Friday, April 30, 2010

Riot Police Protect Obama from Tea Party Grandmas!!

Comrade Obama, speaking Wednesday in Quincy, Illinois was shielded by riot police and rooftop snipers from a crowd of 200 mostly elderly protesters who were peacefully gathered outside the Quincy Civic Center.
Read More here..

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mexico Is Not Happy With Arizona's New Law - But.......

We have been hearing the outrage from Mexico and the Mexican illegals currently in our country but would you like to know the definition of hypocrisy?  Ever wonder what Mexico's immigration policy is?  I believe the phrase "Shut the hell up!" fits very nicely here.

New Reason For Global Warming - Clean Air

I have said it before - you can't make this crap up.  I resubmit my solution to all of our global warming problems......everyone hold their breath for 30 seconds out of every minute.

SB-2099 And The Blair Holt Bill - Both For Gun Control

I have been getting the emails telling me to be aware of the SB-2099 and Blair Holt bills.  The nice thing about the emails is that it keeps us vigilant and involved but I am here to tell you that these bills are dead.
Keep your eyes peeled for any new horsesh!t bills but if you get any emails forwarded to you about these 2 - you can put them to rest.

This Proves We Can Make A Difference

I recently received an email stating that the government was proposing procedures that would result in the price of ammunition to sky. This is an older story now but I am happy to report that because of public outcry this has been resolved.  
I guess the point of this story is that we can make a difference.

I Wonder If You Need To Be Dead First

NY may pass a bill that would require everyone to be an organ donor.  Don't get me wrong I believe in organ donation and my organs will be donated - hopefully after I am dead - but shouldn't that be the individual's choice?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

National Security Advisor James Jones' Anti-Semite Joke

When I heard his joke the first thing that popped into my head was that this could not be coming from a member of an administration that is so much above any sort of racism....could it?  Apparently, the White House had this joke stricken from the official transcript of his speech.  Good thing CSPAN was there to catch it.  Could this be why the hypocritical lefties don't like transparency?

Did You Hear That GM Paid Back Their Taxpayer Loan? Ummm - Sure They Did

When the bailout of GM was being considered Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) had this great idea for the taxpayers that were paying to keep GM open but the lefties made sure the private sector didn't get a piece of this pie......we just had to buy the ingredients, bake it and watch GM eat it.

GM's use of TARP money to pay back a TARP loan can be compared to paying off your Visa bill with your Mastercard.

Problem, Reaction, Solution???

Two State Representatives from Chicago have requested intervention from the National Guard to help curtail rampant gang violence in portions of that city. Is anyone else bothered by the notion of military troops patrolling our streets? Oh wait, it's for our own I guess it's O.K. then, right?.... Right??

Couple this with the "Papers, Please" legislation signed into law in Arizona and ponder who might next be on "the list." I mean, today it's illegal aliens and gang-bangers. Tomorrow those racist, homophobic, bigoted,( etc., etc.,) "Tea Party-ers", perhaps?

The President Gets Personal... can hardly be called a conservative website. Yet today, the site posted an article which brought attention to Comrade Obama's new tactic of openly mocking public figures who dare criticize his agenda - causing one Republican spokesman to wryly note, “Name-calling isn’t typically done from a position of strength,”

Read the entire article here...

The border is still open, just don't settle in Arizona.

     The new immigration law in Arizona sounds like it could have problems with big government style abuse. It sure does, and I am for liberty at all cost. Asking me for my papers is out of the question. Also, current law is "the law" and like it or not I find myself adhering to it for the obvious reasons. Keep in mind I do have the choice not to follow the law, like the illegal immigrants, and I, as well as they, know then full well what the consequences will be. It is spelled out in the very law I choose to break and the one they chose to break. Now when 60% of the people do not want a government take over of health care, another law that we must now follow, but it passes anyway. Many look at my complaints and say boo hoo. Even when I complain with a large amount of people it made no difference, the law is now passed and I am sure it will be enforced. Unfortunately I will now conform. If the IRS calls me and asks me for my papers it is part of the crap sandwich I so despise. I raised my voice and did not win. So good luck with your fight on this. I am not convinced to join your fight yet, for one, the law passed only in Arizona, it is a big border, you can still enter if you choose through a new spot. Two, these are existing Federal laws here, lack of enforcement was always just a loophole many thought would last forever. Third, there is a legal way into this country you can choose to use, many people come here all the time this way and have no problem nor violate any laws. So only the criminals (I know that word sounds a bit strong) are sought. I will not get into detail about the burden inflicted on our systems from this and I see that true enforcement of existing laws is the complaint here. Many people want to break the law and they also want to get away with it without consequence. That sounds great to criminals of all types. But not to the law abiding citizens. Wearing scarves over our mouths and raising a foreign flag for this fight is probably just poor judgment when trying to change the minds of these citizens. Again, good luck.

