Friday, December 31, 2010
January 1, 2011 It Is Illegal To Use An HSA Or FSA To Buy Over-the-Counter Drugs
For those of you with an HSA or FSA - it will be illegal to use it to purchase over the counter medication without a doctor's prescription. You read that right - if you want to use your account for aspirin you will need a prescription. The Liberals snuck that in to the bill after it was passed into law. Why would they do something like that you ask? To stick it to the rich of know.......those families making more than $139k.
Liberal Low-Brow: MSNBC Says Bush Book Sold Better than Clinton’s Because ‘He Was Hated By So Many People’
Wow! To borrow a line from the comedian Ron White - "You can't fix stupid."
Obama’s Million Dollar Hawaiian Vacation: Costs to Taxpayers Detailed
Hey - nobody disputes the president needs a vacation but when he and his family have no regard for the taxpayers it is just plain wrong! There are better ways to go about rest and relaxation.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
R. Lee Ermey Gives His Opinion Of The Current Administration
As if you needed more reasons to love this man.
Pelosi Fundraising to ‘Protect the Progress We Have Made’
If she wasn't so cold and calculating one would think that this is an all call to the Liberal deep pockets out of desperation. She is too much of an icy b!tch to trust this very public move.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
'We the people' To Open Next Congress
The 112th Congress will open with a reading of the Constitution. In the words of the Tea Party - I hope that is all this Congress does.......they would do less damage than the 111th Congress. Maybe just maybe this is the start of a little bit of our country coming back to we the people.
I'm not holding my breath.
I'm not holding my breath.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Alabama Town’s Failed Pension Is a Warning
The city of Pritchard, Alabama has stopped making pension payments to it's retired workers. It is against the law to completely cut of the pension payments but the city has said that if they make the payments they will not have the money for garbage removal, street lights or any other services provided by the city's yearly budget. For all of you state and federal employees let this be a lesson to you. When these pension deals were originally agreed upon nobody looked to the future to see if they were sustainable - well they aren't. Is Pritchard your future?
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Murkowski Goes Rogue
Speaking as a 10ther or at the very least the most conservative person you would ever meet - the people in Alaska are not all that smart. They had Murkowski defeated and on her way out but in a write-in campaign she got her Liberal ass back in for another 6 years. I would guess she sits right between Brown and Snowe in the lowest approval rated Congress evah.
Solar Cell Maker SpectraWatt Plans Shutdown
In what is being called a shocking development the taxpayer funded SpectraWatt Inc is closing its plant and letting 117 employees go. I wonder if the reason this news is so shocking is because solar power depends on government subsidies to grow until the cost of its electricity is competitive with fossil fuel generated power and when does the government ever quit throwing money at something?
Maybe the reason this is shocking to people is because a reason given for the shutdown is the harsh wEuinter in Europe. So let me sum this up - we needed the taxpayer funded solar power to prevent man-made global warming. Europe is experiencing one of its worst winters on record.......I guess solar power worked.
Maybe the reason this is shocking to people is because a reason given for the shutdown is the harsh wEuinter in Europe. So let me sum this up - we needed the taxpayer funded solar power to prevent man-made global warming. Europe is experiencing one of its worst winters on record.......I guess solar power worked.
Mrs. Obama’s Separate Hawaii Travel Likely Costs at Least $63,000
With her husband focused on nothing but the economy for the next 2 years - Michelle's early departure for Hawaii is a justifiable taxpayer expense. With laser like focus on job creation and all of that potential tax money on the horizon money is no object for the first family.
Obama Pledges Economic Focus During Next 2 Years
Well, Captain Kick-Ass is refocusing on the economy and he has pledged that he will be single minded in 2011 and 2012. This is great news for the 10% of Americans out of work and the millions of illegals looking for - oops the illegals are being taken care of already. Strike that from this posting. Oh - wait - haven't we heard this crap come from The Annointed One already? Ah yes - here is his 2010 promise and here is his promise in 2009.
I don't know about the rest of you but I have a warm and fuzzy feeling about this promise.
