Sunday, July 18, 2010

Now Obama Says Obamacare Is A Tax

Now that there are more than 20 states in the lawsuit against the federal government because of the mandated Obamacare it would appear that captain kick-ass has made a change.  He woke up and heard his boys say "you know messiah - they may have a case on the un-constitutionality of Obamacare" to which he replies "Hey boys - I'll change the game and the rules again!"
I have used the clip below at least one other time - maybe more - but I will not let you forget about this liar!

1 comment:

  1. Deceptive Mr Obama, it is a tax increase. Also you pretend that, "other people carrying your burdens for you" is not what you promote on many fronts but here it is bad. WOW your lack of honesty is your most shinny aspect. I will not purchase anything from a federal mandate and I expect the Constitution will win over you and your socialists in Congress. Snowe's name is dropped to give you, Mr Obama, a nice feeling. It is a partisan, socialist, government monopoly.
