Friday, July 2, 2010

The Myth About DDT - Busted

I recently had a conversation about the myth surrounding the so-called horrible chemical DDT.  I had remembered reading something about how more people die because it is banned than did from its use.  My memory is not that good anymore so here is a short clip on the wonder chemical DDT.


  1. But Stossel is wrong.

    Tren is a pro-industry propagandist who runs an Astroturf organization.

    See here:

    See here:

    Fighting malaria is chiefly a medical problem. Poisoning Africa will not stop malaria. It didn't before.

    And Tren fails to tell you a vital thing: Malaria death rates are less than half, now, what it was at the height of DDT use.

  2. I certainly appreciate your opinion and the links that you posted for viewing were an interesting read. I am sure you know Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring (Stossel references it in the video and your recommended articles do too) was instrumental in getting DDT banned and if you are looking for some more reading material might I suggest you check out J Gordon Edwards' take on her book at

    See Link:

    The first link you give:

    uses statistics from the WHO(which is the organization that brought you the phony H1N1 pandemic) to support your argument but if you go to this link

    See Link:

    you will see that the WHO endorses the use of DDT as a indoor residual spray in the control of disease carrying insects.

  3. Just like Oil and Coal, smoking and hemp, the product was demagogued out of use. Here is a link for you to read and look into:
