According to Judicial Watch here is the Top 10 List of corrupt politicians for 2009.
President Obama
Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner
Attorney General Eric Holder
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa.
Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn.
Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev.,
Illinois State Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr.
Rep. Charles Rangel, D-New York
You have to click on Nancy Pelosi's name above to check out the $100,000 tax payer funded bar tab she has accrued.
This is the same woman that leaped out of her seat during "The One's" State of the Union speech when "The One" talked about ending ear marks. (again)
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Games Continue
GDP is higher than ever before. They still have not given the real numbers for Q3 2009 but they have the advanced estimate of Q4 2009. Manipulating inventory, cooking the books, not letting foreclosures happen, and other puppet schemes are great for a tasty numbers with these estimates. Here is my prediction: It will be a much lower number when it is not an estimate. And a future quarters will look just as rosy because of the puppet show. That is two quarters now that the GDP rose over the previous, so the recession is over!
GDP Advance Estimate
GDP Advance Estimate
Friday, January 29, 2010
Obama pee-ing on the Constitution
Pinocchio strikes again. I am not one to watch too many full speeches from our elected reps but I do tune in afterward and catch a few clips here and there. He thinks we are stupid. (applause) He has stirred the pot and it is about to boil over. It is time for action! (stand and applaud)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Some Highlights of H.R. 3200 - Health Care Takeover
Think about it people - Do we really want the government involved in health care in any way? This clip speaks for itself. It gives a good view of what the government is really trying to do.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Larger Storms and Floods Linked to Global Warming a Lie!
Well - well - well - it looks as if the dominoes are falling fast in the climate gate scandal. It appears that sleazy IPCC kept this one under wraps throughout the Copenhagen meetings as they demanded that the US pay the world in excess of $100 billion a year because the US is responsible for destroying the earth with our carbon output. The IPCC has been releasing information that either has no scientific credibility at all or has already been discredited.
In an attempt to justify the handing over of billions in taxpayer money to the crooked IPCC "The One" said last fall: "More powerful storms and floods threaten every continent."
Mr. Obama you just keep letting everyone see what you are really trying to do to this country.
You are the main reason for the conservative resurgence in this country. For this I thank you.
In an attempt to justify the handing over of billions in taxpayer money to the crooked IPCC "The One" said last fall: "More powerful storms and floods threaten every continent."
Mr. Obama you just keep letting everyone see what you are really trying to do to this country.
You are the main reason for the conservative resurgence in this country. For this I thank you.
Pachauri Should Resign as a Result of Climate Gate
Why would Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, the head of the UN climate change panel, feel the need to resign over the latest blow to the credibility of the IPCC?
I mean - he is not a climate scientist, he has been linked to businesses that will make billions from so called green jobs and as the head of the IPCC panel on climate change he is ultimately to blame for the false reports being presented to the world. If that doesn't convince everyone that he should step down we can look back to 2007 when he represented the IPCC in the sharing of the Nobel Peace prize with Al Gore.
I have trouble typing Al Gore's name without throwing up a little in my mouth.
I mean - he is not a climate scientist, he has been linked to businesses that will make billions from so called green jobs and as the head of the IPCC panel on climate change he is ultimately to blame for the false reports being presented to the world. If that doesn't convince everyone that he should step down we can look back to 2007 when he represented the IPCC in the sharing of the Nobel Peace prize with Al Gore.
I have trouble typing Al Gore's name without throwing up a little in my mouth.
Our Government in Action - Literally
If you have ever wondered just what a complete joke our government representatives have become check out this clip of them in action. You will be able to tell that this clip is a little older because that is not Pelosi as the Speaker of the House. Actually, it might be Pelosi before the surgeries.
This is how it works when you have the majority.
This is how it works when you have the majority.
A Letter to Senator Kohl
For those of us that have written to our congressional representatives and have gotten the typical form letter response below may be a little bit of a treat for you. First and foremost, I must make it known that the author of this letter to the senator is a man.......notice that the response is written to a woman. I am not sure whom Senator Kohl has writing his responses but it could be ACORN.
Concerned American in maroon print.
Senator Kohl in blue print.
Good day to you, sir and your staff . . .
I have a few issues of concern that your office needs to take note of and expedite in accordance with the Constitution.
#1 Please DO NOT vote for and support any (further) government healthcare legislation.
