Thursday, June 24, 2010

Look At Who Received The Home Buyer Credit

Let us take a look see at who received the homebuyer credit.
1,295 prison inmates.
2,555 taxpayers got credit for homes bought before the credit was enacted.
10,282 taxpayers got credit for homes that other taxpayers had already gotten the credit.
I always try to save the best for last........87 IRS employees are being investigated for improper credit claims.
The credit has been anywhere from $6500 - $8000 so if we take the low end $6500 X 14,219 cheats = $92,423,500 taxpayer dollars.
Another example of our government programs at work.

1 comment:

  1. Home sales hit record low because the fraud and puppet show are over. At great expense no less because the government is controlled by these fools. Here that, its the sound of Keynes laughing at us.
