Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good News. The debt will stabilize at 67% of GDP

Time for a change people. For the last 40 years we have averaged around 36% of GDP which I always said was way too much. Choose wisely, elections have consequences!  We have to get back or we are done.

Shore Bank investigation was just smoke and mirrors.

Corruption in this government is so thick and deep that we need to call for the resignation of all of them right up to Obama, the king of corruption. You cannot sit idle anymore, remember tough talk on offshore drilling and nuclear power? Didn't happen. Remember tough talk on Acorn? Didn't happen. Now it is the investigation of Shore Bank and other banks. Well not going to happen. These people say something like we will bring the troops home, just to appease the masses and then pull it at the last minute.   Barney Frank should already be in jail.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Where Is The World's Largest Oil Skimmer?

Where is the world's largest oil skimmer?  Tied to a dock in Norfolk, Virginia.  To this date 600,000 barrels of oil have been skimmed and the owners of the oil skimmer A-Whale claim it can skim 500,000 barrels of oil a day. 
I'm going to ask the question again - Why is the A-Whale tied to a dock in Norfolk?

Kagan Says It's Ok If The Law Bans Books Because They Won't Enforce It

If this woman was not Harvaaaaard educated - just like "The Chosen One" - I would believe she was a moron.

US Senate Committe Approves Cybersecurity Bill

The bill that - if made into law - allows the president to shut off the Internet in the event of a cyber attack has been approved to move on to the Senate for debate. 
Under the Communications Act of 1934 the president has the authority to shut down the Internet in times of war but this legislation will give the president the ability to shut it down for up to 120 days without needing the approval of Congress.
This is just what the ego-maniac needs - the ability to silence his critics anytime he sees fit to do so.  To gain security - freedom has to be limited.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hey what's with the stimulus?

You may be wondering, like me, where is all the stimulus money we are hearing is doing such a great job for our recovery? How much is spent and how much is left? Why do we keep hearing about spending billions more on what should be already happening? Well I looked at to learn that $202 Billion has been "awarded" and of that, $62 Billion was "received" since it was passed until now. Knowing that the total in the stimulus pile was $787 Billion, why would we need more multi-billion dollar spending bills for stimulation? According to the lions share, $585 Billion is still not "awarded" so it is not stimulating. Also $140 Billion of what has been "awarded" has not been "received" so it too is still not stimulating. So if you are thinking these people want to stimulate our economy, why do you think they only let out $62 Billion so far? Why do you think they are talking about other jobs bills even though they are still not stimulating with $725 Billion already passed over 16 months later? Something is not right. They care, they are working hard on this recovery, and according to them it is working as planned with only 8% of the funds "received".

Electoral College to be eliminated??

Flying well below the radar screen for 4 years are efforts to replace our current Electoral College system and install a new "National Popular Vote" process by which each state's electoral votes would be given to the candidate who wins the national popular vote. What does the mean?? Well for one thing, it means that densely populated urban areas might have an inordinate amount of influence in the election of Presidents. Read more

Saturday, June 26, 2010

This Is How Obama Is Helping Arizona Defend It's Border

Here is a question I have for you Oh Exalted One - Do you think you can hold off destroying this country through well orchestrated environmental disasters, economic disasters and government take overs to do something the federal government is actually supposed to do and protect the legal citizens of this country?
Let us take a look at some of the recent moves "The Chosen One" has done for us on border security - go to this link on the hiring of Harold Hurtt the new U.S. Immigration & Custom Enforcement Office of State & Local Coordination.
Harold Hurtt supports "sanctuary cities".  These are places where illegals that don't commit crimes can live without the fear of being deported.  He does not support ICE's key program of drawing on the local law enforcement's support.  Thanks BHO for hiring a guy to a $180k a year job that doesn't believe in or agree with the department he is running.  
You are a Harvaaaaaaard genius!!!!
Watch the short clip below so that you can continue to bask in the glow of Obama's Harvaaaaard brain.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Call your reps NOW!

Here we go again, no one will know how this works until it is passed. No one will read it. It is a 2000 page hope the change does not destroy us pot shot. Call now and often this is set for next week.  Financial takover crap sandwich

We cannot afford this government

One of our biggest problem in this country is only getting bigger. Time for us to live within our means. Here is the story

Milwaukee makes the news

Not in a good way. WTF is the reason for a boycott? Why don't we boycott China or her district in Milwaukee or orange juice, one could make a case for those as well. Note the dual flags, that always gives a warm feeling of unity. Peggy West - Democrat Supports a boycott but does not know where Arizona is

Here is an updated link to the Video

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Davy Crockett - Not Yours To Give

A backwoods farmer has a discussion with Davy Crockett on the interpretation of the Constitution.  His discussion rings as true today as it did then.

