Wednesday, September 29, 2010

He Will Eat The Time Warner Building Brick By Brick If Palin Is President In 2012

I like a lot of the things Jack has said over the last year but I will vote for Palin just to see him eat the building.

Remember Eliot Spitzer? Client #9?

The disgraced politician from New York is now the co-host of the Parker/Spitzer show on CNN.  Remember when CNN had this to say about Client #9?

Sen. Robert C Byrd's Family To Get His Senate Salary Next Year

Ahhhhhhh - if this doesn't chap your a$$ I don't know what will.  Senator Byrd died this year but there is a provision that states his family will receive his salary for the following year.  This is not a new provision but it just goes to show you that Congress continues to screw the taxpayers even after they are dead.

Deciphering Liberalism

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

FBI Seeks Expanded Surveillance Powers

But, hey it's for our own good, right??? Right???

Easy stuff Mr. President

Read this and you too will say this is what I am talking about. Also read the comments for more good stuff.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Earl Pomeroy For Congress

You may be thinking at this moment - why in the hell was this posted?  Just watch the 30 second clip and see if you see something strange about the beginning of the clip........especially when I let you know that this is a Democrat running for Congress.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Is the "Magic" Gone?

In a surprising new poll by PJTV , nearly 1/3 of likely black voters would vote for a tea-party endorsed candidate. No doubt this poll could cause the heads of race-baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to explode. Thank God! It's about time the African-American community begin to realize which party has really been keeping them "on the plantation."

Czech President Tells UN To Stay Out Of Economics

Did you ever think there would be a point in your lifetime when the sanest government leader would be from Eastern Europe?  Well, meet Czech President Vaclav Klaus.  While our president is in negotiations with other members of the UN to increase their world power - Vaclav Klaus believes the UN should keep its nose out of the economy, science and generally everywhere else.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Breitbart Tells Maher He Is A European Socialist

I'm here to tell Maher he is a jack-wagon!

Friday, September 24, 2010

November Is Coming Soon!

Nothing to add to this.

ACTA - The World Government Assault On The Internet

This is not a new treaty or idea - in fact - the ACTA article referenced here is from 2007 but it gives you more up to date articles to read about this assault on Internet freedom of speech.  Yes, people, this is a real assault on our freedoms - this is not a confirmation of a New World Order but a shout out to the people of this country to stay informed and always question our government.

Those Underpaid Government Workers

There was a discussion at work about this very thing - obviously taking the side of the big government was a bleeding heart union member and on the side of private sector was someone with common sense.  The American Spectator article referenced in this posting is excellent and I would encourage all of you to read it.  To give you a little teaser from the article - one of the glaring statistics puts the private sector down 2.5 million jobs since the passing of the stimulus and the public sector up over 400,000 jobs.  Well that sure sounds like that stimulus was for the small business owners........doesn't it?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Will You Stand Idly By While The Government Takes Your Retirement

Don't believe it - couldn't happen here you say - well, you had better think again.  I didn't believe this country would vote for a president that was a radical community organizer not much more than 2 years ago.  Just as the government could not keep their hands out of the Social Security account they are looking at getting the $7.8 trillion in retirement accounts held by all of us.  Are you ready to bend over and take this one too - or have you had enough yet?

Lies, Damned Lies – Obamacare 6 Months Later

Sarah Palin writes a good article on her facebook page about what the known lies are in the Obamacare law.  She lists the major lies that Captain Kick-ass and the other Progressives dumped on us.
She has a new website called take back the 20.  This website gives 20 states that she and McCain won in the 2008 presidential election but have Representatives that voted in favor of Obamacare.  She gives her recommendations on who would be a good replacement for these people.

Chrysler Workers Drinking And Smoking Pot On Lunch

I tell you what - I sure am glad the taxpayers bailed the auto companies so that these guys could keep their jobs.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

2011 Defense Authorization Bill Voted Down 56-43

The defeat of this legislation is being portrayed in the media as a blow against gays in the military.  The article on the don't ask - don't tell  is just a portion of what was defeated.  The media just brushed over the DREAM Act portion of the bill.  Harry Reid is one of the 3 Democrats that voted against this bill so that he could introduce it again later.  It was his bill!!  For Christ sake if you vote against your own bill it should be dead.  The legislative process has turned into a joke.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Obama Not Accurate On Declaration of Independence

Why would any American have any reason to believe that Captain Kick-ass would not be able to recite a sentence from the Declaration of Independence?  Can't get it right even with a teleprompter - or was it left out on purpose?
Call it a patriotic duty to give "The Annointed One" a little help on this one - We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Conservative Debating Liberals At A Sharpton Rally

Here is a typical debate between Liberals and a Conservative.  Notice which side comes with facts and knowledge.

Ever Wondered What Would Happen If An Anchorman Gave His Opinion On Politics

Just recently I was asked what would happen if an anchorman/woman gave his/her opinion about the government or more specifically the Annointed One - you know with the media slightly being Liberal biased.  Well, wonder no longer here is the fate of anchorman Doug McKelway.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Harry Reid On The DREAM Act

You continue to miss the most important factor in all of this immigration legislation you are trying to jam through - if they are here illegally the only thing they should get is deported!
Come into this country legally and become an American citizen through legal means and I would venture to guess that very people have a problem with that - unless you're Liberal.

To Tell The Truth Campaign

Brent Bozell III of the Media Research Center is waging a campaign against the Liberal media.  The campaign is starting with $2.1 million and it has a simple message for the Liberal media........just tell the truth.

They Call DeMint A Rebel For This?

