Friday, March 11, 2011

Sen. Rubio On The Budget And Obama's Involvment

Just another example of when the going gets tough - Captain Kick-Ass gets going.  How did anyone in this country feel that Obama could lead anything other than a small union group to rough up the elderly outside of a voting booth?  Rubio is right on with his comments on Obama, the Dems budget proposal and his own party's budget.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm sure that a lot of the people that thought Obama could lead anything at all have definately changed their minds! He can't change directions in the middle of the stream because the current is to strong! He already showed what he was made of and it doesn't impress me in the least! How could anyone be duped into thinking you can change over night. If your ratings change then you change? For how long? Until you get re-elected and then change back? Ha! What a joke! It's like PoetryInMotion.
