked in this posting.
As I referenced in an earlier posting the Internet will be more closely monitored by big SIS.
The UK is installing sensors on residential trash bins to weigh the trash for tax purposes. This one somewhat sounds like the US government cap and tax proposal.
For all of you travel lovers - 11 major US airports are getting the full body scanners. I have an older posting on this site that shows just how much privacy you really have when going through a full body scanner. I would have to believe the pedophiles must be lining up for the scanner viewing job.
I have stated several times that the next time I fly I will choose the non scanning line, I will strip and I walk through the gestapo checkpoint stark naked!!

Ahhhh!! Coming Soon - Socialized Medicine -Where Is My Water Bottle?

I am not naive enough to think this can't happen in this country.......I am sure it happens all the time in the government run veterans or the government run Native American hospitals but take a gander at what we have to look forward to.
When the government employs people that don't worry about being fired, they won't be sued and they won't be charged with criminal conduct - what type of worker do you expect.

And They Want To Take Over Health Care?

The most ethical Speaker running the most ethical House of Representatives can't find a ways and means committee leader that hasn't cheated on their taxes. In case you did not know, the ways and means committee write the tax laws.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Gun Control On A Local - Country - International Level

There has been a lot of interest, by gun owners and 2nd amendment advocates, in Hillary Clinton's comments for an international gun ban treaty. It would appear that the immediate danger of having "The One's" administration circumvent the US Constitution by going for an international treaty seems unfounded or unlikely. Keep in mind that we have seen when the Liberals/Progressives get a little opening they will stop at nothing to get their left wing agenda passed. You can read in the above article from fact check that they don't shut out the possibility that "The One" would use a treaty as a way to get rid of gun rights - it just says that he has not done anything to substantiate the rumors.....yet. With the sales of guns and ammunition going through the roof it would seem the public does not trust the new administration.
One of the hot topics for gun rights in the country is the decision of the Supreme Court in the McDonald vs Chicago case. Mr. McDonald is a 76 year old man that would like to keep a gun in his home (which is against the law in Chicago) for protection. As is the case with most gun laws - this has not stopped the kids and gangs from killing each other on the streets of Chicago. If you have to ask why it has not stopped the gangs and criminals from killing people or each other you need to go to a dark room, turn the lights off and just sit there.......you are part of the problem!
Here is the progress of the Supreme Court ruling on the McDonald vs Chicago case. It would seem that the outlook on the decision has the gun rights advocates going for broke because the mayor of Peoria is hoping to ride this wave into getting conceal carry in his city. His hope is that giving every day law abiding citizens the ability to defend themselves will help curtail the increasing crime rate in Peoria.
Here is a small fact for you to chew on - there are 2 states that have no provisions for conceal carry - in other words there are only 2 states in the USA that do not allow conceal carry at all Illinois and Wisconsin.
It isn't only Illinois gun rights advocates having an on going battle with the Liberal leaders of their state WI has its own conceal carry battle going on.
Stay tuned - being a gun owner and 2nd amendment supporter I have a vested interest in the outcome of these issues. I will keep you as informed as I can.

Big Sis Is Making Our Internet Safer Because You Can't

Think about what the government is putting in place right now. They are setting up the infrastructure to monitor our every move on the Internet and when they perceive a threat - the president has the authority to shut it down.
Where is the outrage from the people about our privacy on the Internet being invaded. The government continues to use fear tactics on the people of this country to take away more of our rights, privileges and freedoms.
If the government had their way I would be too afraid to turn on a computer, to use any energy, to call someone, go to work or even fart for Christ sake.
When is this crap going to end?

Obama's Budget Under Estimates Impact On The Deficit

This seems very hard for me to believe - especially with Pelosi on watch. I mean with her running the most ethical congress in history you would think these horribly inaccurate estimates would stop.

Before I hear any comments that she has nothing to do with Obama's budget proposal - it was a joke. In fact, this entire administration is a joke. Look how far in debt this man is looking to put all of us.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Back Room Deals Are Now Being Done In The Open

"The One" is getting so desperate that he is doing his backroom deals out in the open. The latest deal appears to be "The One" nominating the brother of a House Democrat that says he is undecided on Obamacare.
It is amazing how low these a$$holes will stoop to jam the most unpopular bill in the history of this country down our throats. If "The One" thinks he almost started a riot with his comments that brought about the beer summit - just wait and see what the country does if he succeeds with this piece of crap.

The Reconciliation Process For Health Care Takeover

I think this article from the Wall Street Journal does a very good job explaining the process the Liberals are going to use to ram this health care takeover down our throats.
Please take a look at the process, its history, why it should not be used and the potential consequences of it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

If They Jam It Through - Can It Be Repealed?

If Congress does jam this health care takeover through, the question will be - can it be repealed?
The outlook does not look good but it would be possible with a presidential change in 2012. There are options in 2011 to limit or cut off funding for the takeover.
The main problem that I see - from history - we have seen once Congress gets power over something (Republicans or Liberals) they don't like to give it up. We would really need to have the most ethical Congress in history to get it done.
Don't hold your breath.

Jim Bunning Being Shredded By The Liberals And Their Controlled Media

On February 12th of this year "The One" signed the PAYGO bill into law. As the words ran across the teleprompter he spewed to the American people "Now Congress will have to pay for what it spends, just like everybody else."
2 weeks after "The One" made this statement the Senate passed the PAYGO exempt 15 billion dollar jobs bill. I believe the public is getting smart enough that I don't have to tell you that this has nothing to do with creating jobs - which is what the name implies. It is just another benefit extension package at our expense.
Whatever Jim Bunning's motives were (he appears to be somewhat crotchety when approached and I see that he struck a deal with Dirty Harry) he has been getting lambasted for essentially saying that this should not go through because it goes against the PAYGO enacted 2 f-ing weeks ago. Bunning is getting ripped apart by the Liberal media for standing pat on what the Liberals had been preaching for roughly a day.
The Liberals just keep reinforcing that the rules only apply when they are a benefit. If they don't benefit them they change the rules or ignore them completely.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Whoa - That Ethical Mike Sheridan In The News Again!

You really have to give Assembly Speaker Mike Sheridan his props......when the guy makes a decision to get everything he can out of his position he really goes all out. Let us list some of the offenses this public servant has been questioned about in the last 6 months.
He admitted to boning a lobbyist that may or may not have swayed his support for a bill on loan interest rates.
He admitted to living outside of his district because of his pending divorce - against a state requirement.
He did not detail his campaign travel expenses - reportedly a trip done with said lobbyist.
His latest is a shady looking contribution the day before making a speech softening his stance on the above mentioned loan interest bill.
We can only hope that his fellow liberals continue to support this moron and with any luck he can take a few of them down with him.
This man should not only resign as speaker but he should be voted out at the soonest opportunity!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Paul Ryan Interviewed

This clip is of Chris Wallace interviewing Paul Ryan about the bogus health care summit. If you only watch a little bit of this - may I suggest starting at the 10 minute mark to hear Ryan's comments on whether or not the Progressives have the votes in the House to pass this.