Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Here Are My Morons Of The Week

Do any of you remember a time when it was a good thing to have an imagination? Parents took responsibility for the way their kids turned out?
Here is a story from Brooklyn, NY that has a playground designed with an open air area called jail. A group of people got together to whine, moan and complain that their 6 year olds would be influenced to go to jail if it stayed on the playground. Oh yeah - it got removed. I would like to follow her 6 year old's life to find out if removing the word jail from the playground will keep her kid out the real big house.
Here is a story from Chicago, Il about a group trying to influence McDonalds into retiring Ronald McDonald because he and he alone is responsible for fat kids. Guess what parents........unless your youngster is running the streets of Chicago and hitting Mickey D's without your knowledge.............you are the person taking your fat a$$ kids there. I never had Ronald McDonald come to my house while growing up and put a gun to any one's head to get me to go there.
My God! Where am I?


  1. Doesn't Ronald McDonald supply a play area so that you can burn off the calories that you put on? Or is everyone in to big of a hurry to take a little time to let their kids play? If you eat pretty healthy much of the time you can stop in once in a while but then it's your choice. Most kids are overweight because they don't get enough exercise. What parents need to do is make their kids get off of their lazy a$$es and help with chores around the home. Go outside and play some old fashioned running games. If you see kids outside they're all huddled together in a group and the only thing getting exercise is their mouths or their fingers from texting the one standing or sitting not to far away!

  2. The next time these morons look up past special Johnny, probably with a helmet on in the sand box, they'll be getting a bowl of rice a day from the phukeen department of do-what-I-say. Obesity problem solved! The clown with the gun to your head is your dictator Hussien Obama, then the middle area of your cardboard box town will be called jail again. Speak out when you see it.