Blagojevich's Chief Of Staff Is Talking

I have said from the start of the Blagojevich fiasco that there is no way BHO wasn't involved in the selling of his vacant Senate seat.  Just a gut feeling of know the Chicago political boys stick together.  Blago's chief of staff John Harris is talking and it would appear there were several possible scenarios to get Valerie Jarrett appointed to BHO's vacant Senate seat.  Wonder what the connection Valerie Jarrett has to the Obama family - she was a mentor to Michelle since the early 90's and while BHO was campaigning for president was called "the other side of Barack's brain".
2 of the possibilities Blago wanted was an appointment to a Health and Human Services cabinet position
or what I would call the Blago $15 million slush fund.
Oh yes friends - this is all coming out before the egomaniac Blagojevich even takes the stand.  I wonder if "The Chosen One" feels the walls closing in?

Look At Who Received The Home Buyer Credit

Let us take a look see at who received the homebuyer credit.
1,295 prison inmates.
2,555 taxpayers got credit for homes bought before the credit was enacted.
10,282 taxpayers got credit for homes that other taxpayers had already gotten the credit.
I always try to save the best for last........87 IRS employees are being investigated for improper credit claims.
The credit has been anywhere from $6500 - $8000 so if we take the low end $6500 X 14,219 cheats = $92,423,500 taxpayer dollars.
Another example of our government programs at work.

Does The Government Make More Than Big Oil Companies On A Gallon Of Gas?

I recently heard that the government makes more than the oil companies on a gallon of gas so I dug into it.  This link to factcheck can only give the answer as possibly.  There are too many factors involved once you take income taxes into account.  It does give the federal government's flat rate and some of the other flat rates - but each state varies. 
Let's just say that it is too close to call.  Still believe that big oil is the only problem here?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pelosi Looking For Donations To Keep The Indictments Away

Pelosi is asking for donations  to stave off the horrible reality of the coming Republican driven investigations if they gain control of the House of Representatives in November.
There are 3 really good reasons they should the Republicans (hopefully 10thers) gain control of the House.
1. Pelosi would be out as Speaker.
2. It would be great to prosecute the pricks in power right now.
3. I would much rather pay for the investigations than have these a-holes spend trillions on crap that is ruining this country.  I would rather pay for them all to stay home and not pass anymore legislation.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Obama's ass is the ass that Obama is looking to kick.

What did he know and when did he know it?  Obama knew before the explosion
that there was a problem. This sheds the light on the lies once again. Can we all agree that we have a bigger problem now.

BHO - Are You Really Doing All You Can To Clean Up The Spill?

It would appear that "The Chosen One" is not doing everything he can to clean up the oil in the Gulf - in fact, he appears to be deliberately prolonging the clean up.  I wonder if he has broken 80 on the golf course yet?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Myths About The Deficit

I urge everyone to take 10 minutes to read this excellent article on the myths of the deficit from the Heritage Foundation.  The article discusses the big 3 entitlement programs (social security, medicare and medicaid), tax cuts and what it will take to get the budget balanced.  

The 10th Amendment

For those of you out there that are a conservative, Constitutionalist or know the all important 10th Amendment - this video is a nice refresher.  All others out there need to watch and learn!

Government By The Numbers - Also Qualifies For This Month's WTF File

I don't know if I should laugh or cry but I did chuckle at the federal government spending $2.6 million to get Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job.

Why Obamacare Will Make You Poorer

This is a good video explaining why the expanding government is going to drive the cost of health care beyond anything the middle class can afford.  Thank you BHO!!

Fannie and Freddie ordered to de-list from NYSE

Here is a refresher for all of you, the government is the root of all evil. The bankers get the blame and you get the bill. Have a nice day now.

The Federal Government Getting Everyone Their Fair Wage - Even Illegals

Words cannot describe this public service announcement.  Our government is using taxpayer money to offer help to all workers - documented or not - get a fair wage.

The simplicity of the bumper sticker

Recovery Update

Will our congress borrow another $30 Billion to give to failing banks just to have the FDIC turn around and shut them down?  Am I too late?  Glad to see the media has us colored within the great recovery. The stimulus is still working!  Now some news from the real world. Banks failing at a rapid pace.

You would think Jesse or Al would have chimed in.

All I heard was a cricket.  So Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton may feel this phrase is common enough that it is not cause for their usual alarm.  Maybe we are turning the corner.

Do they have to uphold the rule of law?

When a law is passed it is the law.  Right?  Those that violate it are in danger of prosecution from those who enforce it.  If they enforce it.  Is it really optional for the enforcers to enforce the law?  Can one take an oath to uphold the rule of law and then tell its violators not to worry about the law because they want to change it in the future?  Can one choose not enforce a law because they need it to bribe others with?  Impeachment comes to my mind, but I am an anti-government type to begin with. What do you think?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Latest On The FED Audit

On May 12th I posted a story on the Senate passing the FED audit bill - here is an update on the FED audit.

