Tuesday, March 23, 2010

At Least They Waited One Day

The whole Obamacare takeover is designed to kill the private insurance industry by 2014 and get us to single payer but hey what the hell might just as well jam it through - why wait?

1 comment:

  1. I say why wait for November? Let's hurry up and vote them all out before they realize what happened! If only we could. I can't wait. I am not voting for one Democrat, no matter how good he or she is. As far as I'm concerned they still are running on their parties platform. They don't seem to have their own opinions. They are easily persuaded just give them a little candy! I used to give to a lot of organizations (good ones) but they're a lot from different states other than the one I live in. Now I feel with all the sweetheart deals that have been passed let the chosen one take care of them. I don't believe in double dipping either. I think this is a good
    "F@#$ing deal" how about you? I can save money and hide it under my mattress now.