Volcanic Ash Cloud Computer Generated

That is correct people it looks as if the massive ash cloud was computer generated.  With real satellite images the airline industry just may have the right evidence to win back the millions they lost from the government shutdown of the industry.
The only defense the government officials have is that nobody died from the shutdown. 

Monday, April 26, 2010

SF Crime Is Down If You Don't Count Rapes And Homicides

As the title says crime is down excluding rapes and homicides.  You can't make this stuff up people.

Conflict Of Interest For Assistant Secretary Of Energy Cathy Zoi?

It is easy to question Cathy Zoi's ability to be impartial on energy policy when you know what her previous job was and you look at her stock portfolio.  Guess who stands to make a boat load of money from the energy policies of her current boss - The Savior - BHO.
For those of you still on the fence about whether or not you want to read the article link above - I am going to write down a little teaser here.  Cathy Zoi's former job was the CEO of a company that makes money from "green jobs"........that company was founded by..........wait for it..........just a little longer.........Al "the green jobs and I invented the Internet" Gore. 
No conflict of interest for her.

Warren Buffet Wants An Exemption From Financial Reform

Please stay with me while I get my arms around this whole financial reform thing.  "The Savior" and his leftist cronies are going to save us from the big bad rich guys on Wall Street but one of the biggest and baddest - Warren Buffet (an Obama supporter) - wants an exemption from this.  Unless I am mistaken - if you make a loop hole for one of the richest men in the world - that loop hole would apply to all the other rich people too.
Oh mighty savior with your massive Harvard brain that is so much more powerful than mine.......just exactly what are you reforming?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pelosi Saves the Environment.... Replaces House Cafeteria Lights!

And the best part is that it only has a 10 year pay back!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Chipless RFID Unveiled

Well they just keep making it easier for themselves don't they? Somark Innovations, of St. Louis, Missouri has announced this week that they have developed a chipless RFID tag and have successfully tested the device on cattle and laboratory mice. My guess is that human testing is not far away. Read more

Transgender Inmate Has Taxpayer - Funded Mammogram

A little something to get your taxpayer blood boiling.  If you decide to read this article there is a little comedy from sheriff Tom Hodgson.  He says "What's next?  Someone in prison decides to be a dog and we have to start barking to him?"  It would appear the answer to that is - yes.

Hear is your future! Enjoy!

I want all of you to get up now. Go to your window, open it and yell, "I am as mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore". 6 years ahead of schedule  Since many people are already out of work and there is no end in sight. Banks are failing, 47 more so far in 2010, SS trust fund has been spent, we are bound to a jaw dropping health care law that we did not want and cannot pay for. We have 2 trillion dollar deficits for the last two years with no end in sight. We spent money on stimulus and jobs bills that went nowhere near us. Congress since 2007 has been passing laws they did not READ or cannot pay for, and they have many more coming up. We need to pull the plug on all of this. Congress has got to go, spending cuts have got to start, we can start with congressional benefits and work our way down. If you think the government can fix anything you are a true nut. We must welcome Congress to our lost decade (that they created) with us. The government IS the problem and WE are the government. That is right, WE are the problem. Time for US to fix it. 

Is Arizona Becoming The Model State?

We recently posted an article on Arizona's new immigration legislature and now they seem to be joining Alaska and Vermont in gun control policy. It seems to be a logical move with all of the drug cartel issues going on these days and the government's ambiguous attitude toward border control.  Let's give Arizona a round of ammo and applause!

Friday, April 16, 2010

A Letter From The President Asking For Your Support

Yes - my friends - this is a real email from the president asking for you to support his attempt to take over the banking industry.  I will throw some comments (in red) in the letter where I think they belong.  Feel free to tell me if you agree or not in the comment section.
It has now been well over a year since the near collapse of our entire financial system that cost the nation more than 8 million jobs. (I thought the 860 billion dollar stimulus package you passed was supposed to prevent those job losses.)  To this day, hard-working families struggle to make ends meet.

BHO and NLP??

