Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pelosi Being Heckled During Town Hall Meeting

Ok - I haven't made a secret that I loathe this woman and it is good to hear some of the morons in her district starting to confront her on the decisions she is making. 
She didn't like the debt ceiling bill but she voted for it anyway........she couldn't get anything done about the debt while the Liberals had complete control of the it must be Bush's fault!


  1. Yeah but she did not realize it because her brain is a fucking marshmallow mouse turd. Worst spending speaker evah, we will have to look thought her dumb ass unread multi thousand page ass birth to see whats in it. The destroyer is still in the house. Cali get rid of this trash already, save some face, oh yeah I forgot you are all like this. I read about the new law out there where only one person can fart at a time and now you have run out of things to make laws about. You are the petri dish and it is time to rinse it out and start over.

  2. I am sorry about that last comment but when I see the devil I am duty bound to scorn it no matter how or what.

  3. That first comment could very well be the funniest thing I have evah seen! Keep them coming!

  4. There is not much to say about Pelosi that is good! When she speaks, you can hear the wind whistling in the trees. Oh, I'm sorry it's not blowing through the trees. I think it's closer to her head! Her constituents won't like her as much since they won't be able to use earmarks anymore.
    Pelosi, Pelosi, what have you done now?
    If not for left wingers, who will you wow?
    The game is almost over for you and all the rest
    They don't believe you anymore. Will you still pass their test?
    It was good to see the mallot pass from your hands that day
    I bet you weren't happy though what can I say?
    I was ecstatic and jumping with glee
    When you're gone from power, we will be free!
