Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Democrat Should Not Have Supported Obamacare

Gov. Joe Manchin (who praised the passing of the healthcare takeover) is running for Senate and now he says he would not have supported the bill had he known what was in it.  The problem was that queen Pelosi told us it had to be passed to see what was in it.

1 comment:

  1. Don't tell me he didn't know some of the stuff in the bill and he knew the people didn't want it! And is that the way he does all his business? How many people would sign something without reading it, especially something that critical. He screwed up and now he wants us to forget. Not! When there are over 2,000 pages you know it isn't all about health care either. What a way to sneak anything through and these people are supposed to be smart? Their smart all right but at deception. In my book, he had his chance. He's fired!
