Thursday, September 16, 2010

Harry Reid On The DREAM Act

You continue to miss the most important factor in all of this immigration legislation you are trying to jam through - if they are here illegally the only thing they should get is deported!
Come into this country legally and become an American citizen through legal means and I would venture to guess that very people have a problem with that - unless you're Liberal.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, they try very, very hard to cram all the things that are not right through! I'm really sick of them and their ways! First off, I don't care how long they've lived here. They are here illegally and that is the key word - illegally! That means, against the law, not right, illegal and any other way you might want to phrase it. They need a social security card just like the rest of us, and so where do they get it? Buy a number, any number maybe my number! Let me see, isn't that stealing? Isn't that against the law or illegal? When they stole mine and it was down that I only made $464.00 that year instead of $35,000.00 that goes toward my retirement. The money and time it takes to undo the wrong they do,can't tell me they benefit us in anyway! They need to leave and take their anchor babies and Harry Reid with them. Maybe they can find a nice job for him because I hope to -ell he loses his. He's tried so very, very hard to do anything to keep his job (boo hoo.) Maybe this is one time you can blame the Republicans for something. Losing your job! I can't wait!

    Republicans, Republicans all the way,
    Then Christine will get all of your pay
    Power and greed is what you all want
    But when achieved you start to taunt
    Like when Healthcare was passed-we didn't want it
    But with gavel in arm, you had to flaunt it!
    From that day on I prayed you'd all lose
    With God on our side we can expect good news!
