Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Give You The Stupidity Of The CFL

Several people have sent me this 5 minute video on the stupidity of the CFL law coming in 2014.  There is nothing to comment on other than - this is government  at work.

1 comment:

  1. First of all I want to say, these are the worst light bulbs I have ever used! I like the speech he gave. He told the whole story in a nutshell. Although it was comical the situation is not funny, and he did not intend it to be. It made the government look like always, stupid! I can't for the life of me understand that when we have a good thing, why someone wants to destroy it unless they are getting paid good money to do this. I think this is another thing we have to fight. I'm so sick of politicians screwing with us I'd like to get rid of them all and run this country with people that have real brains! I guess that would be common, ordinary, everyday people that received their brains naturally and did,'t have to go to college to receive them! Someone that has lived the life and can relate to the people that haven't had everything handed to them.
    I know when I heard way before that these light bulbs contained mercury I knew they would have to be careful when disposing of them. Well, watch out for a lot of contamination because people will take them out to the country and toss them in a ditch. Poor people that have no money are not going out to buy glass jars and duck tape to keep around whenever they might break a bulb! I really watch labels where things are being made and I pay a little more for things made in America. If I can't find it I'll ask myself if I really need it. You know, I get myself so worked up I think I'm going to need an aspirin. I only hope I have some that were made in America or I'll just have to put up with it!
    Light bulbs, light bulbs, turn on a light!
    Oh, you did already? Then why is it still night?
    It starts out kinda dim, so your eyes can adjust.
    Our government says these bulbs are really a must.
    Why do they contain mercury? To make us all sick?
    Long time exposure, maybe a disease we can't kick?
    Make things for our kids that contain lead
    And food for our dogs that we can find dead!
    Doesn't it make a person think twice?
    Buying made in U.S.A. sounds mighty nice!