The current bill is tyrannical and anti-Constitutional. (It needs to be repealed ASAP). It allows for more government intrusion into our lives and even has provisions to imprison you if you do not desire any involvement in a government plan; as well as having your income and bank account subjected to more government oversight. It would be nice for once to have Congress actually read the entire bill (any bill) before being brought forth for a vote. And if the healthcare bill(s) that are being conjured up are so good for the American people, then why isn’t Congress subjected to the laws and regulations of the same bill?
#2 Please DO NOT ratify the Copenhagen treaty (and/or other American sovereignty-destroying treaties) in any fashion or form. DO NOT pass ANY Cap & Trade legislation.
In lieu of Climategate there are more questions concerning climate change. Scientists and the scientific method that do not support the “green industry” provisions and rules created by elites like Al Gore are under attack and are being politically assaulted. CO2 is NOT a pollutant! Cap & Trade and other “command and control” methods that President Obama is attempting to utilize are first, anti-Constitutional, and second, WILL NOT fix the problems concerning pollution. America needs the government to get out of the way and let us rebuild our industry and infrastructure; not be taxed and burdened into oblivion while you and the others of the federal government are taken care of by those who support and back your campaigns. Treaties that subject Americans to be taxed, ruled, and governed by non-American, international interests are an obvious travesty, and will not be tolerated by the American people.
#3 Abolish the Federal Reserve.
Most of America’s problems stem from the fact that the Federal Reserve is a private corporate bank that charges America for printing its own money. Banking elites as well as politicians work hand-in-hand in this ponzy scheme. The American people are being defrauded and are forced to use a depreciative, fiat currency while at the same time being taxed into oblivion. Foreign, off-shore interests as well as Wall Street get bailed out and are given money in vast unreported amounts while the American people are losing their homes, their jobs, and their livelihoods. The Federal Reserve is an anti-Constitutional cartel and it is time to have it end. Therefore, please support and promote legislation such as SB604 & HR1207 to audit the Federal Reserve – furthermore prosecute those involved in the Federal Reserve’s actions in robbing the country of our money. The Constitution provides that the Congress has power to issue currency by the Treasury. Please make it so.
#4 Impeachment of President Obama.
Please look into, investigate, and understand that the president is operating in blatant violation of the Constitution. Under Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution: The president CANNOT hold another office aside from the presidency. President Obama is serving as the head of the U.N.’s security council. This is a blatant conflict of interest and he is being compensated as well as holding another position of power other than the President of the US. This is grounds for impeachment and in relation to the previous issues stated, should be prosecuted with some sense of urgency. The President’s appointments of un-elected “Czars” as well should be looked at with great discernment. Even though he spoke out against them, President Obama is using signing statements just as President Bush had done prior to him. This is another blatant violation of the Constitution: Article 2, Section 3.
#5 NEVER support or vote to pass ANY anti-gun legislation.
The 2nd Amendment of the Constitution decries that we are allowed to defend ourselves against a tyrannical person(s); and/or more so to defend ourselves against a tyrannical government. It is not a crime to own any firearms – that is until you make it so. The American people have a right to protect themselves, their family, and their property from any usurper, “foreign and domestic.” We have the right to resist ANY law the federal government produces that goes against our constitutional rights.
Being that the government is influenced from within domestically, as well as outside by foreign international interests, the Constitution is being usurped and the American people’s rights are being destroyed. New leadership in DC is needed. Congress is supposed to be the most powerful branch of our representative republic. It is time to stop being ruled by lobbyists, and special interests. Your first responsibility is to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. In doing so you serve your constituents and the people of this great country.
If you refuse and/or do not support these issues of importance, I will do everything in my power to campaign against you to ensure you will no longer be serving as a representative of Wisconsin in Washington DC. The sleepers of this country are waking up. Maybe it’s time for you to do so as well.
I leave you with a quote from our 3rd president: “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny. When the government fear the people, there is liberty.” Thomas Jefferson.
