Monday, April 5, 2010

The lies of our elected representatives.

I am sure you have all seen this. If you do not have a good answer perhaps you should tell them you will get back to them. "They told me what was going to be in it" would have been better. Time to start looking for a job.


  1. I think he couldn't think fast enough to lie his way out of his lie. I've said before lie upon lie upon lie. I laughed out loud when he said he read the whole thing and I laughed harder when he said not once but three times! He must be a new breed of speed readers. Good Lord! Then when you think you've been embarrassed enough you flee the scene and don't say another word. Yeah, that always works. You know, the deeper you dig the longer it takes to back out of that hole. It goes to show you that none of them even had time to read the whole bill. Fox News had a speed reader on the program before the bill was passed and he would say at different times what he had read. He brought up the part that student loans were in there. The fact that students would go through the government to get loans. Then he said a lot of the bill had parts that you had to reference back to in order to understand what was meant. The speed reader said so a lot of stuff could be bogis. So if Phil could read that three times and refer back to everything then he must be a real prodigy. Clearly he's over qualified for the position he holds. Maybe the voters could find him another job?

  2. Yikes!!!! I feel so much better knowing this guy is dictating the way we live. I'm not sure which exchange is better... this one or last week's beauty by Democrat Representative Hank Johnson. You know, the genius who stated in open hearings that he was worried that the island of Guam might "tip over and capsize" if the Navy would sent 8,000 additional sailors there. Too lazy to post the link to it here, (D'Oh!) But check out youtube under Hank Johnson if you want to fall out of your chair laughing.

    The truly sad thing about it is that these two knuckleheads are probably just the tip of the intellectual iceberg in the amount of buffoonery that infests the halls of Congress.... Sign!

  3. Here is the link to Hank johnson's statement last week. Un-frikking believeable!

  4. Thank you for the link to Hank Johnson. I watched 3 videos and that's about all I could take! You said it. He was unbelievable. When he talked about the people with the white hoods I'm thinking that must be how the ones that voted for him came to the polls. With white hoods or paper bags over their heads and the eyes not cut out. Boy, what a shock when the hoods came off!

  5. No one said anything, c'mon, does he think the island is just floating there on the water? This dumb ass has got to go. Someone pinch me.

  6. I have heard he has hep C and he is obviously starting to lose it. Pelosi won't do anything to get him out of there because with a little KY she can get her hand up in there and magically he becomes another one of her sock puppets.
