Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cmon People You Don't Really Buy His Crap About Offshore Drilling

Let's do a little exploring of our own on "The One's" proclamation that we will start drilling off the east coast. Oh - wait - I'm sorry let me see if I understand what you are saying.....we are going to explore the possibility of offshore drilling. Well, at least we will start getting into some of the largest oil reserves in the world - hang on - let me see if I understand this - we can't look to drill in the places we already know have oil. I have an idea - maybe we should start drilling in the Dakotas where we know we have more oil than most countries in the Middle East - oh wait -my mistake - the Dakotas aren't in the Atlantic Ocean so exploring there is not an option.
Read this article to see what they are really proposing.
If you're wondering about the is "The One" telling you in his campaign speech why drilling is useless. If you don't look at the polls or need Republican Liberals Lindsey Graham or Olympia Snow to support your energy tax - why the change of heart?


  1. He sounds convinced that he is talking about the right way forward. But think about this: His proposed effort is to replace everything we already have in place, think about the "everything" here. It is to continue to pay others for what we have right here - right now a premium price for years to come. It is to tell us not to consume (his word conserve) energy while the world expands and energy demand rises way faster than Johnny turning off a light bulb for a few hours will offset. It is to convince us that it will cost less to do all this and pay the $150 Billion of our tax money (which is a low ball) to prop up or piece together a bunch of the low production technologies that will surely not meet the future demand. So even if we get all of the middle states with wind farms as far as the eye can see, sprinkled with areas of solar farms, and burn all the corn that can grow in all the areas between this mess, we will still need coal, oil and natural gas to get the bulk of the supply job done. As an environmentalist artist I am looking forward to the new landscape of this country, The air is still not clean because of China but man look at all the metal junk where the animals used to be. We can change the song to: O beautiful for windmill skies and endless waves of corn, for purple mountain majesties above the solar plain. OK I'm done.

  2. I know someone who works in oil and he told me we have enough oil reserved to last us 10 years. So if we started drilling where we know there is oil, even if it took so many years to get set up, we wouldn't run out in the mean time. The government wants us to stay dependent on foreign oil so they can keep selling ours to others. As if we didn't know! Whenever they open their mouths I can hardly wait to hear what lie they will tell us next!(Relic)