Thank you for your time;
Subject: Re: 5 issues
Date: 1/19/2010 9:02:30 AM Central Standard Time
Reply To:
Sent on:
Sent from the Internet (Details)
One of the most important functions of Congress is to oversee and balance the Executive branch and its agencies and I can understand your frustration with the American government. Our democracy is not perfect, and it does not always produce the results we want with the speed and effectiveness we would desire. But our government does strive to balance the many interests and concerns of our diverse nation in a manner that is representative and fair. The process requires public servants - elected and unelected - dedicated to the ideas of democracy, the good of their home states, and the good of the nation. In my years in the Senate, I have worked hard to be that sort of public servant.
The issues confronting our nation are not simple and have no easy solution yet they are not insurmountable. Free, open, honest debate must play a role in solving the problems facing our nation. Health care and reducing the deficit are a couple of important matters generating strong opinions. As the Democratic leaders in Congress, Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) advocate the principles of the Democratic Party and our agenda for the nation as a whole. I always try to work with them, as well as their Republican counterparts, to ensure we do what=s best for America .
As the senior Senator from Wisconsin , I represent the entire state, and not just those who voted for me. When I was first elected, I stated that I would be ANobody=s Senator But Yours@ and I have always tried my best to serve all the people of Wisconsin .
Again, thank you for taking the time to share your concerns. Please feel free to contact me again if I can be of further assistance in this or any other matter.
Herb Kohl
United States Senator
I thought you all would like to read the exact response to my "5 Issues" letter I sent to Sen. Kohl. It's rather dubious at best, of course, but I found it very amusing as well. You may notice the number of spelling errors, but most importantly, please note the tone and "blanket-cover-statement" to address (not address) the issues I was concerned about. The most important thing to note is the line at the end that says: "When I was first elected, I stated that I would be ANobody=s Senator But Yours@ . . ." Anybody's senator, but yours? What the hell does that mean? Is that a simple spelling (context) error, or does he mean he will represent anybody but someone from Wisconsin? He also invoked two of the worst politicians of all-time: Reid & Pelosi. I have been laughing all morning, and wanted to simply share my thoughts that this man and his apparent staff are a bunch of goofballs that need to be REPLACED! Please share this with others if you wish . . . and please copy and send the letter (edited to your liking) to all your reps. To whatever degree, the elites in Washington are listening! We are taking America back! God bless you! God bless America!!!
Concerned American in maroon print.
Senator Kohl in blue print.
Good day to you, sir and your staff . . .
I have a few issues of concern that your office needs to take note of and expedite in accordance with the Constitution.
#1 Please DO NOT vote for and support any (further) government healthcare legislation.
The current bill is tyrannical and anti-Constitutional. (It needs to be repealed ASAP). It allows for more government intrusion into our lives and even has provisions to imprison you if you do not desire any involvement in a government plan; as well as having your income and bank account subjected to more government oversight. It would be nice for once to have Congress actually read the entire bill (any bill) before being brought forth for a vote. And if the healthcare bill(s) that are being conjured up are so good for the American people, then why isn’t Congress subjected to the laws and regulations of the same bill?
#2 Please DO NOT ratify the Copenhagen treaty (and/or other American sovereignty-destroying treaties) in any fashion or form. DO NOT pass ANY Cap & Trade legislation.
In lieu of Climategate there are more questions concerning climate change. Scientists and the scientific method that do not support the “green industry” provisions and rules created by elites like Al Gore are under attack and are being politically assaulted. CO2 is NOT a pollutant! Cap & Trade and other “command and control” methods that President Obama is attempting to utilize are first, anti-Constitutional, and second, WILL NOT fix the problems concerning pollution. America needs the government to get out of the way and let us rebuild our industry and infrastructure; not be taxed and burdened into oblivion while you and the others of the federal government are taken care of by those who support and back your campaigns. Treaties that subject Americans to be taxed, ruled, and governed by non-American, international interests are an obvious travesty, and will not be tolerated by the American people.
#3 Abolish the Federal Reserve.
Most of America’s problems stem from the fact that the Federal Reserve is a private corporate bank that charges America for printing its own money. Banking elites as well as politicians work hand-in-hand in this ponzy scheme. The American people are being defrauded and are forced to use a depreciative, fiat currency while at the same time being taxed into oblivion. Foreign, off-shore interests as well as Wall Street get bailed out and are given money in vast unreported amounts while the American people are losing their homes, their jobs, and their livelihoods. The Federal Reserve is an anti-Constitutional cartel and it is time to have it end. Therefore, please support and promote legislation such as SB604 & HR1207 to audit the Federal Reserve – furthermore prosecute those involved in the Federal Reserve’s actions in robbing the country of our money. The Constitution provides that the Congress has power to issue currency by the Treasury. Please make it so.