We have all seen them. In fact, we all probably know some. Call them "Obots," "Obama Zombies," or "Kool-Aid Drinkers," but they are all the same really. Distinctive in the identification of these characters is a near mindless obsession of purpose - much like the ghouls in George Romero's film The Night of the Living Dead. But unlike the mindless undead of classic cinema, it is not "Brains" these Zombies crave - but rather "Change."

Many have wondered what would cause such slavish, near fanatical devotion to an individual who prior to being elected POTUS, (and as a part-time U.S. Senator) has never really done much of anything truly substantive, other that giving a couple of good speeches. However, it may be in the speeches themselves or perhaps more appropriately, in the way they were delivered where the answer may lie.

Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D (1901-1980) was the founding president of the founding president of the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis. Dr. Erickson was also influential in the development of a hypnotic techniques known as Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP is a type of "conversational" hypnosis that could be hidden in normal speech and used on subjects without them even being aware of what was happening to them.

For much, much more on the this highly interesting topic and how it may very well apply to BHO's meteoric rise to power, please Click here . This very interesting piece (more of a small book actually!) is very well researched, informative and extremely relevant to what is happening here today. It is a long read, but in my opinion quite worth a look.

The Obama Administration Gets The Moron Of The Week Award

Will BHO's administration do anything for a photo - op? The answer is YES!

BHO Made 5.5 Million Last Year

It looks to me that BHO's whole wealth distribution concept only applies to other people.  It is apparent that the capitalist system (he is doing his best to crush) is serving him well.  The best thing in this article
is that he gave, his well deserved, 1.4 million dollar Nobel Peace Prize to charity.  It can't be guilt - he doesn't have the ability to feel that - it must have been to keep his taxable income down.  In Liberal speak - that seems non-American.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The One Branch System Of Government

Here is a good graphic that shows that the Executive branch has trumped our three branch system. We have slid down the slope to the point where these things are possible and no one cares. The audacity. The lack of reporting. Here is the change these guys have spotted in our over regulated mess. This is why it is important to read bills you vote on Russel. This is why we all must be libertarian and get back to the greatest system man has ever created.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I like the new man in Jersey

If all works out the way this man is trying to move things, there is hope. His proposal is a step in the right direction but we need to run a few yards country wide to be where we need to be. If after watching the videos you do not say "right on" you are part of the problem. Keep it going and elect those like him where you are.
NJ Gov Is right on

Hero vs Loser

One of my favorites asks one of my most despised a few questions. And of course he lies about it all. This jackass should be in jail.

Arizona Clears Strict Immigration Bill

Well - well - well it is nice to see someone doing something about the undocumented personnel that have entered into this country by unlawful means.  I would have to believe John (the maverick liberal) McCain must be breathing a sigh of relief that he didn't have to take a stand on this.  In the attached article, Joe Rubio asks where will Arizona business owners find workers?  Try some of the non - working American citizens from the double digit unemployment pool you jackass!
For all those groups opposed to this I really only have one thing to say..........THEY ARE HERE ILLEGALLY!!  Get them out of here!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Tax Man Commeth And Commeth And Commeth

In Honor Of Tax Day an article on what taxes are coming.  Don't worry there are plenty for the young and old.

Growing Oppostion To Virginia Governor's Essay Requirement

Governor McDonnell has growing opposition to his new requirement that non-violent criminals need to write an essay non-violent criminals need to write an essay on what their contributions to society are since they were released from prison.  The essay is a new requirement to have their voting rights restored.  The ACLU is now involved because they feel it is not fair to make certain groups of people - that may not be capable of writing an essay - perform this task to get their voting rights back.

Scott Brown Crosses The Aisle On Bogus Jobs Bill

Not that I had any say in the election of Scott Brown but I had read the rumblings that he was not as conservative as everyone believed.  I know it is only one vote but it seems we may have another Olympia Snow on our hands.  Do they really think anyone believes the bull that the extension of unemployment benefits and highway projects (going to government union contractors no doubt) is a jobs bill?
What happened to pay as you go?  What happened to laser like focus on creating private sector jobs?

Barack Obama Has Awakened A Sleeping Nation

There was an article written in the Aspen Times by Gary Hubbell - The Redneck Tree Hugger.
He writes about how BHO being as radical as he is, pushing his ever more unpopular agenda and legislation down our throats has gotten this country more engaged.
I agree with you Gary but can it all be stopped before it is too late?

Monday, April 12, 2010

I Guess If He Owes You Money He'll Bow To You

Would someone please tell this clown that an American President does not bow to anyone!!!!

