Saturday, March 5, 2011

Why Unions Have Become Expendable

This is a very well done piece on the phases of government, where progressive beliefs and ideals fit into those phases and why this phase in government must not include them.


  1. I loved his videos. He's a very good speaker and he tells it like it is! I watched several of his videos and I'm going to watch more of them. Thanks for posting that.

  2. I just watched some more of Bill Whittle's videos. He's great! I love watching him. I liked the one about Fire Congress. I do agree. All those found guilty of ethics violations should be fired immediately and not given a pension or anything else pertaining to money from the taxpayers! Maybe if they would enforce things like this there would be less corruption in the Government. If they have a nice paying job and want to keep it, then tow the line. One person has spoken, do I hear more?