#4 Impeachment of President Obama.
Please look into, investigate, and understand that the president is operating in blatant violation of the Constitution. Under Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution: The president CANNOT hold another office aside from the presidency. President Obama is serving as the head of the U.N.’s security council. This is a blatant conflict of interest and he is being compensated as well as holding another position of power other than the President of the US. This is grounds for impeachment and in relation to the previous issues stated, should be prosecuted with some sense of urgency. The President’s appointments of un-elected “Czars” as well should be looked at with great discernment. Even though he spoke out against them, President Obama is using signing statements just as President Bush had done prior to him. This is another blatant violation of the Constitution: Article 2, Section 3.
#5 NEVER support or vote to pass ANY anti-gun legislation.
The 2nd Amendment of the Constitution decries that we are allowed to defend ourselves against a tyrannical person(s); and/or more so to defend ourselves against a tyrannical government. It is not a crime to own any firearms – that is until you make it so. The American people have a right to protect themselves, their family, and their property from any usurper, “foreign and domestic.” We have the right to resist ANY law the federal government produces that goes against our constitutional rights.
Being that the government is influenced from within domestically, as well as outside by foreign international interests, the Constitution is being usurped and the American people’s rights are being destroyed. New leadership in DC is needed. Congress is supposed to be the most powerful branch of our representative republic. It is time to stop being ruled by lobbyists, and special interests. Your first responsibility is to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. In doing so you serve your constituents and the people of this great country.
If you refuse and/or do not support these issues of importance, I will do everything in my power to campaign against you to ensure you will no longer be serving as a representative of Wisconsin in Washington DC. The sleepers of this country are waking up. Maybe it’s time for you to do so as well.
I leave you with a quote from our 3rd president: “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny. When the government fear the people, there is liberty.” Thomas Jefferson.
Thank you for your time;
Subject: Re: 5 issues
Date: 1/19/2010 9:02:30 AM Central Standard Time
Reply To:
Sent on:
Sent from the Internet (Details)
One of the most important functions of Congress is to oversee and balance the Executive branch and its agencies and I can understand your frustration with the American government. Our democracy is not perfect, and it does not always produce the results we want with the speed and effectiveness we would desire. But our government does strive to balance the many interests and concerns of our diverse nation in a manner that is representative and fair. The process requires public servants - elected and unelected - dedicated to the ideas of democracy, the good of their home states, and the good of the nation. In my years in the Senate, I have worked hard to be that sort of public servant.
The issues confronting our nation are not simple and have no easy solution yet they are not insurmountable. Free, open, honest debate must play a role in solving the problems facing our nation. Health care and reducing the deficit are a couple of important matters generating strong opinions. As the Democratic leaders in Congress, Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) advocate the principles of the Democratic Party and our agenda for the nation as a whole. I always try to work with them, as well as their Republican counterparts, to ensure we do what=s best for America .
As the senior Senator from Wisconsin , I represent the entire state, and not just those who voted for me. When I was first elected, I stated that I would be ANobody=s Senator But Yours@ and I have always tried my best to serve all the people of Wisconsin .
Again, thank you for taking the time to share your concerns. Please feel free to contact me again if I can be of further assistance in this or any other matter.
Herb Kohl
United States Senator
I thought you all would like to read the exact response to my "5 Issues" letter I sent to Sen. Kohl. It's rather dubious at best, of course, but I found it very amusing as well. You may notice the number of spelling errors, but most importantly, please note the tone and "blanket-cover-statement" to address (not address) the issues I was concerned about. The most important thing to note is the line at the end that says: "When I was first elected, I stated that I would be ANobody=s Senator But Yours@ . . ." Anybody's senator, but yours? What the hell does that mean? Is that a simple spelling (context) error, or does he mean he will represent anybody but someone from Wisconsin? He also invoked two of the worst politicians of all-time: Reid & Pelosi. I have been laughing all morning, and wanted to simply share my thoughts that this man and his apparent staff are a bunch of goofballs that need to be REPLACED! Please share this with others if you wish . . . and please copy and send the letter (edited to your liking) to all your reps. To whatever degree, the elites in Washington are listening! We are taking America back! God bless you! God bless America!!!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Today it all starts, do you have any skin in the game?
