Friday, March 25, 2011

David Stockman - Economist

David Stockman - a self proclaimed social Libertarian and fiscal conservative - gives his take on the status of our economy and how we got to this point.
For those not engrossed in the Kardashians - it is a very interesting interview.

Should He Take Take This As A Sign?

Captain Kick-Ass returning from his Latin America trip 2 hours early - is locked out of the White House.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tax Cheat - Claire McCaskill

In the clip below we see her campaigning for her first run in the Senate.  She makes sure that everyone knows that she used to be an auditor and held people accountable for payments and for paying her own taxes.  Now let us scream forward to the most ethical Congress evah and see how she is doing - she has just been sick since she was caught with the fact that she owes over $250k in taxes from her own private plane.  Read the linked article above and see what else she has done to make a good fit for the most ethical Congress evah.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Interesting - as usual - that you have to look outside of the US to get a story on Captain Kick-Ass being the weakest president evah!  How is his hands off approach a shock?
As much as they appear to be critical of the man who can't make a decision - they still give him an out by saying that a hostile Republican Congress is blocking him.  Hostile Congress?  The Dems had total control for 2 years!  All of his policies suck and that is the only reason that he couldn't jam more crap down our throats.  The Dems knew it was political suicide.
The man never made a decision during his time in Congress - his favorite vote was "present".  The only thing he seems to have a clue on is his NCAA brackets.  The people that voted for a man that has done nothing in his life should be ashamed and very driven to change the worst election mistake in this country's history!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Before WH Closed Door Meetings - Obama To Receive Award For Openness

I will not be able to write about this for very long because the fact that this man is the President of the United States just chaps my as$.
The narcissist is going to accept an award for his transparent government.  Just how his nobel peace prize took away any validity to the award so does this bogus one!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Teachers Worth The $125k They EARN

I know there are a few shockers in this posting.
1. CBS ran this on 60 minutes and it does not support the union philosophy of teaching.
2. That there are teachers worth a $125k salary.
3. That teachers can earn that pay with the public funding that the school receives.

The Obama Administration is right on track.

You do not even need both of your eyes open. Obama admin and his tax expert Geithner, strike a blow to the dollar.  Also Obama's most transparent government in the histoy of the US is a little like the ones he called out when it comes to secret meetings. Notice there how Halvorson says Obamacare is not about cost, it is about race and economic equality. Yes I  know more lies, I thought Obama said cost control too, I think maybe he just meant cost control for a certain race to bring about economic justice. That is just too much to put on the teleprompter. One for all and all for one, used to be a good thought. Here is where Obama should be more like Jimmy Carter. Oh, sorry if that somehow hit you in a bad way.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Who's Giving to Who???

Tired of your Leftist "friends" constantly blathering about the whole how "Big Business owns the Republican Party and controls the political process" bullshit?? Well, just read this and counter them with the facts! This report was released by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) on February 7, 2011 and is quite an eye-opener....

Coburn Trying To Eliminate Tax Break For Ethanol

It is about time someone does something to stop the boat anchor known as corn ethanol before it wastes any more taxpayer money.  Sen. Tom Coburn has introduced a bill that will cut the $6 billion handout for ethanol.
If this bill passes maybe this horrible experiment, for our environment and our pocketbook, will just go away.  It is funny that something even Al "The Green Machine" Gore says is a horrible policy is once again being pushed by the EPA.  The EPA is pushing for the minimum percentage of ethanol in gas to be 15% - up from the 10% now.  Isn't this agency supposed to protect the environment?

Sen. Rubio On The Budget And Obama's Involvment

Just another example of when the going gets tough - Captain Kick-Ass gets going.  How did anyone in this country feel that Obama could lead anything other than a small union group to rough up the elderly outside of a voting booth?  Rubio is right on with his comments on Obama, the Dems budget proposal and his own party's budget.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Give You The Stupidity Of The CFL

Several people have sent me this 5 minute video on the stupidity of the CFL law coming in 2014.  There is nothing to comment on other than - this is government  at work.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Welfare State We Have Become

Entitlement handouts make up 1/3 of the USA wages.  Allow me to think Liberal for just a moment and come up with an answer to keep this welfare state rolling.  We can tax the rich!  If that rich person is Liberal - we will allow him/her to keep his/her money but if they are conservative - we can take everything they have and redistribute it to the Liberal base.  Why?  Because they are evil!
They just can't be paying their fair share if we have poor people in this country.  Look here if you don't believe me.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Why Unions Have Become Expendable

This is a very well done piece on the phases of government, where progressive beliefs and ideals fit into those phases and why this phase in government must not include them.