I don't know about the rest of you but I have a warm and fuzzy feeling about this promise.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The DREAM Act Dead For This Year
Harry Reid's dream of giving more rewards to people in this country ILLEGALLY is dead for this year. In a 55-41 vote the DREAM Act was defeated. This only puts this crap bill, that essentially leads to full amnesty, on the shelf for the time being......don't believe for a moment that this thing is dead.
I don't want anyone to think that I am not a supporter of immigration. I fully support the LEGAL immigration of anyone that wants to become a member of this country. Do it in accordance with the laws we have now!
I don't want anyone to think that I am not a supporter of immigration. I fully support the LEGAL immigration of anyone that wants to become a member of this country. Do it in accordance with the laws we have now!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Another Reason To Dissolve The FED
I guess when you are the Federal Reserve and you do not have to answer to anyone - you can infringe of the rights of Americans. I would say that the quote below from Thomas Jefferson has never rung truer.
Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered..
Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered..
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A Win For Americans On The Privacy Front
The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has made a decision on the Obama administration's contention that the government does not need a court warrant to obtain cell site information that cell phone providers keep on their customers. The court has told the administration that you are wrong! The 4th Amendment protects us from this kind of crap.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has been asked to repeal the decision they made in August that the government needs a court warrant to attach GPS devices to vehicles to track a person's every move. The reasoning the government gives is that Americans should expect no privacy in the totality of his/her movements in public places.
All of this shows how much the government cares about our rights - as if we needed a reminder.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has been asked to repeal the decision they made in August that the government needs a court warrant to attach GPS devices to vehicles to track a person's every move. The reasoning the government gives is that Americans should expect no privacy in the totality of his/her movements in public places.
All of this shows how much the government cares about our rights - as if we needed a reminder.
McConnell Introduces One Page Alternative to Omnibus
I have no problem with Congress debating more bills like this - that the public has no doubt their representative actually read it before voting on it.
According To Obama - No Tax Deal Means End Of His Presidency
He used the line to get healthcare through so it appears the line continues to work with the lowest rated Congress in history. I would consider taken the tax hit to get him and his administration out of here.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
"Stuxnet" Designer Should Be Person of the Year
There are many people or groups of people that are deserving of the Time magazine person of the year but there may be no more deserving than the creator of the Stuxnet virus.
According to a German computer whiz - this virus will probbly set the Iran nuclear program back 2 years. In his words “This was nearly as effective as a military strike, but even better since there are no fatalities and no full-blown war. From a military perspective, this was a huge success.”
Hmmmmmm - if it wasn't for our current government doing what it can to weaken our government I would say we may have created this but it would be more likely that Israel had something to do with it.
According to a German computer whiz - this virus will probbly set the Iran nuclear program back 2 years. In his words “This was nearly as effective as a military strike, but even better since there are no fatalities and no full-blown war. From a military perspective, this was a huge success.”
Hmmmmmm - if it wasn't for our current government doing what it can to weaken our government I would say we may have created this but it would be more likely that Israel had something to do with it.
John Cornyn R-Tx Questioned About His Earmarks
It would appear to me that he hears what the American people are saying but he doesn't appear that he and the rest of the morons in Congress are listening to what we are saying to them.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The Economic Legacy of the Four-Year Democratic Congress
For those that did not know Congress was Democrat controlled since January 2007. I know all of you Bush haters don't like to hear that but it is the truth.
Go ahead take a look at how they have done.
Go ahead take a look at how they have done.
You Can Fool All the People … Yeah, Pretty Much All the Time
I don't remember how long ago I saw a clip of Jesse "The Body" Ventura talk about how our two party system of government is just like pro wresting. Jesse explained that although the good guys and bad guys fight with each other while the cameras are rolling they go to dinner with each other after the matches are over. He says it is no different in the political ring.
To quote the article: "Government is the problem. Actually, the problem is that nobody realizes that government is the problem because they’re too focused on the problems created by government." If I may - I suggest that you read the comments on the bottom of the referenced article.