YouCut Results From Week 4

Believe it or not but "The Chosen One" is in support of the selection from week 4.  He does not support the $15 billion is savings but he does support his own version of $3 billion in savings.  I can only guess that either his ego makes him write his own proposal or some of his shady Chicago boys need $3 billion in federal land.
You Cut results from week 4.
Vote here for week 5.

Wisconsin Listen Up - Ron Johnson For US Senate

Wisconsin needs a Senator that has real world experience.  It is time to get rid of the face of the Progressive party - Russ Feingold.

The Gulf Spill Is Obviously Under Control

I don't know what all the anger and outrage is over the little oil spill in the gulf.  If you look at the leaders in the cleanup operation - everything is obviously under control.
Tony Hayward (BP CEO) is attending yacht races and "The Chosen One" is golfing and attending MLB games.
I just don't understand all of the hostility.

Tab On Fannie And Freddie - $146 Billion And Counting

The Republicans want to cut ties with the 79.9% federally owned Fannie and Freddie but the Liberals want to keep pumping taxpayer money into these two money pits.  In case you need to be reminded of the Liberal way......don't fix anything just keep throwing money at it.
Too big to fail my a$$.  Let them sink!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Ohhhhhh! So NOW It Is A Tax

I know that this interview with George Stephanopoulous is concerning the legislation that the drunk Senator Baucus wrote but the message is the same........BHO is saying the healthcare law is not a tax BUT when the federal government is pushed about the healthcare mandate's constitutionality the federal government now says that the healthcare law is a tax.
Let us not forget the liar's campaign promises on no taxes for the middle class.

Representative Bob Etheridge Doesn't Quite Answer The Question

It appears to me that Representative Bob Etheridge won't answer the question until he knows who you are.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Keep On Taxing The Rich

Keep on taxing the people with all of the money until they leave the country.  When the rich leave - more of the jobs that they support go with them.   This crap does not work!  This Government Must Go!!!!!

Pelosi's New Office - $18K Per Month

 Pelosi's new digs are because she is speaker and needs the extra security that goes along with that position. 
 Who is paying the $18k per month?   When Members have their offices in federal buildings, as Pelosi does, the payments are made to the General Services Administration, which is the government’s property manager.  Federal building + she has never cared about spending tax payer money = Tax payers 

Saturday, June 12, 2010

To Gain Security You Must Surrender Freedoms

It is the oldest government trick in the book - they claim that for you to gain security you must surrender some of your freedoms.  The most powerful tool the government possesses is fear.  They play on our fears and slowly take away our freedom.  This is how the Russians are doing it.
How long do you think it will take our government to do this?  In many ways they have already.

Friday, June 11, 2010

H.R. 5444 - Private Option Health Care Act

Representative Ron Paul has introduced the Private Option Health Care Act.  This looks to be something that would really push America in the right direction for affordable health care.  Here is a link for the quick version of the H.R.5444 bill.
I am also providing the link for the full version of the bill H.R. 5444.
I urge you to read this and become involved in getting some support for H.R.4995 and H.R. 5444........your life just may depend on it.

H.R.4995 - End The Mandate Bill - Repeal of Obamacare

Ron Paul introduced H.R 4995 End The Mandate and this bill is for a full repeal of the Obamacare crap that was forced upon the American people. Get in support of this unless you want a presidential appointee making your health care decisions for you.
This is the page to sign that he refers to in the video.

The text of the H.R. 4995 bill

Representative Pence - What Is Your Opinion Of Speaker Nancy Pelosi?


More Details On The Impact Of Obamacare On Seniors

I will start out with what a great man said back in the1960's - the quickest way to socialism is through the government take over of the health care system.  Well, as we get closer to the fruition of Obama's dream of America's destruction we see more and more of the consequences of going to a failed socialistic utopia.  I am taking it upon myself to apologize to the elderly in this country.......this is not what you've earned.

First President To Hold A Press Conference Without An American Flag Present

Let us not forget that Michelle was never proud of this country until this became president.
He makes me sick!

Do You Remember A Time When The World Followed Us?

In all of the press conferences the White House pretends that they want tough sanctions against Iran because of their budding nuclear program but it would appear the White House has alterior ideas.  The White House fears that sanctions against companies that do business in Iran would make the rest of the world angry.  We must remember that with this administration what is done publicly is one thing but they do their best work behind closed doors. Oh - I miss the days when we weren't trying to be Europe.

YouCut Results For Last Week And New Topics

Here is how the Representatives voted on the winning issue.
The next 5 topics to vote on.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Watch This To See What Laser Like Focus Looks Like

This video gives a time shows you what BHO has been consumed with since the oil spill began.