I guess this country has gotten to the point where if you believe a person should be held accountable for themselves and that a person is not entitled to anything - you're considered a rebel.  Hmmmmm - I must make James Dean look like a kitten.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You're Damn Right Dick!

From November on all of you in Washington will be held accountable.

Jack Cafferty Ripping A Cowardly Congress

Jack hits the nail on the head with this one.

Poll Workers Being Used To Inflate Job Totals

The stimulus didn't work, federally supported green jobs are in foreign countries and Obama's administration is still using the Census workers to keep unemployment at a respectable level.  I hope that nobody believes that the federal government would do something like this.

Feds Spent $800,000 of Economic Stimulus on African Genital-Washing Program

What else can I say?

Harry Reid Goes To Clean Energy Summit In Fleet Of SUVs

Harry Reid is what is wrong with career politicians - they just don't care.  If you are going to call yourself a clean and green supporter you do not roll up to a Clean Energy Summit in a fleet of SUVs.  Let us all hope that the good people of Nevada vote for a change this November.

Reid Adds Controversial Immigration Measure To Defense Bill

Go figure that Harry would try to slip more stuff through - you know - just incase he isn't around to screw the country for another 6 years.  He is attaching the DREAM Act to the defense bill.  The Dream Act is immigration legislation for Hispanics that want to go to school or into the military.  To borrow a Pelosi phrase - to really know what is in the DREAM Act they will have to pass it first.
I'm getting really sick of them attaching things to a bill that has nothing to do with the bill - this crap should not be allowed!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Environmental Projects Fail To Live Up To Hype

The Department of Energy estimates that 82,000 jobs were created with the stimulus money slated to go for "green jobs".  Of those 82,000 jobs - 80% went to foreign countries.  Way to go Captain Kick-Ass!  Always thinking of the private sector and the small businesses out there.  Hard to believe he improved China's economy.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Power Of The Electoral College

It is amazing what a person can learn when they can't sleep and they have wireless internet.  I would suggest you take a gander at the referenced article on the electoral college and the power the states possess.  The state of Arizona has a bill that would not allow the state's 7 electoral votes to go to a presidential candidate without the state being satisfied that the candidate meets all the requirements to be president.

Never Gonna Stand For This

Never Gonna Stand For This by Teachenor Clark

Capitol Hill Employees Owed $9.3 Million In Back Taxes Last Year

Frequent visitors to this site know that this is not the first time I posted something about this.  These people are being paid with taxpayer money and yet they feel they are above paying taxes on their earnings.  Rep. Jason Chaffetz has introduced a bill that would fire any federal employee that does not pay their taxes.  As you would imagine not 1 Democrat supports this bill - probably because it would reduce the size of the federal government.

If Only This Man Did Not Support RHINO Candidates

Governor Christie talking to a teacher about the teacher's union.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Another CBC Member Giving Scholarships To Relatives

According to this article Rep. Sanford Bishop joins Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson in giving out scholarships to relatives.  Does giving charitable donations to your own family count as redistibuting the wealth?  Draining the swamp to provide the most ethical government evah!

The Quran Burning Protests

I think I am safe in saying that unless you have been living under a rock lately there is no way you could have avoided hearing of Rev. Terry Jones' plan to burn the Quran in protest on September 11th.  Now I am no expert on the teachings of Islam and although Sharia Law is supposed to be only applicable to Muslims - wouldn't the radical interpretation of the sacred law - an eye for eye - make the Reverand Terry Jones' protest a justifiable punishment for say an incident described in this 2007 article about Gaza.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Make Mine Freedom - Someone With Knowledge Back In 1948

This cartoon was made in 1948 by some people with serious knowledge of the socialistic impact of government given too many powers.  This really is a must see.......for today's youth.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pelosi Defends Solar-Powered Ferry As Stimulus

This woman is something - I'm not sure if it is a California thing or not but does this woman ever visit reality?  $500k in stimulus money for 2 solar powered ferries - I have no doubt the company that is getting the money has personal ties to the nut cake.  Make sure you listen to the audio so you hear it from her own mouth.

How Barack Obama Became Mr. Unpopular

When you read the Time magazine article on the growing unpopularity of Captain Kick-ass it is interesting to read some of the comments by the people being interviewed.  They speak as though they believed the organizer that was Time's 2008 person of the year was the real deal - when all they would have had to do was a little research to find out they voted for the man we see today. 
The people that voted for Obama can claim that he tricked them or that they were duped but I would like to borrow a phrase from the DNR - "ingnorance is no excuse".  The only saving grace is that we have an election coming soon and it would appear that the people are starting to wise up.

AP Does A Fact Check On Obama's Speech

StartWell, it would appear that Captain Kick-ass wasn't vague enough during his speech - the AP still broke down some of crap he was spewing.  The thing I find very interesting is his talk about the Afgan war seems to be a direct copy from the hated Bush?

Unions Hiring Non-Union Workers - At Minimum Wage - To Picket

This is nothing new for the hypocritical unions to hire people at minimum wage without benefits (everything the union is against) to get their message of love out to the public.

Arizona Sheriff Likens U.N. To The Vermin Under Rocks

I was never really one for law enforcement in my youth but I really like the police in Arizona.

Nanny Of The Month - August 2010

Just amazing!

Obama's Summer Of Recovery

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

No Doubt He Had It Coming!

Sheriff's Deputies from Marin County, CA barged into the home of a 64-year-old man and tasered him three times when he protested. Was excessive forced used? Did the punishment fit the "crime?" Decide for yourselves....