Sunday, December 20, 2009

Stimulus Facts

 Here is analysis of the stimulus funds to date. Yes, your kids future borrowed from China to payoff the helpers of the winners of the elections.   StimulusFacts

1 comment:

  1. It seems the facts don't support the "The One's" claim that under his regime there would be bipartisanship, everyone is equal and we will all be holding hands and singing together around a campfire. Although at his pace, the campfire thing may be a reality because we will all need to huddle together in caves around a fire to keep warm. It will be the only thing we can afford.
    It would also seem that tables 1 & 2 don't support the claim the Democrats are the party of the poor.
    Maybe "The One" could hold a prime time press conference to explain to us morons how these facts have been taken out of context......if that were to happen I sure hope it wouldn't preempt his Christmas special.
    Can I say Christmas anymore?