This Country Loves To Elect Ivy League School Grads So........

This country seems to love to elect Ivy League grads for our highest government positions so I believe I have found our next presidential candidates.
In true progressive damage control fashion they called on the race card (the Boyds are white) and blamed the kids.  That method has to be a class they teach in the Ivy schools.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Obama To Highschool Students - Don't Blame Anyone

Oh yeah - this video should be on Saturday Night Live or that tool of a show The Daily Show.  You read the title line correctly and this is coming from a guy who has blamed his predecessor for everything.

The One Knows Who's A$$ To Kick!

A month ago "The Chosen One" talked to some fishermen down in the gulf and they told him whose a$$ needed kicking. 

Public Sector Unions Now Have A Bullseye On Them

The outrageous benefit plans that the public sector is enjoying - along with being overpaid is becoming the number one target in many of the campaigns for governor around the country.  I have been on record stating that all (excluding the military) public sector jobs are nothing more than a burden on the taxpaying society.  I would be hard pressed to find something the private sector can't do better and cheaper than the public sector can.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

When The Private Sector Can't Be Trusted To Invest Their Own Money

Here is John Kerry telling everyone that giving tax breaks to businesses and people in the private sector is not good practice because they may not invest it in this country.  Guess what his solution to this bet - the federal government will invest this money instead.  Can you believe this a--hole?

Senate Passes 94% Of Legislation In Secret

The Senate passes over 90% of legislation without any debate, without amendment, and without a roll call vote.  Thanks to Senator DeMint it is no longer a secret.

Hillary Clinton Wishes The Queen A Happy Birthday On The Wrong Weekend

It is too bad this administration is against waterboarding because if they had boarded Paul McCartney they may have gotten some good intel and got word to the queen on the correct weekend.

From The WTF Files

A man smoked pot, got mauled by a bear and is now eligible for workman's compensation according to a Montana judge.  Here we go again with morons being protected by the system.  I believe the judge should be removed from the bench, the moron that got mauled should be given a few joints to ease the pain of the mauling and as "The Chosen One" would say this should be used as a teachable moment for the guy.

Wake Up America!

It is time to wake up America!! Let's not get fooled again.

WI DNR And The Humane Society Of The United States Partnered

This should cause concern for all hunters, trappers and fishermen throughout the state of Wisconsin.  The WI DNR and the HSUS have joined together to get the word out about the importance of allowing wild animals to remain in their natural habitat.  The HSUS chipped in $6000 dollars for advertisments to get the word out.
 Essentially the WI DNR whored themselves out to an organization that the Charity Navigator has listed as having less trustworthiness than the radical group PETA.  The same organization that the NYT and Wall Street Journal reported that less than one-half of 1% of its budget consists of grants to local animal shelters.
DNR Chief Warden Randy Stark has admitted to being the one that contacted HSUS for the partnership on this issue.  Thank you Randy for inviting the snake into the nest!

What? The Media Is Liberal?

ABC New's deputy political director, Teddy Davis, is leaving the network to join SEIU's communication and politics operation.
I wonder if he supports the Democratic party?

SEIU Stealing From Its Members?

In 2005 the union giant's pension plan was only 82% properly funded, which by government standards, officially makes it endangered.  The interesting thing about that is that SEIU officers have their own fully funded pension plan that is separate from the endangered fund for the rank and file.
Wow!  Sounds just like Congress.

Mexico Opens California Office For Illegal IDs

The Mexican government opened a satellite office in the Catalina Island Country Club that illegal immigrants can obtain matricular cards (ID cards) by appointment.  The office has since been moved to a Catholic church so they can claim protection under the Geneva Convention.
Officers with the US Immigration and Cusotms Enforcement said their agency was asked by Mexican officials not to enforce US immigration laws of hte island while the cards were being issued.  Once again we see that the federal government knows this is going on but they do nothing about it.  Thanks for securing our borders BHO!
Who is running this country?  The F---ing Mexican government?  Tell the illegal Mexicans to kiss our a$$ and send them packing!!!!

WHO Investigated In H1N1 Pandemic Lie

The WHO - World Health Organization is being investigated for possible collaboration with the drug companies over the listing of H1N1 as a pandemic.  The way I see it 2 entities got things they wanted from the pandemic - the drug companies got billions for producing the vaccine and the US federal government got some support for their socialized medicine law.
Why do we only hear about this through foreign news?  We have freedom of the press here right?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Arizona Governor Meets With Obama

Jan Brewer finally got a meeting with the chosen one but as you would figure nothing much came out of it.  "The One" still believes that the new Arizona law - which is almost a carbon copy of the federal immigration law - will interfere or get in the way of the enforcement of the federal immigration law.
Yo! BHO! The problem is there is no enforcement of the federal law!