Read this article and understand that the fight continues! Everyone must go. Term limits and reduction in salaries and benefits and costs must be demanded. Federal, state and local. If you do not see how bloated we have become and remain complacent in this, the private sector will be extinct. Fascism will be the only way we can remain without joining the North American Union. The federal government has no business messing around in social issues and welfare, nor does it have any right to keep expanding and increasing it's costs. For you government employees, no offense, but we will disagree. It must be torn back by us to the few limited powers provided by the constitution while there are still less government employees than private sector employees.
Smoking is healthier than fascism or socialism. Every law these busy bodies conjure up is a slippery slope to our demise or complete submission. Though they may seem like something you support, don't! Let the people be responsible. I am conservative when it comes to what the government can do, and liberal when it comes to what the people can do. All I am saying is you must realize that when these bodies of people congregate they propose laws, not to protect you as you may think, but because they have to appear busy to get such a self inflated wage. At some point they should just go home instead, eat a meat sandwich, or get a girlie magazine and a bottle of jack at the gas station. You think it is funny? Just search for Herb Kohl and cheap text messages. Or Senate and bottled water labels.
The trillion dollar stimulus was intended to do what they said, keep unemployment down and help with a recovery and allow people to sustain through this economic slump. You must admit it is a great plan and it is working very very well. What you did not hear them say is who it will work for. Unfortunately for us they were talking about themselves. When we read that bill we all knew it as well, but it was too late because half of us though we needed the government to do something or it would get really bad. Now I ask you - where did you get a stupid idea like that? Oh yeah from them.
We all have to band together and each one of us must plug a hole or this thing will flood all the way in here.
Smoking is healthier than fascism or socialism. Every law these busy bodies conjure up is a slippery slope to our demise or complete submission. Though they may seem like something you support, don't! Let the people be responsible. I am conservative when it comes to what the government can do, and liberal when it comes to what the people can do. All I am saying is you must realize that when these bodies of people congregate they propose laws, not to protect you as you may think, but because they have to appear busy to get such a self inflated wage. At some point they should just go home instead, eat a meat sandwich, or get a girlie magazine and a bottle of jack at the gas station. You think it is funny? Just search for Herb Kohl and cheap text messages. Or Senate and bottled water labels.
The trillion dollar stimulus was intended to do what they said, keep unemployment down and help with a recovery and allow people to sustain through this economic slump. You must admit it is a great plan and it is working very very well. What you did not hear them say is who it will work for. Unfortunately for us they were talking about themselves. When we read that bill we all knew it as well, but it was too late because half of us though we needed the government to do something or it would get really bad. Now I ask you - where did you get a stupid idea like that? Oh yeah from them.
We all have to band together and each one of us must plug a hole or this thing will flood all the way in here.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Obama Heckled at Martha Coakley Rally
It would appear to me that "The One" doesn't come across as Mr. Cool when he is not in his usual friendly controlled environment. I would have to believe that this anti-abortion protest must have been organized by the very powerful and evil right wing teabaggers!
Can New Jersey Recall Their US Senator?
From the amount of media exposure this is getting you wouldn't realize the magnitude of what is playing out in New Jersey. NJ Tea Parties United has started a campaign to recall US Senator Robert Menendez. Senator Menendez was elected in a 2006 mid-term election after being appointed by recently defeated governor Jon Corzine.
New Jersey Secretary of State Nina Mitchell Wells, whose powers are mostly clerical, has claimed the campaign is unconstitutional but under which constitution? In 1993, New Jersey amended their constitution giving the state the ability to recall local, state and federal elected officials.
This will be a great one to watch as it unfolds - not only would it be a huge blow to the Progressive party but it would give more government power back to the states.
New Jersey Secretary of State Nina Mitchell Wells, whose powers are mostly clerical, has claimed the campaign is unconstitutional but under which constitution? In 1993, New Jersey amended their constitution giving the state the ability to recall local, state and federal elected officials.
This will be a great one to watch as it unfolds - not only would it be a huge blow to the Progressive party but it would give more government power back to the states.
