Thursday, August 18, 2011

Obama Halting Deportation Of Illegals - Unless They Are Really Bad

In another display of pissing on Congress, his oath of office and the people of this country - Captain Kickass has authorized immigration to only deport illegals that have committed a crime.  What we have is a back door DREAM Act.
Our government believes that the deportation of a member of a family (thus breaking that family up) is just bad.  I know what you are thinking - if  they don't want to break up the family of illegals then deport the whole damn family like the law states!
The ass knows he is in trouble for the 2012 election and he needs to expand his voter base through amnesty, food stamps and never ending unemployment compensation.


  1. Lawless law enforcement, the executive branch and DOJ, and if I was to break a federal law, I would get a pass too. The emporer has spoken.

  2. They wouldn't have to break up families if they would send them home and secure our borders before they stay here for years. Then the illegals marry U.S. citizens or just have babies with them in hopes that they will be able to stay because of their anchor babies. I'm sorry, but I don't feel sorry for them at all. That's why we have laws and right there is why everyone that comes here illegally is breaking the law so it's good-bye and don't let the barbed wire fences rip your clothes off on your way back over! Oh, I'm sorry, we don't have barbed wire on the fences. That would make it a little harder to get over! I suppose we don't have enough crocodiles either! What next!
