Sunday, December 20, 2009

Looks like Obamacare vote tonight

Vote on healthcare takeover tonight

Looks like a vote to see where they are at. Call or email your reps to say NO.

1 comment:

  1. Well the Dems did it! I hope their agile enough to pat themselves on the back! They all stand around with this look on their faces that they are so excited to have done this for the American people because we really want it, so they say. A lot of these people in The House and Senate have gone to some real prestigious colleges but I have found over the years that there is some truth to the old saying that people that are really smart lack common sense. It's unfortunate for us that they all must have graduated at the top of their class.
    When people get older if they smile alot they have what they call laugh lines so whenever they stick it to us they smile and I only hope they can all hold that same look as we drop them one by one when their terms are up!
    Remember: When terms are up and the people vote
    It's time for us to smile and gloat, because the ones that hurt us most, are now the ones we say are toast!