Another Blow to the Man-Made Global Warming Lie
This should be a real surprise to any non-believer in the man-made global warming crap........the IPCC didn't do their research before making one of their outlandish claims.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Global Warming the Other Side - Part 5
What we have is a battle between the money and the truth. With the government on the side of the money and pushing the man-made global warming lie - is the truth enough to stop the madness?
video 5
video 5
Global Warming the Other Side - Part 3
In the same year Al Gore was preaching that the oceans were going to rise by 20 feet and unknown amounts of people would die and lose their land he bought a $4 million dollar condo right on the beach in California.
Hey Al! Did you just need to free up some property to get a good price?
video 3
Hey Al! Did you just need to free up some property to get a good price?
video 3
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Global Warming the Other Side - Part 2
In part one I said that this series proves Al Gore is a moron.....I forgot to mention that everyone in the IPCC is too.
video 2
video 2
Global Warming The Other Side - Part 1
Here is the first of a 5 part series showing that CO2 is NOT causing global warming. In other words, it explains why Al Gore is one of the biggest morons on the planet.
video 1
video 1
Unions Get Their Backroom Deal on ObamaCare
As the ObamaCare debate has unfolded we have heard about so many shady deals going on that you may wonder just who has to pay for this thing. Big Insurance Companies or Big Pharma? No. Big Unions? Not anymore.
In one of Obama's campaign speeches he slammed McCain for wanting to put a tax on "Cadillac" insurance plans. This may be a shocker but even though he promised he would not tax "Cadillac" plans he went against that promise......big unions got pissed.....he backed down and took them into a back room and brokered a deal with them.
The moral of my story is if you don't want any legislation to pertain to you just be a big donor to the Democratic campaign fund.
In one of Obama's campaign speeches he slammed McCain for wanting to put a tax on "Cadillac" insurance plans. This may be a shocker but even though he promised he would not tax "Cadillac" plans he went against that promise......big unions got pissed.....he backed down and took them into a back room and brokered a deal with them.
The moral of my story is if you don't want any legislation to pertain to you just be a big donor to the Democratic campaign fund.
$4 Trillion Bank Bail Out Fund.

Now doesn't the guy in the picture for a "Responsibility" tax look just like the guy in this posting? The same guy responsible for H.R. 4173 which gives big banks a $4 trillion pass? Barney Frank is a hypocritical jackass and needs to go. We can only hope that after the fine people of Massachusetts vote Brown in - they vote Frank out in 2010. Hey! Look at that Coakley I can spell Massachusetts and I don't live there.
The 'Responsibility' Tax
These are the brightest folks our land has to offer?
Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee I was expecting a 90% tax on Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Fanny and Freddy, to name a few.
Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee I was expecting a 90% tax on Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Fanny and Freddy, to name a few.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Next Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker
Scott Walker a man of principles and integrity? You be the judge.
Ron Paul knows
If you are like me, you will find the more you listen to him, the more Ron Paul is hardly ever wrong. Watch this Ron Paul Video. It is long but listen closely.
Privacy Invasion
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
The Naked Truth
The Naked Truth
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Recovery is a bitch, Obama
Good news keeps coming? Because of the stimulus we are on our way to recovery. Where are the jobs Congress? Where are the jobs Obama? That's right you can't create any only the private sector can. Pull your wrenches out of the system and let it run.
Looks like another long year:
Main stream slant on foreclosures even sounds bad
Looks like another long year:
Main stream slant on foreclosures even sounds bad
Don't exclude Kohl when you are voting against people
Here he is yammering about how the bill he did not read will help seniors. Notice that he had AARP give him some bullet items to read instead of referring to the bill... Medicare solvency for 5 more years? ...Bipartisan support? ...This bill is one piece of the puzzle on the way to what? ..The Institute of Medicine?? ...Background check all workers? We all know this is not about health care and all about the deficit and hiding the medicare disaster for 5 more years and controlling what you do. Socialist to the core, watch and realize it is time to say NEXT!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Glenn Beck's Tax Issue
The title was difficult for me to write because a member of my family loves Glenn Beck but I felt the need to put the story on here in case anyone has heard of this.
It doesn't appear to be much of a story but the lefties had to do something to combat the full frontal assault Beck has had on all of the liberal tax cheats.
It doesn't appear to be much of a story but the lefties had to do something to combat the full frontal assault Beck has had on all of the liberal tax cheats.
