Sunday, February 28, 2010

Here Is Why You Are Limited In Health Insurance Choices

The portion of the public that wants the federal government to get involved with health care reform obviously does not realize that the problem with the health care system is that they are already involved.
To be a health insurance provider in the state of Wisconsin the provider must meet the mandates the state government has in place. Here is a list of those mandates.
Here is an article explaining a little more about what Wisconsin mandates.
The state of Wisconsin has a state run health insurance plan called Badger Care. The Core Plan had to quit taking on new applicants because it ran out of money......not self sustaining. This left 20,000 applicants on the waiting list - so what would a lame duck governor do when the state does not have the money for the existing state government run health care......why start a new state run government health care plan called Badger Care Basic. The funny part about this new plan is that the state will ease up on the mandates for the public sector but will not remove the mandates for private sector insurance. You guessed it people, the state will allow more competition to keep the cost down for their insurance plans but won't allow the rest of us the same luxury. Sounds a lot like what the U.S. Congress does for its members.
Read this article on Badger Care Basic and how Florida has loosened up its mandates allowing the private sector to get involved.

1 comment:

  1. I read all six pages, The Diet Solution and two comments! One of the comments ended in saying when will government get the idea that we don't want them involved in our Health care and can't wait until November. And I'd like to add why do we have to wait until November? When the government FOR the people, BY the people, and OF the people becomes FOR them, BY them, and OF them something needs to perish. Like all their programs that go nowhere for us but always seem to benefit them, their families and their friends!Every day I get more frustrated and wish November was tomorrow. I can't wait!
