Sunday, September 18, 2011

Parts Of New California Bridge Made In China

Would you drive across a suspension bridge that was made in China?  It would appear that the new California expansion bridge (replacing the one damaged in the 1989 earthquake) is just that - made in China. 
California - that state of fine American values - is able to shop the price of steel by not taking any federal money for the project.  Maybe - just maybe - we should be thanking California.  Captain Kickass's stimulus has created more jobs in China than here in America so by his logic this is indirectly the big O helping the American workforce

Interview With Jan Schakowsky On How Much Of My Income Should Be Mine

Tyler Hensley asked this question at the CNN/Tea Party debate - “Out of every dollar that I earn, how much do you think I deserve to keep?”  In the audio clip below you will hear how Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) does the old two step around this baby. 
During the interview she is asked how much of her income she should be allowed to keep?  She answers that she pays 35% but would gladly pay more.  The interviewer tells her that she can pay more - so why doesn't she?  Her answer is around the 2:20 mark of the audio.  Just priceless!

Solyndra - Becoming The Thorn In Barry's Paw

In another desperate move by the Socialist controlled White House - Captain Kickass's crew is trying to deflect some of the heat to guess who?  Oh come on people - he has been the scapegoat for big O since the guessed it - George W. Bush. 
As the emails show it Solyndra was hitting up the Bush administration for the loans just before Captain Kickass was sworn in.  I guess the WH forgot to explain to everyone that GW turned them down!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Obama Admin Reworked Solyndra Loan To Favor Donor

We have all heard about the failure of Solyndra in this country......just as the man-made global warming is bullshit - so is the cost effective solar industry.  Anyway - the White House helped to get the Solyndra loans re-worked so that 2 private companies will get repaid before taxpayers.  One of those companies is owned by a billionaire that is a major donor to you-know-who.
Impeach the crooked bastard!

Lawmakers Question White House Role In Wireless Project

Congress is asking more questions about the White House's role in the wireless network plan proposed by the Virginia based telecommunications company Lightsquared.  The backer of Lightsquared is billionaire Philip Falcone, a major contributor to the Obama campaign.
You may be asking what is the White House accused of doing?  The White House is accused of pressing the head of US Air Force space command, General William Shelton, to downplay his concerns of satellite interference and alter his testimony to lawmakers.  Remember the American wireless infrastructure is vital to America's economy.......says the stimulus czar.
Impeach this crooked bastard!