Feingold No Longer the Golden Boy?
I do not agree with Senator Feingold's political views but I do have give him his props for sitting through his listening sessions. The Senator seems to be running into a fair amount of opposition from his constituents for voting yes to some very unpopular legislation. Here are video clips from Pewaukee, WCTC and Oshkosh.
Could it be true that there is a chink in Feingold's armor? Could this be the year the radical lefty is ousted from the seat that his butt has indented for the last 17 years? Be still my heart.
Could it be true that there is a chink in Feingold's armor? Could this be the year the radical lefty is ousted from the seat that his butt has indented for the last 17 years? Be still my heart.
The Reporter Must Have Tripped
I can sympathize with Michael Meehan when he said that he did not intend to cause reporter John McCormack to fall over that fence. I remember a night when I told the police outside of the Treehouse bar that I did not intend to knock the guy out with the 8 or 9 pin point blows to his head and neck area.
Oh wait, the police didn't buy it either.
Oh wait, the police didn't buy it either.
CAGW December 2009 Porker of the Month
Citizens Against Government Waste give out a poker of the month award and all you need to do is click here to see the December 2009 winner.
Taxpayers Foot the Bill for a European Vacation
Just doing my best to keep you abreast of how are tax money is being spent. It would seem our congressional representatives and their families have a lot of global issues to attend to.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Global Warming Thing Must Have Missed Miami
Even with the planet speeding towards the same fate as the 2009 Thanksgiving turkey I cooked, the global warming problem doesn't seem to exist in Miami, Florida.
If You're Not Winning the Stimulus Game - Change the Rules
The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board website, set up to track the effectiveness of the stimulus package, has on several occasions been caught providing less than accurate data on job creations.
When the current administration was questioned on this - they said that the intent of the stimulus package was not just to create 3.5 million jobs but it was to create/save jobs.
Now that the current administration has been questioned about how the job stats still don't add up, in a move that can now be described as the White House way, they changed the rules of the game again.
When the current administration was questioned on this - they said that the intent of the stimulus package was not just to create 3.5 million jobs but it was to create/save jobs.
Now that the current administration has been questioned about how the job stats still don't add up, in a move that can now be described as the White House way, they changed the rules of the game again.
Hey Jack! What Do You Think of Nancy Pelosi?
Jack Cafferty of CNN is really starting to grow on me. This guy is the only reason to watch that channel.
20 Congressman went to Copenhagen on Our Tax Money
As if the global climate summary in Copenhagen, Denmark was not a big enough joke to the world, it seems CBS news has uncovered that the biggest joke of all is (as usual) at the expense of the tax payer.
"They're going because it's the biggest party of the year," Sen. Inhofe said. "The worst thing that happened there is they ran out of caviar."
What Does This Tell You About the Tax Code?
Do not feel bad if you hire a tax preparer because the tax code is too hard to figure out on your own
IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman is right there with you.
IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman is right there with you.
Controlling Congress Now
For those of us wondering if we can do anything now while we wait for the elections of 2010 - the answer is yes.
This article explains 3 constitutional controls for congress. There are 3 controls that the people have placed in state constitutions but they do not exist at the federal level. These are balanced budget amendments, line item vetoes and single-subject requirements.
We have to understand that getting something like this implemented for a congress that does not care about the constitution, country or the people will not be an easy task but it is our duty to take our government back and remind them they are temporary employees.
This article explains 3 constitutional controls for congress. There are 3 controls that the people have placed in state constitutions but they do not exist at the federal level. These are balanced budget amendments, line item vetoes and single-subject requirements.
We have to understand that getting something like this implemented for a congress that does not care about the constitution, country or the people will not be an easy task but it is our duty to take our government back and remind them they are temporary employees.
Monetary price of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial
The full price tag of this trial encompasses much more than just a dollar amount and the most glaring is the repercussions of giving a non-citizen terrorist the same Miranda rights of an American.
Within the last week the mayor of New York has given a monetary figure estimate for the trial and he is looking for the federal government (aka. the tax payer) to help pay for it.
Within the last week the mayor of New York has given a monetary figure estimate for the trial and he is looking for the federal government (aka. the tax payer) to help pay for it.
Jobs for non-Americans?