Dylan Ratigan From MSNBC Exposing The Fed Coverup

 Dylan Ratigan does a pretty good job explaining how the Fed, congress and the banking industry pulled off - and continue to pull off - the world's largest ponzi scheme.  The piece would have been better without having that jackass Alan Grayson in the interview. 
Shortly after Ratigan puts in a dig on the health care takeover he introduces Grayson - who voted for government health care takeover - so in my mind he is as corrupt and/or stupid as they come.
Grayson goes on to talk about the role the government (congress) plays in the ponzi scheme and how it flourished in the last 18 months of the Bush administration.  Somebody should tell the moron that the 110th congress was sworn in on January 4th of 2007 and it is when the Liberals gained the majority.  What a tool!

Guess Who Makes 4 Of The 10 Worst Vehicles On The Road

It would appear that the government has a knack to take all things - good or bad - and make them worse.  Obviously, these designs were around before the government took over the reigns then handed control over to their union buddies but I hope we can all see the irony here.

Clifford A. Wright Explains Healthcare To Today's Youth

This story was emailed to me and I thought it was worthy of posting.  I have no idea if Clifford A Wright is a real person but he gives one awesome example of what just happened to this country.

I was in my neighborhood restaurant this morning and was seated behind a group of jubilant individuals celebrating the successful passing of the recent health care bill. I could not finish my breakfast. This is what ensued:

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cooooooool - Even On His Way Down

The smile - the stumble - the smile is gone.........get used to it BHO!

Is BHO Losing It???

In an interesting column in the April 9, edition of the East Valley Tribune (Phoenix,AZ) writers Floyd and Mary Beth Brown make the observation that our Narcissist-in-Chief may be showing signs of severe mental disassociation from reality (really??). Certainly, every President has suffered from mental strain given the rigors of the job, but for a charismatic, though thoroughly under qualified guy who has pretty much coasted into WH on the shirt-tails of some well-placed friends, thug-like Chicago style politics, and a fawning, brain dead mainstream media, the massive public uproar over his myopic march towards socialism could be taking its toll.

The entire article can be found here....

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Constitution? We Don't Need No Steenking Constitution...

On March 4, 2010, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) introduced a bill on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Known as S.3081 – Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010, this bill defines a process in which American citizens who are merely suspected of seeking to cause harm to any government asset or civilian target can be arrested. If enacted, this will would allow the government to seize and detain indefinitely anyone that fits the criteria - as broad and far-reaching as that may be. Suspects ("High Value Detainees") would not be given Miranda Rights privileges and would not even have to be charged with a crime!

There are five reasons why anyone could be detained under this bill - including "such other matters that the President considers appropriate." Kinda makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn't it??? -given the man we have as the POTUS. While this Bill is doubtless being sold as a way to combat "terrorism," is it conceivable that, if enacted, BHO could turn this law against anyone with a "Don't Tread On Me" flag???? Just sayin'....

Ironically, one of co-sponsors of S.3081 is none other that newly elected Sen. Scott Brown, "Tea Party" candidate from Massachusetts.

Health Care Is Just Like The Light In The Back Of The Fridge

Pelosi told her mind numb followers that the health care law is just like the light in the back of your refrigerator. You don't need to know how the refrigerator works - just be happy the light comes when you open the door.

How To Translate Liberal Speak

Rep. Thad McCotter a Republican from MI gives you a short tutorial on how to translate Liberal/Progressive speak.

Jason Mattera Corners Gibbs On Health Care Takeover

This is the second video I've posted from Jason Mattera - I like how he makes the people he interviews uncomfortable with little more than stating the facts.  Gibbs wants out of there so bad he almost gets in the wrong car.

Friday, April 9, 2010

I Thought It Was About Health Care Reform?

Hey Max!  Shhhhhhhh - Close to half of the country still believes this is about health care.  The Liberals may like it better when you're 3 sheets to the wind.

There Is An Arab Saying

Liz Cheney gives her take on Obama's Middle East Policies.

Bart Stupak Is Retiring

He has been contemplating retirement for years but he wanted to make sure he stayed in office long enough to do the most damage before running for a big rock to hide under.
I would not be surprised if his new career was sitting on the governmental board for federally funded abortions.

I Thought Socialized Health Care Would Suck Until I Saw This

I was against this whole socialized health care takeover until I saw this video put together by "The One".
I feel much better about our tax money going to the provide health insurance to those who feel they are entitiled to it.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Are we part of the problem?