To quote the article: "Government is the problem. Actually, the problem is that nobody realizes that government is the problem because they’re too focused on the problems created by government." If I may - I suggest that you read the comments on the bottom of the referenced article.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Obama Honors Nobel Winner With A Statement About Himself

FAA Loses Track Of 119,000 Aircraft
On September 11, 2001 this country was attacked by terrorists and the choice of weapon was the airplane. A report just released stated that the FAA has lost track of the ownership of over 100,000 planes. Our crack national security agency is running adds (in airports) for all of us to spy on each other and they have us being groped and grabbed at airport security checkpoints but they once again fail to do - what nobody can dispute is - their job.
It would appear that this is just one more example of a waste of taxpayer money and that the FAA is just another poorly run government agency.
It would appear that this is just one more example of a waste of taxpayer money and that the FAA is just another poorly run government agency.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Children’s Hospitals Lose Some Drug Discounts
Go figure - more "unintended consequences" of the government healthcare takeover. Looks like the drug companies do not have to give discounts to children's hospitals for what are called orphan drugs. I guess someone should have read the bill.
Would You Sign A Petition To Ban DiHydrogen Monoxide?
Some college students got together at the climate change summit to see how many people would be willing to sign a petition to lower the national GDP 6%. After getting mindless morons to do that - they wondered how many people would sign a petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide. The students gathered around the water cooler to see how many signatures they could get. Oh - did I fail to mention that dihydrogen monoxide is H2O or as most people would say - water.
When you see the stupidity of the sheep is it any wonder why the country is in the shape it is.
When you see the stupidity of the sheep is it any wonder why the country is in the shape it is.
Pelosi Pledges To Win Changes As House Dems Reject Tax Deal
Nancy plans on one more display of power before her term as president is over. Oh - hang on - did I call her president? What would that make Captain Kick-ass? Her enforcer?
I really can't wait for January 3rd when she is no longer running the country.
I really can't wait for January 3rd when she is no longer running the country.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Climate Change Summit In Cancun Mexico
It would appear that some of the global climate change momentum has finally subsided but to keep the scam rolling the U.N. and the 3rd world countries that are trying to make a buck off from the hoax are meeting in Cancun, Mexico as I write this. For fun - let's see how the meeting got started.
Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, invoked the ancient jaguar goddess Ixchel in her opening statement to the delegates.
What are the scientists saying about the worst consequence from the ice sheets melting because of man-made global warming? It is a complicated theory but they do agree that the oceans could rise or they could fall.
You may have put some thought into the seemingly colder winters that we have been having - so are the global warming scientists. Some scientists have the answer to that conumdrum - we are freezing because of global warming.
I hope that Wesley Pruden is correct in saying that, although it is hard to kill a scam that had as much momentum as the global warming hoax, it would appear that in the interest of self preservation many of our government backers of this farce have put it on the back burner. I say back burner because all of the those Liberal do-gooders never let a cause die.
Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, invoked the ancient jaguar goddess Ixchel in her opening statement to the delegates.
What are the scientists saying about the worst consequence from the ice sheets melting because of man-made global warming? It is a complicated theory but they do agree that the oceans could rise or they could fall.
You may have put some thought into the seemingly colder winters that we have been having - so are the global warming scientists. Some scientists have the answer to that conumdrum - we are freezing because of global warming.
I hope that Wesley Pruden is correct in saying that, although it is hard to kill a scam that had as much momentum as the global warming hoax, it would appear that in the interest of self preservation many of our government backers of this farce have put it on the back burner. I say back burner because all of the those Liberal do-gooders never let a cause die.
3 Breathtaking Failures Of Obama Regime
In this article written by Barry Farber he talks about the 3 biggest failures of the Captain Kick-Ass' tenure. What are those 3 according to Barry?
Terrorists be acquitted in civilian courts.
TSA not profiling at our airports.
The Chinese getting through our radar and firing a missile off the coast of California.
I have referenced Barry's article in this blog spot so we will leave The Annointed One's failures to 3.
Terrorists be acquitted in civilian courts.
TSA not profiling at our airports.
The Chinese getting through our radar and firing a missile off the coast of California.
I have referenced Barry's article in this blog spot so we will leave The Annointed One's failures to 3.
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