Monday, April 5, 2010

Will Feingold Survive?

Senator Feingold is considered by some in Wisconsin as a free thinker - a maverick.  He boasts about only voting down party lines 78% of the time - granted it is a lot less than most of congress can say.
Some of you may have caught the tactic used in the House when they got their 216th vote on health care........everyone else could vote against it - creating the illusion to the public that they voted against it.  If you caught on to that little trick then you have just discovered how Senator Feingold, a master of this illusion, can call himself a maverick.
   He has not stayed on the taxpayer dime by being a fool.  When he sees that a vote against his party will not affect the outcome he freely goes against his party and looks like the hero of bipartisanship.  For the betterment of our country let us do everything in our power to make this Feingold's last term by supporting
the best conservative candidate whether it is Westlake, Wall or Thompson.


  1. If he is re-elected we have lost our minds.

  2. Well, that does it it then! I'd like to keep whatever's left of my mind. One Dem is to many. I don't care if he votes along his party lines 78% of the time. That's a lot and I don't care for his parties platform. The few times he votes along with the other party it's something that is of little concern or should I say not as huge as Health Care or all the other big ones coming up! That's when we could have used him.