Has the political correctness infected us to the point we do not see things our fathers could see? Can we agree on a definition of a word and associate the word with an action? If we do not speak up are we part of the problem? Please look at this link and choose any definition you would like of the word. Then look at Article 2 section 4 of the Constitution. We cannot stand for this Congress and their actions.

Is the "Mark of the Beast" Really Here??

In the March 19, 2010 edition of the Washington Post, U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham co-authored a column in which, as a measure to deal with the massive influx of illegal aliens into this country, called for the creation of a new "biometric" Social Security card. Yes, that means a RFID chip that would be injected into the individual and contain their Social Security information. And yet, there may still be some morons out there who can see no problem with this proposed system as long as it deals with illegals only. BUT WAIT... a bit further down in their column comrades Schumer and Graham continue...
"We would require all U.S. citizens and legal immigrants who want jobs to
obtain a high-tech, fraud-proof Social Security card. Each card's unique
biometric identifier would be stored only on the card; no government database
would house everyone's information. The cards would not contain any private
information, medical information or tracking devices. The card would be a
high-tech version of the Social Security card that citizens already have."

Oh yeah... did I mention that Schumer is a Democrat and Graham a Republican?? I hope that everyone reading this will cast off the fideistic shackles of political partisanship and try to see what is REALLY going on here. Indeed this may have been forecasted some 2,000 years ago when it was written
"And That No Man Might Buy Or Sell, Save He That Had The Mark...." (Revelation 13:17 KJV)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Medical Care And The Ability To Say NO

Here is a wonderful article from the New York Times on what they believe is the 3 step process to getting everyone to accept no for an anwer.  I love the part about making the tough decision to choose hospice care.  Is is just me or does that sound like death panels?
Got prostate cancer (which is normally a slow moving cancer) - tough, need a stent or bypass surgery - tough, need a CT scan to check for cancer - too bad.  They have studies that show these things are over used and the success of these procedures is probably not great enough for you to get them done.
Thank the Lord the federal government is here to take care of me!

Obama At Nationals Opening Day

I would be telling a lie if I said I could name all 25 players on the opening day roster of my favorite baseball team but I could rattle off my favorite players in a heart beat.
Mr. President the sport is called our country's national pastime - you're supposedly a big fan of the White Sox and you can't name one player?
Apparently, "The One" forgot about calling Mark Buehrle after his perfect game on July 23, 2009.

Time to buy that mansion in Greece you have your eye on.

Greece has reached the end. When the Greek people realize this they will run on the banks and we will get a glimpse of what we will be faced with in short order. Crisis Mode

I need a Bextra for my exploding head!

Glad we have the FDA to look out for us and the strong arm of he Justice Department to follow the law. Well look here and you shall see what tricks can be pulled when the interest is there. Bail out anyone? Too bad our country wasn't as f-ed up when Enron and Worldcom were still around. Can the people who lost their jobs and others who went to jail use these new examples to get a free T-shirt or something? To big to nail

Terrence Wall's State Tax Issues

When I filed my taxes I itemized my deductions to reduce the amount of taxes owed - perfectly legal.  Just because the man has money doesn't mean he shouldn't look for ways to keep it.  If what he is doing is legal - and it appears to be - there is no tax issue.

Have You Ever Heard Of Chemtrails?

I have been getting more and more emails on this subject so to follow my own protocol - I am posting some information on chemtrails and you can form your own opinion on this subject.  I did check on Senate bill 517 and it was never passed into law.  With that being - said you should feel safe in the knowledge that the government would never do anything against the will of the people or behind their backs.  Sleep well!

47% Of US Not Paying Any Federal Income Taxes

Nobody likes to pay taxes but if there was ever an argument for a flat tax here it is.  Call me crazy - but if you don't pay taxes why should you have any say in how the taxes that are collected are used?

Tea Party Express Running Through!

As you can tell from the flags standing at attention - global warming did not play a factor in this party.

Thanks to the people that braved the 49 degree temp to come out and support the Tea Party Express as it rolled through the capital city. 
In case you were wondering my name is on this wall along with a message to the speaker!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Will Feingold Survive?

Senator Feingold is considered by some in Wisconsin as a free thinker - a maverick.  He boasts about only voting down party lines 78% of the time - granted it is a lot less than most of congress can say.

You Have Got To Love Sheriff Joe

Sheriff Joe says that if the convicts want to watch TV they pedal for power.

The Steep Climb To Reclaim America

I said that I would keep posting his speeches if I liked what he was saying.

