Saturday, March 19, 2011


Interesting - as usual - that you have to look outside of the US to get a story on Captain Kick-Ass being the weakest president evah!  How is his hands off approach a shock?
As much as they appear to be critical of the man who can't make a decision - they still give him an out by saying that a hostile Republican Congress is blocking him.  Hostile Congress?  The Dems had total control for 2 years!  All of his policies suck and that is the only reason that he couldn't jam more crap down our throats.  The Dems knew it was political suicide.
The man never made a decision during his time in Congress - his favorite vote was "present".  The only thing he seems to have a clue on is his NCAA brackets.  The people that voted for a man that has done nothing in his life should be ashamed and very driven to change the worst election mistake in this country's history!

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