Well, isn't it a wonderful thing that government has made sure that legal citizens can apply for a job in our own country before they hand it over to a non-citizen.
The Foreign Labor Certification Program insures that American workers are given the opportunity to apply for positions that are available for foreign worker.
Click here to look at the job being offered by the foreign labor certification unit.
The Foreign Labor Certification Program insures that American workers are given the opportunity to apply for positions that are available for foreign worker.
Click here to look at the job being offered by the foreign labor certification unit.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Impeach Judges - Crush and replace the Left
I really fell out of favor with Newt Gingrich when he backed Dierdre R. Scozzafava as the Republican candidate in the special election in New York's 23rd district but speeches like this are what we need to get our government back.
2012 "Victory or Death"
2012 "Victory or Death"
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Congressional Reform Act of 2010
This is the best structure I can think of for our government. I would love to be able to take credit for this but I received it in an email without the name of the author.
Serving in Congress in an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.
The Congressional Reform Act of 2010:
1. Term Limits: 12 years only - one of the possible options below.
A. Two Six year Senate terms
B. Six Two year House terms
C. One Six year Senate term and three Two year House terms
2. No Tenure / No Pension:
A congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.
3. Congress (past, present and future) participates in Social Security.
All funds in the Congressional retirement fund moves to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, Congress participates with the American people.
4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan just as all Americans.
5. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.
6. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.
7. Congress must equally abide in all laws they impose on the American people.
8. All contracts with the past and present congressmen are void - effective 01/01/2011.
The American people did not make this contract with congressmen, cnogressmen made all these contracts for themselves.
Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and go back to work.
Serving in Congress in an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.
The Congressional Reform Act of 2010:
1. Term Limits: 12 years only - one of the possible options below.
A. Two Six year Senate terms
B. Six Two year House terms
C. One Six year Senate term and three Two year House terms
2. No Tenure / No Pension:
A congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.
3. Congress (past, present and future) participates in Social Security.
All funds in the Congressional retirement fund moves to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, Congress participates with the American people.
4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan just as all Americans.
5. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.
6. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.
7. Congress must equally abide in all laws they impose on the American people.
8. All contracts with the past and present congressmen are void - effective 01/01/2011.
The American people did not make this contract with congressmen, cnogressmen made all these contracts for themselves.
Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and go back to work.
At Least Someone at CNN Gets It
Jack Cafferty of CNN actually had the balls to say what the country thinks of "The One" and Pelosi.
Monday, January 4, 2010
UN Treaty Going After Our 2nd Amendment Rights
Well by the massive increase in gun sales in the the year 2009 our government has a good idea that they won't be able to get a gun ban passed through congress so they are working on taking away our 2ND amendment rights on a global scale.
Keep an eye on that globe hopping bitch!! First she promises crap at the climate summit and now she is willing to listen on global gun bans.......neither she nor "The One" has the authority!!
Keep an eye on that globe hopping bitch!! First she promises crap at the climate summit and now she is willing to listen on global gun bans.......neither she nor "The One" has the authority!!
Where is the Media Outrage on Executive Pay?
We have heard all of the posturing by the government on their crack down of overpaid executives but that only applies to the private sector. In a move that has become common place for anything government the treasury has lifted the former $400 billion dollar limit for Fannie and Freddie and made sure it was done before they needed the OK from congress.......not that congress would have said no anyway. If I was a betting man I would say this is a sign that Freddie and Fannie are planning to suck more in 2010 than they did in 2009.
Now we have 2 companies that were instrumental in the housing/economic crash and have already bilked the tax payers for over $100 billion and counting but the pay czar has found that both CEOs are in line for $6 million salaries/bonuses.
I guess high pay for piss poor work is only acceptable for government employees.
Now we have 2 companies that were instrumental in the housing/economic crash and have already bilked the tax payers for over $100 billion and counting but the pay czar has found that both CEOs are in line for $6 million salaries/bonuses.
I guess high pay for piss poor work is only acceptable for government employees.
Why Are They Trying to Get Everyone on Medicare?
"The One" praised The Mayo Clinic as the model of efficiency when it came to low cost health care.
My question to you Mr. President is - how does today's decision indicate what The Mayo Clinic thinks of government run health care?
My question to you Mr. President is - how does today's decision indicate what The Mayo Clinic thinks of government run health care?
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