The lies of our elected representatives.

I am sure you have all seen this. If you do not have a good answer perhaps you should tell them you will get back to them. "They told me what was going to be in it" would have been better. Time to start looking for a job.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cmon People You Don't Really Buy His Crap About Offshore Drilling

Let's do a little exploring of our own on "The One's" proclamation that we will start drilling off the east coast. Oh - wait - I'm sorry let me see if I understand what you are saying.....we are going to explore the possibility of offshore drilling. Well, at least we will start getting into some of the largest oil reserves in the world - hang on - let me see if I understand this - we can't look to drill in the places we already know have oil. I have an idea - maybe we should start drilling in the Dakotas where we know we have more oil than most countries in the Middle East - oh wait -my mistake - the Dakotas aren't in the Atlantic Ocean so exploring there is not an option.
Read this article to see what they are really proposing.
If you're wondering about the is "The One" telling you in his campaign speech why drilling is useless. If you don't look at the polls or need Republican Liberals Lindsey Graham or Olympia Snow to support your energy tax - why the change of heart?

Sue Myrick On Government Tactics

North Carolina Congresswoman Sue Myrick gives a first hand account how things work on the hill. She also gives her opinion on what it will take for the people up there to start listening. I'm game!

Cap And Tax - Oops My Bad - Climate Bill

Let us not forget what "The One" said about cap and tax - sorry - I keep forgetting it's the climate bill now. I would say with the recovery in full force, now that the government is counting all of those temporary census workers, this would be the perfect time to raise all of our utility and gas rates. That should do the private sector in!

Government And Your Stimulus Money At Work

This clip shows how - as Jim Moran Democrat from Virginia puts it - a clerical error sent 6.4 billion dollars to more than 400 non-existent districts throughout the country.

Paying The Price For Obama

Here are 2 articles from American Thinker - 1 written a year ago and the other written recently. It is funny how the people the Progressives claim to be helping are the ones they hurt and punish the most.
article 1
article 2

Paul Ryan On Obamacare Tactics And The Fall Out

As long as this man keeps making speeches I will continue to post them.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

3 Questions For John R. Graham

John R. Graham the director of health care studies for San Francisco's Pacific Research Institute could only find one good thing in Obamacare.

Republican Hopefuls For 2012

Here are the early candidate hopefuls that the GOP is talking about. I have a link to all of the candidates below. I would like to hear from everyone out there as to who your top 3 candidates are. You can post your comments anonymously if you choose to.
As always you need to research the candidates yourself to make an informed decision - remember they are all politicians so actions speak louder than words.
Not every link is from the same source so you could plunk another candidates name in on any particular site and see what you find.
John Thune - Mike Pence - Ron Paul - Haley Barbour - Gary Johnson - George Pataki - Rick Santorum - Mitch Daniels - Tim Pawlenty - Mitt Romney - Newt Gingrich - Mike Huckabee -
Sarah Palin

I Feel The Same Way When He Talks

The little girl gets it.

Wisconsin Legislation To Stick It To Gun Owners Again

It appears that a few Republicans in Wisconsin are on the verge of sticking it to the legal gun owners of their own state. This bill will allow mental background checks for gun ownership. You may be thinking that it seems like a good idea to do this but it gives entirely too much weight and power to a psychologist and opinion. This is already used on a federal level to prevent our military veterans (called low level terrorists by our government) from possessing guns and as is the case with all gun legislation it does not pertain to criminals.
Don't allow it Wisconsin!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Public Servant Questionaire - Census

This was brought to my attention by a friend of mine and several of the people I have talked to about it are interested in learning more about it. I have included 3 different links about the questionnaire.
Questionnaire Link 1
Questionnaire Link 2
Questionnaire Link 3
Have it printed out and waiting for the census worker if they want more info than they should be asking for.

The Lockerbie Bomber Turns 58

The Scottish government released this killer of 270 people when they were assured by Scottish doctors that he was dying of terminal prostate cancer and had less than 3 months to live (I am going to guess he was diagnosed by a government doctor in a socialized medical system).
They released him 8 months ago and today he got to celebrate his 58th birthday with family and friends.
I trust the oil deal they made with Libya was worth it.

Harry Reid Says Paying Income Taxes Is Voluntary

I have no idea how old this video is but it is funny to watch the Harry Reid being Harry Reid.
Read the comments below the video person comments on what happens to you if you cheat on your become The Secretary of Treasury.